【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】You stop clinging to all of cyclic existence 普厌弃一切诸有

【The Origin of Suffering】- You stop clinging to all of cyclic existence

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
75A 19’05” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P82 L1
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By his reasoning, when you stop clinging to all of cyclic existence, and then engage in physical, verbal, and mental virtue for the sake of liberation, you leave cyclic existence further behind and come closer to liberation.

This point unveiled what we should understand: Ah! We have now come to understand that there is only suffering in the mundane world. And the cause for this suffering is in the origin. This origin is further divided this way. The origin is further divided this way. So it says that the only method is, what do we do? You must work on the cause. Strive to work on the cause of the origin, strive to work on the cause of the origin. Therefore "you stop clinging to all of cyclic existence," without anything left behind. For all the wonders of cyclic existence, the so called pleasures are sufferings to you, the conditionality is also suffering. Anything in this "cyclic existence," you will abandon it. You are weary of it and you wholeheartedly want to abandon it. In order to be liberated from this place, you therefore engage in all sorts of virtues. These are the actions we take on the paths of accumulation and preparation. At this time, you will gradually leave cyclic existence further behind and move closer to nirvana. This is what we should understand, the accumulated karma.


75A 19’05” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P82 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P306

日常师父法语📡75A 19’05” 手抄稿第10册P82 L1

希求解脱 : 普厌弃一切诸有




【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】causes of death 死缘


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 leading to rebirth in the fourth meditative stabilization of the form realm 集能生第四静虑