【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 If you didn’t grasp the characteristic of cultivation, it will become the plight of three lifetimes 没把握修行特质,总归三世怨

【The Origin of Suffering】-  If you didn’t grasp the characteristic of cultivation, it will become the plight of three lifetimes

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
75A 04’40” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P75 L7
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Therefore, I remember, I think it was a past master of the Pure Land, master Shěng Ān, he wrote a letter to advice Mr. Máo Jìng Yuàn Gōng. This person was really incredible! He would mend bridges and repair roads. He would do all kinds of good deeds. Ah! Whenever there is a good deed, he would have a share of it. Consequently, what did the great past master say to him? "I am sorry! The good things that you busy yourself with will still put you in cyclic existence. It is useless if these become the plight over three lifetimes!" It was just this one sentence. Therefore the same thing applies to us who are cultivating now. When you cultivate, you must truly grasp the characteristics of cultivation. If you cannot grasp the characteristic of it, no matter what good deeds you do, whether you are reciting the Buddha's name, prostrating to the Buddha, lighting incense, or becoming ordained, sorry, these will still be useless! Hence for the true heart of the matter, we must be able to grasp it. One must understand that all the wonders of cyclic existence are all mistaken. You must first recognize it.


75A 04’40” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P75 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P306

日常师父法语📡75A 04’40”手抄稿第10册P75 L7

希求解脱 : 没把握修行特质,总归三世怨



【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 the root of cyclic existence is a misunderstanding of the "view of perishing aggregates" 生死根本在于误解萨迦耶见


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Importance of establishing the correct views (2) 建立正知见的重要 2