【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Mistaken the 5 Aggregates to be the existence of a self since beginningless time 无始以来把五蕴执为我

【The Origin of Suffering】- Mistaken the 5 Aggregates to be the existence of a self since beginningless time

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76A 25’45” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P120 L10
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Since from the beginningless time, one did not understand the essence of the five aggregates and have mistaken them to be the existence of a self. Why is there such misunderstanding? This is called ignorance, and therefore it is a "delusion," a "lack of understanding." After this misunderstanding created the self, it will give rise to a clinging to be "attached to your body." This thing has lasted from the beginningless time. This is called "delight in your previous worldly activities." Delight in these previous worldly activities is meaningless. This is how it is. We have from the beginningless time forever clung onto this. We have been conditioned. In other words, we have long been accustomed to this. To be accustomed to something for a long time lends a force to it, this is called delusion. Because of this, one will create all kinds of karma. This karma is divided into the virtuous and the non-virtuous karma. By the force of these two, therefore when one is about to lose the previous body, something which he has long cherished, there naturally will be a strong and powerful force [that arises]. And it is this force that gives rise to the intermediate state, gives rise to the intermediate state.


76A 25’45” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P120 L10
English Lamrim Vol 1 P309

日常师父法语📡76A 25’45” 手抄稿第10册P120 L10

希求解脱 : 无始以来把五蕴执为我

他因为无始以来对于这个五蕴,这个的内涵他不认识,而误认以为这是一个我。为什么会误认呢?这个就叫无明了,所以叫它“惑”,叫它“不明白”。那么因为误认以后,有了产生了我以后,就产生这个“我爱”的这种执着,这个东西是无始以来这样,这个叫“戏论”。这个戏论是毫无意义的事情,这样,一向无始以来就执着这个东西。那么这个 东西“已熏习”,换句话说久已习惯了,这个久已习惯就有一种力量,这是惑。然后由于这一个的关系,就造了种种的业,这个业又分善跟不善。由于这样的两个力量,所以当他前面要失去的时候,自然而然对于这个一向所宝爱的东西,他有一种强有力的力量,这个力量就是生起中有的,生起中有。\


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Generate afflictions in order to protect the “self” 保护“我”而起烦恼


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 How you reach the intermediate state after death 死后成办中有的道理