【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 How you reach the intermediate state after death 死后成办中有的道理

【The Origin of Suffering】-  How you reach the intermediate state after death

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76A 23’30” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P119 L6
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【4 How you reach the intermediate state after death

This says when one dies, how does one give rise to the intermediate body at this time? This is to say, from this life to the next, how does it continue forward?

As the consciousness leaves from that spot, as just explained, you die and reach the intermediate state immediately, just as one arm of a balancing scale tips up when the other arm tips down.

Just as said before, at the spot where heat and consciousness leave, right at that spot, when these leave, it is called death for the previous. At the same time, when the previous dies, the new one will arise. This is called "intermediate state" – an intermediary. This is much like a balancing scale. When you see one arm tips down, the other one will tip up. Between the two arms, it is not the case where one arm has to be completely down before the other arm tips up. One arm will tip down as much as the other arm tips up. The exchange is absolutely equal between the two arms. It is absolutely equal. So why does this happen?


76A 23’30” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P119 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P309

日常师父法语📡76A 23’30” 手抄稿第10册P119 L6

希求解脱 : 死后成办中有的道理




说就像前面说的,这个暖、识舍的地方,就在那个地方,他当舍的时候,那个前面的叫死,然后呢同时的话,它那个当死的时候新的又现起来,这个叫“中有”—中间的。这就像秤一样,你看见那一头低的时候,那一头高,在两个之间,不是说等到像你先低下去再高起来,当它有多少低,那个地方就高出多少来,彼此之间是绝对 完全相等的,绝对完全相等的。那么为什么会这样呢?


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Mistaken the 5 Aggregates to be the existence of a self since beginningless time 无始以来把五蕴执为我


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Consciousness will leave from the heart 识从心处离开