【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】dying with a nonvirtuous mind 不善心死者

【The Origin of Suffering】- dying with a nonvirtuous mind

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
75B 22’32” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary· P100 L2
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(b) Dying with a nonvirtuous mind】

Those who die with nonvirtuous minds, whether through remembering on their own or through being reminded by others, remember non virtue, such as attachment, for as long as coarse discrimination remains. At the point of death, they experience intense physical pain.  This is on "dying with a nonvirtuous mind." If the mind is nonvirtuous, what happens? Similarly, whether through  remembering on their own or through been reminded by others, when the coarse discrimination remains, they will "remember non virtue, such as attachment." This is it. At the moment of death, they will "experience intense physical pain." They will experience intense physical pain.

Similar principle has been just  explained earlier. We do not have to wait until the moment of death. We should examine our every thought, what is the current causally concordant consciousness. This is how it will be at the moment of death. This continuum has continued from the beginningless time. Even though it is segmented by life and death, we can still take a look. When this life ends, in reality, this consciousness never stopped to exist, never stopped to exist. Eh, when you live this life until death, after death, the intermediate state arises. After the intermediate state ends, you will go to the  next rebirth. After the rebirth, you will keep going as such. You will forever continue like that, forever continue like that. So now that we understand this, what we should really practice is nothing else but this. Therefore the Buddha told us, the most important matter of cultivation is to "purify the mind." Once you assume this idea, your physical and verbal actions will naturally accord.  


75B 22’32” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P100 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P308

日常师父法语📡75B 22’32”手抄稿第10册P100 L2

希求解脱 : 不善心死者




【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】What those who cultivate nonvirtue sees when dying 造不善者的临终所见


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】When those who have cultivated virtue pass on 造善者的往生