【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Will the intermediate state change to the intermediate form of other rebirth? 中有会转趣余生吗?

【The Origin of Suffering】- Will the intermediate state change to the intermediate form of other rebirth?

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76B 08’57” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P128 L2
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This says that once you have obtain the body in the intermediate state, you will not change again, will not change to the intermediate form of any other rebirth. This is said in the Treasury of Knowledge. The Treasury of Knowledge said "It does not change; it feeds on odours." This is what this sentence means. Once you have taken up the form, taken up the form in the intermediate state, in other words, afterdeath from this life, rebirth will not change any more, will not change any more. This means whatever form of the realm one has taken up, one will certainly stay in this form while in the intermediate state until he finally takes rebirth in that realm. He will no longer change form. This is said in the Treasury of Knowledge. But the Compendium of Knowledge says, this could change, this could change. However, for this to change, it is not by an external power! This change in general comes from the person's own karma. However, if there are noble beings with real attainments, and they pray for the deceased, this could change the intermediate state form. This is not done by one's own power. This is what we should understand.


76B 08’57” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P128 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P310

日常师父法语📡76B 08’57” 手抄稿第10册P128 L2

希求解脱 : 中有会转趣余生吗?

一旦你感 得了到了中有身当中以后,他就不会再转,不会再转到其他的余生当中去,这个是《俱舍释》上面。《俱舍释》上面说“不转为寻香”,这一句话就是这样,一旦你感得了这个,感得了这个中有身,换句话说这一生死了以后,他就不会再转变了,不会再转变了。就是你感得了哪一道的中有,那他一定就是那个中有,一直等到他进入哪一道去为止,不再转,这个是《俱舍》上面的。但是《集论》当中说,说可能会改变的,可能会改变。通常说这个改变的话,并不是外面的力量啊!通常说这个改变—自己的业力。如果说有真正成就的圣者,在这个情况去超渡他的话,这个是可以改变的,这个不是他自己的力量,这个是我们要了解的。


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】To change one’s karma, does one depend on a noble being’s blessing or one’s own karmic strength ? 转业要靠圣者的加持还是靠自己的业力?


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Superknowledge of a person in the intermediate state 中有的神通