【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】To change one’s karma, does one depend on a noble being’s blessing or one’s own karmic strength ? 转业要靠圣者的加持还是靠自己的业力?

【The Origin of Suffering】- To change one’s karma, does one depend on a noble being’s blessing or one’s own karmic strength ?

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76B 12’53” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P129 LL1
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In brief, in regards to karma, you can say that it is very inconceivable. You can also say that it meticulously calculates things accurately down to the very minute details. For you, the practitioner, who gives the blessing, however much power you have, you will be able to...if you compare your power to his, when your power is greater, you will certainly have the power to save him. If you do not have sufficient power, then you will certainly fail to save him. This is much like us trying to lift something now, a question of how many pounds you weigh verses how many pounds the object is. Take your weight and minus the weight of the object, gauge if the result turns out to be positive or negative. If it is positive, then you will be able to lift it. If it is negative, then it will continue to weigh down. Therefore at this point, the reason I want to explain this is to mainly tell ourselves this again: karma, karma, karma determines everything! Where does karma come from? We would in general cultivate. For our practices in general, this concept has been explained very clearly earlier. If you do not understand this concept, to speak of cultivation would be in vain. No matter how many good deeds you may do, you may be propagating the teaching, and you may do all kinds of things for a long time, but if you cannot have a good grasp of this, then we can only stand by you and offer some praises, "Good, good, good, he is planting some virtuous roots." And that is all there is.


76B 12’53” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P129 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P310

日常师父法语📡76B 12’53” 手抄稿第10册P129 LL1

希求解脱 : 转业要靠圣者的加持还是靠自己的业力?

总之这个业这个东西,也可以说很不可思议,也可以说你可以一分一秒都量得准准确 确。你加持的这个修行者有多大的力量,你能够……他的力量跟你相比,如果你超过他,你一定有力量把他救出来;如果你的力量不够,那一定救不出来。就像我们现在提一样东西一样,你有几斤,它有几斤一比,剩下来这个正的、负的,正的向上提,负的仍旧向下拖。所以从这个地方,我之所以说明这一点的原因,主要地再再告诉我们:业、业,业决定一切!业是哪来的?所以说平常我们修行。所以现在我们平常修行,你们这一个概念前面说得很清楚了,如果这个概念不清楚,谈修行都是空话。不管你做多少好事,不管你讲什么弘法,什么弄了个半天哪,如果在这一个上面把握不住的话,我们旁边只是赞叹赞叹,好、好、好,他在种一点善根,也只是如此而已。


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Differentiating the body form of the beings in the intermediate state 判别中有的身形


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Will the intermediate state change to the intermediate form of other rebirth? 中有会转趣余生吗?