【The Twelve Factors of Dependent-Arising 希求解脱】 ignorance 无明
【The Twelve Factors of Dependent-Arising】- ignorance
【The twelve factors of dependent-arising are: (1) Ignorance 】
The first one is on "ignorance." We can say that we are very familiar with the word, “ignorance”. We would often talk about ignorance and it is something that you all know. However, as to the actual content, we may not necessarily have a very correct understanding. This is especially true when we speak of the traditional Buddhism. It would describe the affliction of the view, the affliction of the emotion, the particles, and ignorance. So, when it speaks of ignorance, it would seem to us that ignorance is extremely subtle. So, you would then say, "Ah, this is impossible for us ordinary beings to understand!" Since it is impossible for us to understand, therefore we can do nothing about it. But in fact, that is not the case! The subtle ignorance is indeed something we are unable to recognize. But the coarse ignorance is displayed right in front of you. It is just like this. But we have to begin from the coarse ignorance. We can gradually purify ourselves from this cause and advance step by step, leading to the corresponding effect. If you are able to purify the coarse ignorance step by step, then you can finally find your way to the most subtle ignorance. You will then be able to uproot it entirely.
77B 12’59” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P168 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P315
日常师父法语📡77B 12’59”手抄稿第10册P168 LL2
希求解脱 : 无明
第一个讲“无明”。平常我们对无明两个字可以说耳熟能详,常说的无明、无明大家 都知道,可是无明的真实内容啊,我们对它不一定认识得很正确。尤其是我们传统的佛法里边讲起来,说见惑、思惑、尘沙、无明,讲到无明,好像这个无明细得不得了,“哎呀,这我们凡夫不可能认识的!”因为我们不可能认识,所以你没拿它一点莫奈何它。实际上呢,不!细的无明,是的的确确我们没办法认识的,粗的无明就在眼前,就这样。而是我们必定要从粗的无明上面下手,由这个因渐渐地净化,然后一步一步地如此因感如此的果。你粗的一步一步地净化的话,你才能够最后找到最细的地方,连根拔起。