吉祥悦2021 - 那些年我们唱过的赞颂 -第一场“Joyous Rhapsody 2021 - Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody”- Show 1
大家好,2021年快要结束了!今年对我们很多人来说一定相当艰辛。 吉祥寺文化艺术处再次举办年度 “ 2021 吉祥悦 : 那些年我们唱过的赞颂” 音乐会。通过赞颂优美的旋律送出满满的正能量!

节目中,文化艺术处各组的表演者把 “2018 吉祥悦: 希望” 和 “2019吉祥悦: 智慧之光” 音乐会的演出呈献给大家。
吉祥心品华乐团: “欢乐颂”
赞颂二班 : “橡木子”
HeyDay CO: “月光下”
赞颂一班: “喜迎菩萨冉冉来”
其实,从2021年7月开始,吉祥悦总护持团队就已努力为大家筹备一个特别节目。甚至还有一群义工,每个人都投入了 163 小时的准备。
然而,就在我们准备在寺院开始录音时,无常显现——在短短三天内,新加坡总共累积了大约 13,000 个新冠肺炎确诊病例。为了所有参与的义工和僧团的安全,总护持团队经过慎重考虑,决定将特别节目推迟到明年吉祥寺20周年注册庆典。所以现在呈献的这个项目就是我们的B计划,11月份才开始准备!
2020年,由于疫情的缘故,我们的文化艺术处举办了第一场线上“吉祥悦: 在这个时候 - 赞胜一切 颂出正能量”。不受场地限制,借助科技,利益了3339名观众看直播!
随喜文化艺术处组的干部组长们,怀着菩提心的远大志向,克服了一切障碍,坚持精进,带领线上学习了赞颂乐理,研讨全广,等等。共有17,205人参加了2020年所有的线上学习、会议和活动。其中包括10期的 “赞胜一切 颂出正能量” 线上赞颂音乐会系列。
Children Class 儿童班
Sewing Class 缝纫组
Flower Arrangement Class 插花班
Soap and Incense Making Class 香皂香道班
最后,我们也回顾 “2020吉祥悦——赞胜一切 颂出正能量”中的一些赞颂。

The Odds: “一同想着你”
王子承教授: “幸福时刻”
欣赏了王教授2018年的吉祥悦表演后,我们很荣幸的再度邀请他在今年的吉祥悦。他从远在寒冷加拿大的半夜,为地球另一端 的阳光明媚的海岸,带来他的温暖和正能量的表演。
他还为我们带来了为2021年忆师恩录制的精彩赞颂: 《送你一片红叶》。王教授也与我们分享了录制视频的艰辛过程。他要把赞颂带给大家奉献精神,真的很鼓舞人心!
第二场 (不同节目)
“Joyous Rhapsody 2021 - Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody-Show 1”
Hello everyone, 2021 is almost coming to an end!This year must have been hard for many of us. BWM Arts and Culture (ANC) Department is back once again with our annual concert, “Joyous Rhapsody 2021 - Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody”, to bring you some healing through the power of Insightful Praises.
Miss Angeline Liu, our Group Lead of the organising committee for Joyous Rhapsody 2021 is also one of the emcees for the show. She is joined by Miss Irene Lee, Director of our ANC Department. Together, they will walk down memory lane with the audience and look back at Joyous Rhapsody from 2018 to 2020.
Professor Wang Zi-Cheng also joined us to bring the audience an Insightful Praise violin performance.
This year, there are 2 shows, each with their own set of performances; both of which would have a repeat broadcast in the evening of the same day. Just in case anyone was not able to catch the live broadcast.
Before the show begins, it is very important to have mindfulness! ANC, Director, Miss Irene Lee shared the essence of Insightful Praises and the motivation we should have when listening to and singing the praises.

With the right motivation while listening to the Insightful Praises, we joined the first set performers from the various groups from our ANC Department. They were selected from our “2018 Joyous Rhapsody – Hope” and “2019 Joyous Rhapsody – Brilliance” Concerts.
The Chinese Orchestra, 吉祥心品华乐团:“欢乐颂”
Insightful Praise Choir Class 2赞颂二班:“橡木子”
HeyDay CO:“月光下”
Insightful Praise Choir Class 1,赞颂一班:“喜迎菩萨冉冉来”
Actually, since July 2021, the Joyous Rhapsody organising committee were hard at work putting together a special program for everyone. There is even a group of volunteers who each contributed 163 hours of preparation.
However, just as we were going to start the recording at the monastery, impermanence struck – a total of about 13,000 confirmed Covid cases were accumulated in Singapore over just three days. For the safety, of all participating volunteers and our Sangha, the organising committee after careful consideration, decided to postpone the special programme till BW Monastery’s 20th anniversary celebration next year. Therefore, this programme is our Plan B, and preparation for it only started in November!
In the next segment, we recognized the efforts of volunteers and full-time staff at BW Monastery in their offerings to the magnificent Triple Gem!
吉祥寺青年部: “记忆”
三代同堂: “善友”
Next up is our Lamrim classmates! These two classes were selected from the Prelude to Joyous Rhapsody 2019 held by our ANC Department.
善行一班: “师恩”
In 2020, due to the pandemic, our ANC Department hosted its very first online “Joyous Rhapsody - In This Moment: Rise & Be Triumphant”. With no constraint of a venue and with the assistance of technology, an audience of 3,339 attended the online show!
Rejoice to the group leaders of the various groups in our ANC Department who, with the aspiring heart of Bodhicitta, overcame all obstacles, persevered in diligence and learnt insightful praises, music theory, and attended global dharma lessons online too. There were 17,205 people who took part in all online learnings, meetings, and activities, including 10 issues of the “Rise & Be Triumphant” online programme series.
The Arts & Culture Department has a total of 9 groups, below is the introduction to our nine groups:
Auspicious Xinpin Chinese Orchestra
Insightful Praise Class 1
Insightful Praise Class 2
Auspicious Singing Class
Auspicious Buddhist Hymns Class
Those who are interested in joining our ANC Department can scan the QR code!
And finally, we are going to take a look back at some of the Insightful Praises performed in the “Joyous Rhapsody - In This Moment: Rise & Be Triumphant”.
The Chinese Orchestra, 吉祥心品华乐团: “月上青天”
Insightful Praise Choir CLass 1 赞颂一班: “暇满人生多美好”
王子承教授: “千手观音”
After enjoying Professor Wang previous year’s performances on Joyous Rhapsody, we are honoured to have him on live once again in this year’s Joyous Rhapsody. Joining us all the way from icy cold Canada in the middle of night, he brought his warmth and positive vibes to us here on our sunny shores in the middle of the day!
He also came to bring us the wonderful Insightful Praise 送你一片红叶recorded for Master Remembrance Day 2021. He shared with us the arduous process of getting the video recorded and the hard work by himself as well as the venerables filming him. His dedication to bring the music of Teacher to all of us is really inspiring!
In 2021, we continued to sing insightful praises regardless of the hard times. Well done, everyone for riding above the waves of change. We are truly grateful to our audience for their support and hope that they will be able to give the Joyous Rhapsody’s organising feedback and send your messages to Professor Wang Zi-Cheng through the feedback form too.
If you missed the 2 Shows, we are going to keep it online a little while more in our event playlist till 29 Dec 2021!
So try to catch it! Don't miss it!
~ 2 different program collection ~
Show 1
Event Playlist: