吉祥悦2021 - 那些年我们唱过的赞颂 -第二场“Joyous Rhapsody 2021 - Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody”- Show 2
大家好,吉祥寺文化艺术处 (ANC) 于 2021 年 12 月 26 日呈献了的第二场 “ 2021 吉祥悦 : 那些年我们唱过的赞颂” 年度音乐会。希望这两场的演出能帮助大家洗去心的疲惫、启发虔诚心和欢喜心!
感谢这2 个节目的 2774 位观众!我们的节目、AV和视频剪辑团队:陈美倩师姐、吴姿仪师姐、叶青海师兄、邹涵师兄,邹翰师兄和邹澔师兄,让节目能够成办。此外,我们还要感谢吉祥寺宣传团队的林佩雅师姐与组员通过社交媒体传递节目讯息。大家好棒,亲爱的勇士们!

吉祥心品华乐团: “向日葵”
吉祥佛曲班、吉祥欢的唱班 和 新17增058广论班: “杰仁波切”
“2021 吉祥悦 : 那些年我们唱过的赞颂” 护持委员会精心筛选过往的赞颂表演片段。让观众和表演者都能再次重温音声供养的喜悦。在这疫情严峻的困难时期,供奉佛陀尤为重要。如《妙法莲华经》中所言——以颂赞颂,哪怕只用最细微的声音,也能获得成佛!
为了提升自他成为更好的人,我们必须依凭一个师法友的环境,通过佛法净化我们的身心。吉祥寺全职员工就是处在一个良善环境里, 成立了 Covid-19防疫团队,最近非常忙碌。
我们珍惜和保护每一位学员的暇满人身。在学习宗喀巴大师清净教法后,我们认识到了暇满人身的重要。从无限生命的角度,我们努力为我们的学员和家人提供所需要的关怀和帮助。吉祥寺启动全职和义工们关怀Covid-19(确诊)学员及其家人。希望我们能一起生生世世从传承师长学习圆满的教法。在这音乐会里也播出Covid-19 防疫团队制作的视频。

这真是一个有师、法、友 善的环境的美妙之处! 深深随喜Covid-19 防疫团队! 吉祥寺网页上发布的给Covid-19 防疫团队的感谢信,值得一读。我们也邀请大家浏览有关网页或留言发送爱心。(https://bwmonastery.org.sg/c19tf-feedback)
有一些广论班级从文化艺术处举办的《吉祥悦-观摩会》之后入选在《2019吉祥悦》演出 。其中一些也被特别筛选出来, 让大家一起回顾:
广论班 广论班S14广014C及S15广018C班: “千手观音”
2020年,受疫情影响,文化艺术处首次线上举办“吉祥悦——在这个此刻:赞胜一切 颂出正能量”。
如果您有兴趣加入我们的大家庭,请扫描二维码或拍照。您还可以将 文化艺术处介绍给您的家人或朋友。如果您有孩子,您可以让他们参加我们的儿童班。
这是我们 2020 年吉祥悦的一些精彩项目:
吉祥佛曲班: “树影婆娑明月照”
赞颂一班: “《我的回忆》和《观音菩萨略颂》”
王子承教授: “在这个时候”
听完王子承教授 去年的小提琴表演,我们又紧接着2018年的表演!
尽管面临疫情的挑战,我们仍专注于为观众带来B计划:“吉祥悦2021 吉祥悦 : 那些年我们唱过的赞颂” ,而我们将在2022年为您带来特别节目。我们衷心感谢您的关注,也期待您能填写吉祥悦音乐会反馈表,给予宝贵的意见。
“Joyous Rhapsody 2021 - Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody-Show 2”
Hello everyone, BWM Arts and Culture (ANC) Department presented the second show of our annual concert, “Joyous Rhapsody 2021 - Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody” on 26 Dec 2021. We hope that the first show was able to help many gain the much needed rest and relaxation and the second installment is just as effective at helping everyone gain wisdom through the merits of offering Insightful Praises!
We thank the 2774 viewers from the 2 shows! We could not have done this without our Program, AV and video editing team team: Sister Helen Tan 陈美倩, Sister Iris Wu 吴姿仪, Brother Ye Qinghai 叶清海, Brother Zou Han 邹翰 and Brother Zou Hao 邹澔. In addition, we would also like to thank Sis Pui Yar from our BWM marketing team for keeping everyone informed through social media. Bravo, dear warriors!
Miss Irene Lee, our Director of the Arts and Culture Department and Angeline Liu, group lead of the organising committee for Joyous Rhapsody 2021 returned as emcees for the second day! Together they continued this walk down memory lane with the audience for Joyous Rhapsody from 2018 to 2020. Professor Wang Zi-cheng also joined in and brought the audience a pleasant surprise.
Before show 2 which has a different set of performances began, ANC Director Miss Irene Lee continued to share Part 2 of the Essence of Insightful Praises.

Thank you to Miss Irene Lee for reminding us to set the right motivation while listening to Insightful Praises. The following performances were put up by the various performing arts groups in ANC Department during the “2018 Joyous Rhapsody – Hope” and “2019 Joyous Rhapsody – Brilliance” concerts.
The Odds: “文殊菩萨祈求颂”
Insightful Praise Choir Group 2 : “喜悦/无忧花”
The members of the organising committee of the “2021 Joyous Rhapsody – Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody” put in great effort to select snippets of past insightful praise performances. This has enabled all of us, including the audience and the performers to be able to present voice offerings once again with joy. Offering the Buddha is especially important during these hard times. As mentioned in the "Sūtra on the White Lotus of the True Dharma" - With odes and praises, even if they only use the slightest voice, will gain them the prestige way to Buddhahood!
Many thanks to our Director of ANC, Irene Lee for her guidance, Group Lead of the organising committee, Angeline Liu, Assistant Group Leads, Ms Doris Toh & Miss Qiu Mingjie and all the volunteers both in front of and behind the scenes.
Rejoice to all for your aspiration to accomplish what our Teacher desires, thus purifying obscuration, accumulating merits, and together progressing on the Mahayana Buddhist path.
In the next segment of the concert, the volunteers and full-time BW Monastery staff will do their wonderful offerings to the magnificent Triple Gem!

English Auspicious Choir: “There Is None Like Buddha“, “On You I Rely”, “White Lotus”.
To become a better person, we must rely on a virtuous community to purify our mind and body through Dharma. The full-time staff, a virtuous community, has been very busy lately as BW Monastery has formed a Covid-19 Taskforce.
We must treasure and protect each member's life of leisure and opportunity because we recognize the importance of it after learning Master Tsongkhapa's pure and impeccable teachings. From the perspective of infinite lives, we hope to provide care and assistance to our members and their families in times of need. The full time staff and volunteers of BW Monastery are caring for our members and their families who have tested positive for Covid. We hope that together we can continue to learn the perfect teaching from our lineage masters life after life. A video prepared by the Covid-19 Task Force was showcased during the concert.

This is really the beauty of a virtuous community consisting of the Guru, the Dharma and virtuous friends! Mega rejoice to all in the Task Force! The many thank you notes for our Covid-19 Task Force posted on the webpage are worth a read. We invite all to visit the webpage to send your love too!
A few Lamrim classes were especially chosen from Prelude to Joyous Rhapsody organised by our Arts and Culture Department to perform in the 2019 Joyous Rhapsody. Some of them were also featured.
Their brilliant offering of the insightful praises has allowed them to shine once more on the stage of Joyous Rhapsody.
18Z081E & 19Z096E: “White Lotus”
S13G008E, S15G026E & S15G027E: “勇悍行”
In 2020, due to the pandemic, the Arts and Culture Department hosted its very first online “Joyous Rhapsody - In This Moment: Rise & Be Triumphant”.
Rejoice to the cadres and group leaders, not forgetting the diligent members of Arts and Culture Department and our fellow supporters cum friends! We thank BW Monastery for its resourcefulness in enticing members to participate joyously in all the online activities and courses. There were 14,967 people who took part in all online learnings, meetings, and activities.
If you are interested in joining our big family, please scan or take a photo of the QR code. You can also introduce ANC to your family or friends. If you have children, you can let them participate in our children's class.
These were some of the highlights from our 2020 Joyous Rhapsody.
Auspicious Joyous Choir : “鲜花谷”
Auspicious Buddhist Hymns Class & Auspicious Joyous Choir: “善友”
After listening to Professor Wang Zi-Cheng’s violin performance from last year, we followed up with another performance from 2018!
王子承教授: “拉緊我的手”
Thank you, Professor Wang for letting us hold our Teacher’s hand tightly in 2018! Is everyone still holding on tightly? Professor Wang promised us that he would try to be here for the Arts and Culture Department Insightful Praise Camp which is being organized in conjunction with the BW Monastery 20th anniversary of our organisation’s registration celebration.
In show 2, Prof Wang invited his daughter Betty Wang who sang for us the Insightful Praise, “You Are By My Side”. Her sweet voice was a breath of fresh air for sunny humid Singapore.
Despite challenges, we focused on bringing the audience, Plan B: "Best of Our Joyous Rhapsody" while our special programme will be brought to you in 2022. We are truly grateful to our audience for their attention and hope that they will be able to complete the feedback form for the Joyous Rhapsody’s organising team and leave precious comments for Professor Wang Zi-Cheng.
Brought to you proudly by BWM Arts and Culture Dept