Lecture No. 0307

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0307

Lamrim Volume 1:  P40-L21 ~ P41-L14

Date: 10 Apr 2022

Topic: Master Atisha defeated the heretics three times in the Mahabodhi Monastery

[Today, we will continue our discussion on] Master Atisha’s contribution to the immaculate teachings after he possessed sublime good qualities. Everyone please turn to the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations, Chinese text, page 130, “Having gained those good qualities, what Atisha did to further the teachings is divided into two subtopics.” Let’s read the text on Rinpoche’s Introduction. [00:23]

C. Having gained those good qualities, what Atisha did to further the teachings

1. What he did in India 2. What he did in Tibet [V.1, P.40~41]

1. What he did in India

In the palace of the great enlightenment at the glorious [Vajrasana] Bodh-gaya, he upheld the Buddhist teaching three times by using the teachings to vanquish the poor instruction of non-Buddhist philosophers. With regard to the higher schools of Madhyamaka and Yogacara and the lower systems of Vaibashika and Sautrantika of our own Buddhist schools, he furthered the teachings through clearing away the corruptions of ignorance, wrong ideas, and doubts. So it is that all the schools without partisanship, consider him a crown jewel. Eighty Verses of Praise:

 In the palace of the great enlightenment

When all were assembled together,

With speech like a lion’s roar

You confounded the minds of all

Who argued for the poor tenets

Of our own and othersschools.


At Otanatpuri there were

Two hundred fifty monks,

At Vikramalasila

There were almost a hundred.

All four root schools were present.

You did not take up the boasts of the various schools

But became the crown jewel of all

Four followers, monks, nuns, male and female lay practitioners of the Teacher

Venerable Atisha followed his teacher Buddha-jnanapada

Of the Lokottaravada branch of the Mahasamghika school;

He was not biased, and could clearly make distinction among different schools

In all of the areas

Of the land of Magadha

Because you stayed with the general teachings

Of all eighteen sects [and thus were nonpartisan],

Everyone received teachings from you. [02:16]

Let’s look at Rinpoche’s Introduction, page 131 of the Chinese text. We have finished discussing the third point of the outline, “How upon that basis he gained good qualities;” now we are going to discuss after having gained those good qualities, “what Atisha did to further the teachings,” which is about preserving and promulgating the teachings that Master Atisha contributed to, it can be divided into two sections: first, “what he did in India”, and the 2nd is “what he did in Tibet”. The division is based on the geographic area he promulgated the teachings, as indicated in the outline – in India and in Tibet. So what he did in India [in terms of preserving and promulgating the teachings]? It says in the Praise, “In the palace of the great enlightenment at the glorious [Vajrasana] Bodh-gaya”; “the great enlightenment” is the name of a statue, which is the Statue of Great Enlightenment at the Vajrasana [or Diamond Throne] at Bodh-gaya; and it is a statue of Buddha. This monastery is referred to as the Mahabodhi [the Great Enlightenment] Monastery. The record shows: “he upheld the Buddha teaching three times by using the teachings to vanquish the poor instruction of non-Buddhist philosophers”. In the past, the non-Buddhists philosophers in India caused many disturbances to Buddhists. If the Buddhist philosophers could not defeat the non-Buddhist philosophers in debate, the entire monastery along with the monastics would be converted to the non-Buddhist group; this was very serious. Master Atisha at Bodh-gaya defeated the leaders of the non-Buddhist philosophers in three major debates and thus preserved the Buddha’s teachings. These were his feats of taming the non-Buddhist philosophers. [03:50]

The Biography of Passing On Teaching’s Succession keeps the following account: which was translated by layperson,  Guo-ho-chin, where Venerable Xing-jing and Venerable Xing-hua proofread it. The account documents that Master Atisha tried hard to intercede the warfare between two kingdoms. He tried hard to reconcile peace talks as well as saved many stranded beings  in the war. Then after that comes this  section. [04:21]

It says while Master Atisha was circumambulating the Diamond Throne in the Bodhi-gaya, meditating on kindness, compassion, and Bodhicitta, there came a non-Buddhist Pandita from the south, holding 13 propped parasols – the special parasol symbolizing great honor. After winning each debate over a significant opponent, the winner earns one more of such parasol. So, this non-Buddhist philosopher, particularly with 13 propped up parasols, came to Master Atisha and said,  “You are the leading upholder of Buddhist philosophy, while I represent the non-Buddhist philosophers. Let us debate with each other. Whoever wins, the defeated will have to convert to follow the other party.” The disciples and the leader of the defeated party would all be succumbed to the winner group, this was very serious! Thus, they invited the king to preside the event and then both sides began to debate. [05:25]

As a result, Master Atisha defeated the opponent without any difficulty, and all the ownership of the 13 parasols were transferred and offered to Master Atisha. This non-Buddhist bowed at the feet of Master Atisha and became the disciple of Master Atisha. Also all his non-Buddhist disciples were converted to Buddhists as well. As you can imagine, how vital this debate was to Buddha Dharma. If Master Atisha had not won, then the entire Sangha community would have to learn the heretic teachings. [05:58]

And in the following year, came another non-Buddhist philosopher who owned 8 parasols. Same outcome as before, he debated with Master Atisha, and was also defeated by Master Atisha. Another year later, there came a non-Buddhist philosopher who owned 5 parasols; he was very skilled in the Science of language and logic. Like the other adepts, he also requested to have a debate with Master Atisha, and both signed a similar agreement as the previous two. Master Atisha also accepted the challenge as requested. At the debating session, the seats of the challenger and the defender were properly set. Such event drew many Panditas and crowds. It was quite a grand event, and the debate began. [06:47]

In the beginning, 30 Panditas could follow along quite well with the propositions put forth in the debate. However, as the debate got more and more profound, there were only 15 of them who could grasp the meaning. And the debate went further along, the profundity and intensity of the debate could only be comprehended by about 10 Panditas. As the debate continued, only 5 Panditas could understand. Gradually when the debate proceeded into the subtlest aspect, only two of them could comprehend – the defender and the challenger. Others had absolutely no idea the esoteric part of the debate as it was so difficult beyond their comprehensive capacity. [07:29]

At this time, the non-Buddhist philosopher brought up a 4-line verse from  the science of language [note: this is not science of logic, which Master Atisha was very proficient at] to challenge Master Atisha for the meaning of these 4 lines. At that instant, Master Atisha could not decipher this four-line verse, nor was he able to convey it promptly. Then, he told the non-Buddhist philosopher, “Please sit here for a while, excuse me for a moment.” And Master Atisha went into the room, and there he offered mandala and prayed to Tara for blessing. Then, his mind suddenly became lucid; he went back to his debating seat. He put forth his answer and defeated the non-Buddhist Pandita. The non-Buddhist Pandita had no choice but to concede to the deal, converting to Buddhist and became a disciple of Master Atisha. [08:18]

Thus, as shown in the third debate Master Atisha engaged in, it was the inconceivable blessing power from Tara [that assisted him to win the debate]. We can also learn from this during our debate. When we encounter difficult topics, we should pray to Tara for guidance. Many of our classmates prefer to ask monastics for guidance, and the parents of the monastics also came to ask them for advice. Besides, classmates would ask questions among themselves, or ask the more senior classmates, right? Or we can emulate Master Atisha and cultivate the habit of praying to Tara for guidance. [08:47]

The “Vajrasana” [or the “Diamond Throne”] is one of the Buddhist sacred places, it was  in the central part of India – Bodh-gaya. Legend has it that Bodhgaya is the navel of the great earth and will disappear last at the end of the world; it is the center point of the universe. Within one hundred steps radius, all the way down to the golden disc [the center of the earth], and up to the surface of the earth, it is all made up of vajra. The  thousand Buddhas of the fortunate eons achieved their Vajrasana meditation at this location and obtain their Buddhahood. Thus, it is known as Vajrasana [or Diamond Throne]. [09:14]

So, this “palace of the great enlightenment” was the name of the monastery to the north of the Bodhi tree under which Buddha gained his ultimate enlightenment. It was also known as the Mahabodhi Monastery. How was this monastery established? There is a saying that King Srimeghavarna of Siṃhala Kingdom [the current Sri Lanka] built it. Another legend says that while Venerable Upagupta was promulgating Buddha Dharma in India - remember who Venerable Upagupta was [teaching #201]? He was the enlightened one who gave Mara an ornament and it turned out to be carcass of a dog on the Mara’s neck. While he was giving teaching in India, there was a mother and son in the Magadha kingdom. They had met Buddha in person, [and this monastery was built] by this Brahman mother and her son. [10:05]

After the main construction of the monastery was done, the deities manifested themselves as the artisans, applying for the jobs of sculpting the Buddha statue. Because once the construction of the monastery was completed, Buddha statue should be enshrined, but who would come to carry out the task? That was the deity who manifested as the artisan. Later, the mother examined the statue carefully, since she had met with Buddha in person before. After her inspection, she found out this statue was delicately made, very lifelike and exquisite, almost the exact likeness of the real Buddha, especially the eyeballs of the statue and the precious jewel embedded on the white hair between the eyebrows; it was very miraculous; it glowed in the night; this was very inconceivable. And the construction work of the monastery was made with excellent craftsmanship with delicate artistic paintings. Enshrined in the monastery are the flesh and bone relics of Buddha. There were once over a thousand monastics studying Mahayana and Theravada teachings inside here. The rules of the monastery were specifically stipulated, and the precepts were upheld solemnly. It was a very prominent monastery. [11:17]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0307】

讲次 | 0307 (2021-03-08 ~ 2021-03-10)

标题 | 尊者于大菩提寺三次辩胜外道

《广论》段落 | P6-L1 ~ P6-L6 于圣教所作事中分二……一切皆受教。”

入门段落 | 第1册 P130-L6 ~ P131-L10 于圣教所作事中分二......这是击败外道的事迹。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P134-L8注释① ~ P134-LL1注释②完 金刚座 佛教圣地之一......寺规严明,戒行端肃。

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0307

(更新日期: 2022年4月10日)


在阿底峡尊者获得了殊胜的功德之后,于圣教所作的事业。请大家翻到《入门》的 130 页,“于圣教所作事中分二”,我们可以看一下原文。00:23


于胜金刚座大菩提寺,曾经三次以法战败外道恶论,住持佛教。即于 内道佛乘上部之中观、唯识;下部之一切有部、经部自部上下圣教,所有未达、邪解、疑惑诸恶垢秽,亦善除遣,而弘圣教。故一切部,不分党类奉为顶严。如《赞》中云:“于大菩提寺,一切集会中,自部 内道及他部 外道,诸恶宗敌者,以狮吼声语,一切脑浆崩。”又云:“能飞聚落中,出家二百半,能映覆戒中,出家不满百,四本部全住,尊部无慠举。摩羯陀境内,一切寺无余,成大师 比丘、比丘尼、优婆塞、优婆夷四众,一切顶上珠。 觉窝尊乃天佛智足所传大众部支派之说出世间部,然不偏党自部,能不紊杂分辨各部,故尊居十八部,一切顶中时,一切皆受教。

我们看 131 页仁波切的讲记,第三个科判前面“其身获得功德事理”已经结束了,这里是“于圣教所作事业”。“于圣教所作事中分二”,就是阿底峡尊者于圣教所作的事业有两个科判,第一个就是“于印度所作事理”,第二是“藏中所作事理。今初”。对圣教所作的事业是以弘化区的地域,比如说印度、西藏这样来做了科判。那么在印度对圣教做了什么事业呢?“于胜金刚座大菩提寺”,“大菩提”是圣像的名字,指的是金刚座里边的大菩提圣像,就是一尊世尊的圣像。这座寺院因此被称为大菩提寺。这里边记载说:“曾经三次以法战败外道恶论,住持佛教。”之前外道在印度制造了许多令佛教困扰的事情,如果不能够辩论胜出外道的话,连同寺院里的弟子,一切都必须归入外道的教法,这是非常危险的。尊者在金刚座,三次战胜很厉害的外道导师而住持佛教,这是击败外道的事迹。03:50












Lecture No. 0308


Lecture No. 0306