Lecture No. 0313

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0313

Lamrim Volume 1:  P42-L1 ~ L8

Date: 28 Mar 2022

Topic: Master Atisha revitalized the precepts, setting the pure teachings

Great! Let’s continue to learn from the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations, the Chinese text. Everyone, please turn to page 143,  the middle section. [00:14]

In the later dissemination of the teaching to Tibet, some who fancied that they were scholars and yogis misconstrued the meaning of the collections of tantras. Because of this, they did great damage to the maintenance of ethical discipline, the root of the teachings. This excellent being [Atisha] refuted them well. Moreover, he caused their erroneous conceptions to disappear and then reinvigorated the flawless teaching. Thus, his kindness reached all those of the Land of Snow [V1, p. 42]. [00:49]

In the later dissemination of the teaching in Tibet, some people pompously purported themselves as distinguished scholars who had mastered the Five Knowledges and as eminent yogis. They misconstrued the contents of the Tantric teachings, which caused extreme grave damage to the fundamental principle of the teaching – pure monastic conducts. Fortunately, Master Atisha refuted such misconstrued interpretations, and in addition, eliminated all erroneous views; he reinvigorated the flawless Buddha’s  teachings, so the kindness from Master Atisha benefited all beings in the Snow Land. And his kindness is also benefiting you and me now. So what we should do properly is to cherish this precious lineage. And the best way to show our appreciation is to abide by the teaching in practice; we should properly meditate and internalize the teachings,  set a good example to encourage others to do the same so that together we can pass down this pure lineage. [01:40]

Now, let’s take a look at Rinpoche’s Introduction together. He said that in the early dissemination in Tibet, Buddhism was flourishing, but it was gradually waning. Do you still remember what the cause was? It was because of the erroneous understanding of the essence of wisdom of emptiness held by the Chinese abbot, etc. that caused the Buddha Dharma to decline. Later on, Kamalasila composed the Three Stages of Meditation [Bhāvanākrama], to refute them convincingly and thus promulgated Buddha’s intent; so his kindness is immensely appreciated. In the later dissemination, some people misconstrued the Tantric teachings. Actually there was no mentioning of Sutrayana; what was mentioned was primarily the misunderstanding of the Tantric teachings,  purporting that they were Panditas and yogis, like those Blue-skirted Panditas or Red-robed Acharyas, etc. They seriously damaged the bedrock of the Buddha Dharma – the pure monastic conducts. The bedrock of the Buddha Dharma is the ethical discipline. They spread erroneous views to monastics, namely, the ritual practice of killing  the enemies as a way of redemption, advocating the corrupt sexual practice with a consort as “union and liberation”. What they advocated caused tremendous harm to the Buddha’s teachings. [02:59]

With  these confusing heresies/statements spreading around, “this excellent being refuted them well”; refers to Jowo Je, Master Atisha. “Moreover, he caused their erroneous conceptions to disappear and then reinvigorated the flawless teaching”,  all the erroneous views were removed and Master Atisha reinvigorated the flawless sublime teaching in Tibet. The pure sublime Buddha Dharma could be preserved and promulgated in Tibet was due to the kindness of Master Atisha. Such kindness is inconceivably deep! [03:32]

As we all know, the Sutrayana emphasizes greatly on the precepts, for that is what the Buddha’s teachings built upon. The Tantric teachings also strongly stress the precepts. Thus, if someone presumes that Tantric teachings do not require practitioners to abide by the precepts, this misconstrued view will cause tremendous damage to the teachings. Hence, monastics should properly uphold the ethical discipline. This misconstrued view arises from not studying the scriptures properly and the consequence is the arising of various erroneous views. We shouldn’t continue with such mistaken discrimination! Why? Because from the manifestation of the eminent great masters in the past, especially those who were proficient in the Tantric trainings,  they upheld the precepts diligently and meticulously. Whether the renunciates can be observed as monastics greatly depends on how closely they abide by the monastic vows. Master Atisha refuted the misconstrued views of the Tantra perceptions, especially the misconstrued views advocated to the monastics. Thus, the pure Buddha Dharma was thus restored, and the flawless lineage of the teaching could be promulgated again. All of these were because of the kindness of Master Atisha. Such kindness is incredibly deep! [04:38]

From the start we were discussing the good qualities of Master Atisha till now, we would distinctively notice that in the flawless instructions from Master Atisha, he constantly advocated the importance of the precepts. The yellow hat lineage [Gelug] also advocates that the pure precepts are the root Buddhist training. With the flawless precepts as the foundation, the pursuit of  renunciation, Bodhichitta, and wisdom of emptiness becomes feasible. If practitioners can’t even uphold the fundamental precepts properly, yet they further exclaimed that they have attained something, such claim is evidently very deceiving! [05:19]

Actually from this part of introduction of Master Atisha, we would notice clearly: there were someone, for example, unknown to the locals coming from afar; these wayfarers began to talk about miraculous things which were unheard of to the locals; what they advocated sounded very cool and supernatural – such pompous talks made them looked like they were very impressive. However, if what they advocated violated the precepts, then it was definitely a heresy. We can observe and make discernment: what makes Dharma masters eminent was how sincerely and earnestly they abided by the precepts when promulgating the teachings; we can also observe their personal conducts, and how they guided their disciples – they always stress strongly the ethical discipline. Why? Because “the Sangha community is built upon the precepts”! That is, the foundation of the teaching is the precepts! [06:03]

Thus, from the lineage virtuous teachers’ teachings, and the introduction of the good qualities of Master Atisha, we can unmistakably receive the advice the eminent masters in the past had left for us – how crucial the precepts are! From the initial stage of studying Buddhism, to the middle, and even up to the Tantric trainings, the precepts are the teachings from Buddha that can ever never be overlooked. For this, I  hope we would listen and contemplate over and over again. [06:31]

It is especially true that we should properly study well the teachings passed down from this pure lineage. Why? Because by relying on such teachings of the flawless pure lineage, we can have discerning comprehension of the scriptures. So, whoever they are, whatever they advocate, they must align with the Buddha’s intent.  The comprehensive teachings from Buddha – [the three precious trainings:] ethical discipline, meditative concentration and wisdom of emptiness. The precepts are the upmost basic and essential part of all the Buddha’s teachings. Why? Because without the precepts, we won’t have another chance of being reborn with a human form; without the human form, we will descend to the three miserable realms. Without the precepts, the path to liberation would not be feasible. [07:08]

Looking at this section, I am very grateful to those eminent masters for constantly rectifying the lineage tainted by others and refuting the erroneous views. Had it not been for those great virtuous teachers to help us, how pathetic we would be: though we are aspired to learn Buddha Dharma, where could we find the pure source of waterhead – the lineage? Thus, [now we have the opportunity to study the Buddha Dharma from the pure lineage;] this is definitely the profound kindness from Master Atisha! Such benevolence is inconceivable! [07:37]

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0313


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0313】

讲次 | 0313 (2021-03-29 ~ 2021-03-31)

标题 | 后弘期:尊者振兴戒律、令教清净

《广论》段落 | P6-LL3 ~ P7-L3 总之雪山聚中前弘圣教……故其深恩普遍雪山一切众生。

入门段落 | 第1册 P143-L6 ~ P144-L7 于后弘圣教......不可思议的恩德!

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P142-L6 ~ P142-LL3 第二科、灭除对梵行......深恩遍泽雪域一切众生。

(更新日期: 2022年3月28日)


好!我们继续学习《四家合注入门》,请大家把书翻到 143 页,请大家看中间的原文。 00:14












Lecture No. 0314


Lecture No. 0312