Lecture No. 0269

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0269

Lamrim Vol. 1: Pg40 LL17

Tape No |  4B 23:15 ~ 24:13

Date: 2022-07-20

Topic: Master Atisha's good quality of benefitting others - made Buddha Dharma flourished like the sun at high noon

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0269

Today we will study [from where we left off in GL discourse #264]:

C. Having gained those good qualities, what Atisha did to further the teachings

1. What he did in India

2. What he did in Tibet

Everyone please listen carefully to Master’s recording. [00:17]

In other words, the part on purely benefiting others. The first part of benefitting others, was in India, and the second part was in Tibet. I will not go over this in detail. In short, because Master Atisha came to Tibet, the entire Buddha Dharma in India and Tibet was hereafter reformed. He rectified and corrected what was misperceived, and perfected what was incomplete. For this reason, Buddhism flourished at its height, like the sun at high noon, for a very long time. In fact, Lama Tsong-kha-pa did the same thing as well. It has been six hundred years since Lama Tsong-kha-pa’s reform. Buddhism in Tibet flourished like the sun at high noon for a great length of time. Even though the influence of Buddha Dharma gradually declined, Tibetan Buddhism is still very well maintained. However, looking at ourselves presently, the Chinese Buddhist community is quite dishevelled. The reason is that; herein lies the reason [showing the value of such reform and rectification]. This is the fact we should know. [01:17]

This section, I would really like to know how do the class facilitators explain this paragraph in the discussion classes? For example, what would be the focus of your discussion? Possibly every class facilitator would have his or her own emphasis on this paragraph. Nevertheless, please look at the text; it says: “Having gained those good qualities, what Atisha did to further the teachings: 1. What he did in India, 2. What he did in Tibet”. This explains what Master Atisha did to promulgate the sublime teachings based on the different geographical locations. And, what did he do to promulgate the sublime teachings? He revived the sublime teachings and benefited living beings, that is why Master stated these were purely about benefiting others. What does it mean by purely benefiting others? That is, how all living beings are thoroughly benefitted. And Master said he would not go into detail about how Master Atisha benefited others. “In short, because Master Atisha came to Tibet, the entire Buddha Dharma in India and Tibet was hereafter reformed.” Take heed! “He rectified and corrected what was misperceived, and perfected what was incomplete. For this reason, Buddhism was flourishing at its height, like the sun at high noon”, meaning, not only was Buddhism flourishing like the sun at high noon, this condition also lasted “for a very long time”. [02:35]

Let’s take a closer look at this short paragraph. [02:35]

Exactly what benefits did the manifestation of Master Atisha into this world bring to us? [02:44]

That is, Buddha Dharma in India and Tibet began to flourish like the sun at high noon. [02:49]

What kind of benefit would there be for living beings when the teachings begin to flourish again like the sun at high noon? [02:55]

It means that there would be many great achievers amongst his disciples, and there would be countless living beings planting the seeds to be connected with the teachings; for example, the ten virtuous deeds would be widely expanded. Therefore, the flourishing of Buddhism, like the sun at high noon, offers the most profound benefit to all living beings. These are the good qualities of Master Atisha. [03:21]

Everyone please take note. Take heed! It only mentioned that after Master Atisha manifested– just as a guru – it made Buddha Dharma flourished, like the sun at high noon and thus benefitted numerous living beings both in India and in Tibet. How did Buddha Dharma flourish like the sun at high noon? For the details we can study the biography of the Life of Master Atisha. The Chinese version of Master Atisha's biography translated by Venerable Fa-zun is an abridged translation, not a comprehensive biography. Our venerables in the translation academy are translating the complete version now. We will study it in great detail when this translation is done. Now when we are discussing about Master Atisha’s good qualities, pay attention! His good qualities are directly linked with Buddha Dharma. Thus, the flourishing of Buddhism, like the sun at high noon, is the greatest benefit to all living beings. This involves rectifying the impure part of the lineage – correcting the misperceptions and perfecting the incomplete part of the Buddha Dharma. The imperfect part could mean the stages of the path were incomplete. Thus, Master Atisha laid out the encompassing stages of the path and its content for an ordinary being to advance all the way to Buddhahood. [04:29]

Master continued, “In fact, Lama Tsong-kha-pa did the same thing as well”! It has been six hundred years since Lama Tsong-kha-pa reformed Buddhism in Tibet. The teaching is still flourishing like the sun at high noon. Though it has declined somewhat, the teaching is still very well preserved. This is the auspicious cause and effect of why we can study Je Rinpoche’s teachings and encounter such authentic and encompassing teachings. When learning the sublime teachings, we must keep in mind that this opportunity is the greatest benefit bestowed by Master Atisha! He was originally the prince of Bengal, he went through all sorts of hardship to become a monastic, he beseeched the teachings from Master Serlingba [in Sumatra], spent many years sailing across the ocean. Later, Tibetans even fought and sacrificed their lives to invite him over. We have to be grateful to those people who invited Master Atisha to Tibet. [05:12]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0269】

讲次 | 0269 (2020-10-26 ~ 2020-10-28)

标题 | 尊者利他功德──令佛教如日中天

《广论》段落 | P6-L1 于圣教所作事中分二……藏中所作事理。 今初

音档 | 4B 23:15 ~ 24:13

手抄页/行 | 第1册 P125-LL3 ~ P126-L4 ( 2016 南普陀版:P125-LL2 ~ P126-L6 )

手抄段落 | 于圣教所作事中分二……这是我们要了解的一个事实。

(更新日期: 2023年12月19日)


今天我们会学:“于圣教所作事中分二:一、于印度所作事理,二、藏中所作事理。 今初”。请大家认真听师父的带子。00:17











Lecture No. 0270


Lecture No. 0268