Lecture No. 0270

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0270

Lamrim Volume 1:  Pg40 LL17

Tape No | 4B 23:15 ~ 24:13

Date: 17 Jul 2022

Topic: Put ourselves in Master Atisha’s shoes, and understand the hardships he went through in establishing Buddhism

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0270

Sometimes I would do some calculations like what is the altitude/height above sea level of Bengal? Master Atisha began his journey from the Guge Kingdom in Ngari and went into Tibet, the altitude of the former should be around 3,800 meters [roughly 12,500 feet]. Whereas the altitude of his birthplace, Bengal, seemed like only 4 meters [13 feet] above the sea level. [Meanwhile,] the Vikramashila monastery, where he was appointed as the abbot, was [also only] about 25 meters [82 feet] above the sea level. However, the Guge Kingdom in Ngari where Master Atisha arrived then was already at the altitude of 3,800 meters above sea level. [00:26]

Since I have been to Tibet before, I know that once we reach high altitude, [breathing particularly] inhalation would actually become very difficult; it is difficult to walk or sleep at night, even eating is also very difficult. Anyhow, whatever you are doing, you have to exert great effort; even walking will make one pant as if one was running. We might perceive Master Atisha as a practitioner with great achievements, and he should have no issue handling all these difficulties arising from the altitude sickness. However, as we all already know, Master Atisha sacrificed 20 years of his life span [for going to Tibet]; how did that happen? Imagine this: he was once a prince, [but] had to go through [and endure the hardship of] traveling across the [huge gap of] altitudes; besides, India [as a tropical country] was pretty warm, whereas when [he] came to Ngari it was very cold. Moreover, [Tibetan] dietary habits [were very different]; on top of that, most people didn’t speak his language [but] communicate in Tibetan language [which was is foreign to him]. The friends and gurus he was originally familiar with were not around; after he came over to Tibet, the few people he could talk to were probably only his translators. Such was the place he reached. Under such a circumstance, how much hardship and stress Master Atisha had to endure so as to reinvigorate Buddhism in Tibet, restoring the teaching as substantial as the sun at high noon? Everyone, just try to imagine the magnitude of the strain [Master Atisha] had to go through. [01:31]

[Master Atisha] had to overcome difficulties associated with traveling across different altitudes, not acclimzatized [to the foreign land], having left his birthplace and hometown, and far to a place with completely different climate and scenery. It is said that Master Atisha originally much enjoyed listening to the trumpeting sound of elephant. However, there was no elephant in Tibet, [so he] missed the elephants’ trumpeting sound [very much]. Hence, he left the place he was very familiar with – a place where he was the crown jewel of Buddhism, which was symbolized by carrying 108 keys on his waist - and came to Tibet, a total foreign place with very few people who possibly knew him. Nevertheless, he then accomplished such a remarkable feat of reinvigorating Buddhism in such a place [with all the unfavorable conditions]. You all can think about how difficult it could be! It was almost like starting from scratch – making a fresh start. [02:12]

We may take it as: Well! That is fine. [After all,] he was a Bodhisattva on his way to Buddhahood. However, he also needed to drink and eat when living at the place with altitude of 3,800 meters ... [I remember] like in the [pilgrimage] trips we took to Tibet, seeking to listen to Dharma teachings. Once, there was a Tibetan, he used to stay at the altitude of over 3,000 meters. When we set off for the next monastery [on our itinerary], we would drive all the way to a place at 5,000 meters [16,400 feet] above the sea level, and he claimed, “I don’t believe [I] would have altitude sickness!” So, he got off the car [over there], found an intersection of the road, and started to jump up and down, he said, “For years I am so used to going through the highlands that I am not afraid or worried [about having altitude sickness]!” Then up and down he began to jump, jump, jump, …., jump, jump, [abruptly] with his mouth wide open, he quietened, because he was unable to talk or gasp for breath already – being completely blanked out. Seeing this, people nearby went to help him out and found that he was nearing death, [almost breathless]. If he kept on jumping, he would have been rushed to the hospital for emergency rescue. In fact, he was a Tibetan himself, he asked [us],  “Why is that you people coming from the flatland would suffer the altitude sickness?” He couldn't get it, so [he] said he would jump around to show us [that he wouldn’t suffer from altitude sickness]. Well, in the end when it came to the altitude of 5,000 meters, the altitude sickness struck him. None of us had the sickness, but he did. Why? Because he was too daring – jumping up and down out [there at such an altitude]! [03:11]

Once, [I] can’t recall where it was, probably at Mount Wutai, [a sacred mountain in Shanxi Province China, known as the place of cultivation of Manjusri Boddhisatva]. I also came across similar height level, and hence the attack of altitude sickness. At that time, [I] could barely think and was naturally affected by tinnitus. When taking a walk outside, dizziness struck, while stepping forward, [I felt] as if [I] was going in circles. Some people, after taking a few steps, couldn’t help it but would just lie down directly on the grassland, surrounded by wild flowers and dews, they [couldn’t care more but just] flatly stretched out. Why? Because they were extremely dizzy. Previously, I also noticed that after arriving at Lhasa[, Tibetan capital], some people had to open both arms, as if they were spreading out their wings, so as to lean both hands on the left and right sides of the wall for support to be able to move forward along the corridor in the house; otherwise they could faint and pass out at any moment. All these troubles are because of the altitude sickness, which can be very disturbing to some people! Moreover, you may get sunburned because of the intensive sunlight [at higher altitude]; if your skin is [repeatedly] exposed to the sun, getting sunburn again and again, it might lead to skin inflammation. Besides, there might be issues about the [foreign] medical/pharmaceutical system, different dietary habits and the lodging environment… [04:08]

Have you all ever been to the Nyetang monastery? Not sure the one we visited was the same as it was in the ancient times? The Nyetang monastery is a very small monastery, where Master Atisha resided. [You] can imagine the scale of the [Indian] monasteries he resided before; there were so many prestigious gurus; and several princes were ordained as monastics there; with the capacity of such prosperity, the grand monasteries were built in India. Thereafter,  after [his] arrival in Tibet, [Master Atisha] resided in such a small Nyetang monastery. Thus, if Master Atisha was to look for personal enjoyment, he would never have left India for Tibet. [04:39]  

Are [you still] listening? All we captured/got now is merely Master’s explanation/exposition, “He rectified and settled what was misperceived, and encompassed what was deficient… Buddhism was flourishing at its height, like the sun at high noon, for a very long time.” [We might just] simply read these words in [quick] passing; [rather, we] should contemplate what was the price Master Atisha had to pay by coming to Tibet all by himself [from India], and attaining such remarkable achievements? Everyone please put yourself in his shoes/position and [give it a thorough] consideration. Only by reflecting on it in this manner can we have a sense of what kind of intention and aspirations did Master Atisha had to leave for Tibet. [05:09]

What we can read now is only the accounts documented in the Buddhism history, but [exactly] how much hardship Master Atisha had actually gone through? No one has ever carefully looked into the details on how he managed to survive every step. Hence, [with utmost respect], I aspire [and vow]: when our Venerables have finished translating the extensive version of the Biography of Master Atisha, I must definitely elaborate [on the book]! So that all of us would remember that it is Master Atisha who reinvigorated the Tibetan Buddhism, and had it passed down to us now. We should cherish it well! And study earnestly! [05:40]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0270】

讲次 | 0270

标题 | 设身处地,体会尊者建教艰辛

《广论》段落 | P6-L1 于圣教所作事中分二……藏中所作事理。 今初

音档 | 4B 23:15 ~ 24:13

手抄页/行 | 第1册 P125-LL3 ~ P126-L4 ( 2016 南普陀版:P125-LL2 ~ P126-L6 )

手抄段落 | 于圣教所作事中分二……这是我们要了解的一个事实。

(更新日期: 2022年7月17日)







大家有没有去过聂塘寺?不知道那个时候我们参访的和古代的一不一样?那聂塘寺是很小的一间寺院,阿底峡尊者就驻锡在那里。可以想一想当年他驻锡的那个寺院的规模,那么多大上师,里边有好几个王子出家,那个繁荣的力量,建了那么大一个寺院;然后来到西藏,就住在那么小的一个聂塘寺里面。所以,阿底峡尊者如果是为了自己能够享一点福,他完全不可能离开印度来到西藏。 04:39




Lecture No. 0271


Lecture No. 0269