Lecture No. 0271

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No
: 0271

Lamrim Vol 1: Pg40 LL17

Date: 3 Jul 2022

Tape No |  4B 24:13 ~ 26:18

Topic: Master Atisha’s remarkable achievements originated from his full reliance on his excellent teachers

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0271

Greetings to all! I am very pleased it is time for us to discuss the Lamrim again. By the time we are discussing this teaching, it would have been in the month of November, and the October has passed. The maple leaves in Canada are all turning red, crimson red! There are also some leaves of unknown plants turning red as well in autumn. I feel the leaves turning crimson red are like practitioners – the longer they study and contemplate, the more brilliant blossoms their meditation practice will become, like the harvest season in the autumn. So everyone, please do study earnestly; don’t squander away time! [00:32]

Again, prior to our discussion, we need to adjust our motivation for coming to the class; let’s shift our routine mental flow to contemplate how rare the opportunity of listening to the teaching is! What are our goals, or the end results we’d like to achieve, by listening to the teaching? It is for the sake of salvaging immeasurable motherly beings from the cyclic existence who are trapped in the suffering ocean in the six realms, and help them get to the other shore of Buddhahood. Hence, now we are planting the seed or the cause of becoming a Buddha. This cause has to be recognized first; after recognizing the cause we need to listen to the teaching; therefore, while we are listening to the teaching, we should shape our motivation, and try our best to clear our lethargy and excitement, being an upside down vessel and so on. With that, we are ready to embark on our study. [01:18]

Thus, the section we are studying today is about Master Atisha [v.1 p.40]: C. Having gained those good qualities, what Master Atisha did to further the teachings: 1. What he did in India, 2. What he did in Tibet. We have studied the previous paragraph [in teaching #269]; let’s listen to the second point of this part from Master’s recording. [01:37]

 [4B 24:13 ~ 26:18]

So, at the end, I will apply one or two short stories so that you will get to know more about Master Atisha. While he was in India, Nalanda Monastery had dozens of great teachers such as: Venerable Vidyakokila, Master Avadhutipa, etc. What more is, yes, now I recall there is a popular contemporary book – The Life of Master Milarepa; I believe a lot of people have read this book. Master Milarepa was a Tibetan; his teacher, Master Marpa, was a Tibetan as well. At that time, Master Marpa went to India to beseech Dharma. His teacher Master Tilopa [should be Naropa], an Indian, had attained very high achievements. And Master Tilopa was one of Master Atisha’s teachers…. wait ... Not Master Tilopa*, it was Master Naropa. Master Tilopa was the teacher of Master Naropa. Master Naropa himself was also a prince from one of the kingdoms in India. He renounced the secular life – not willing to stay in the palace, not willing to stay in the palace. Having tried all possible means to be ordained, and finally he succeeded. He was exceptionally intelligent as well. In terms of Master Naropa’s learning capability, he, [like Master Atisha] mastered all the worldly knowledge and, after ordination, concentrated on learning Buddhist doctrine and meditation. Master Naropa was acclaimed to be one of the most influential and prominent practitioners at his time! Finally, Master Naropa met with his teacher, Master Tilopa, and then achieved the highest level of experiential knowledge. [03:17]

 [*Tilopa➔ Naropa➔ Atisha/Marpa➔Milarepa

https://tantrayogathailand.com/tantra-for-women-2-2/ ]   

When Master Atisha was in India, there were many, many great achievers! Surprisingly, Master Atisha pursued studies from almost all of these great teachers, and he mastered all of the paramount strengths his teachers had. Finally, he became the holder of the keys to all the major Indian monasteries – as the crown jewel. Can you imagine it? This was particular about self-benefiting. [03:43]

Let’s pause here first. When Master was introducing Master Atisha in regard to the Dharma Works he had contributed to the teachings, he brought up some of the teachers of Master Atisha’s. As everyone can notice, Venerable Vidyakokila, Master Avadhutipa, as well as Master Naropa were all renowned Masters and extraordinary practitioners, and Master Atisha was the disciple of all these eminent Masters. [04:12]

[From Master’s commentary,] we come to realize the remarkable achievements of Master Atisha; yet at the same time we also learned the arduous hardships he went through in search of virtuous teachers. A well-known case in point was his visit to Master Ser-ling-ba. In this section Master said, “Master Atisha … he mastered all of the paramount strengths his teachers had.” For instance, from Master Ser-ling-ba, Master Atisha attained the spirit of enlightenment. Master Atisha spent 12 years closely attending to his teacher and persisted in studying earnestly with great effort. This is according to the account documented in the Buddhism history, but there could be many unrecorded parts that are unknown to us. In sum, a great practitioner first has to be a devoted disciple of those eminent Masters. It is never possible for an unsuitable disciple to become a great guru, because without the experience of how to be a suitable disciple, there is no way for him to guide the students on how to be a suitable disciple. [05:12]

Master said, “Master Atisha … he mastered all of the paramount strengths his teachers had.” Very likely we won’t remember what happened in our past lives, but for those lifelong practitioners they should recognize: if you have sincerely relied or is relying on your virtuous teacher earnestly, you would find those outstanding good qualities of the virtuous teachers you are following, explicitly noticeable. About such exalted good qualities, sometimes it is beyond our reach. In spite of that, we should continue to pursue our study resolutely, and there could be more superb qualities yet to be discovered. Therefore, from what we have seen – the good qualities of the virtuous teachers, we can reflect on ourselves. The way Master Atisha manifested is to educate us and guide us on how to properly rely on the qualified teachers. [05:55]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0271】

讲次 | 0271

标题 | 尊者殊胜成就,源于圆满依止法

《广论》段落 | P6-L1 于圣教所作事中分二……藏中所作事理。 今初

音档 | 4B 24:13 ~ 26:18

手抄页/行 | 第1册 P126-L5 ~ P127-L3 ( 2016 南普陀版:P126-L7 ~ P127-L6 )

手抄段落 | 那么最后我也说……这个只是在自利。

(更新日期: 2022年7月3日)











Lecture No. 0272


Lecture No. 0270