Lecture No. 0279

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0279

Lamrim Vol. 1: P36-LL3 ~ P37-L15

Date: 17 Jul 2022

Topic: Author of The Drop of Reasoning - Dharmakirti     

Dharmakirti’s father was a Brahman practitioner. Since childhood, Dharmakirti was very smart and nimble, proficient in craftsmanship, medicine, language so on and so forth. In addition, he was very conversant with all the Brahman scriptures and doctrines. At age 18, he already mastered all Brahman doctrines and was very well received by Brahman scholars. Later, he had the opportunity to listen to some teachings on Buddhist sutras and noticed much illogicality in the non-Buddhist scriptures. He thus began to develop profound faith in sublime Buddha Dharma. He thought about beseeching teachers, then he went to rely on the commentator Dharmapala and was ordained. [00:40]

After ordination, he attentively studied the Tripitaka. However, he still felt unfulfilled with what he had learned, he listened to Isvarasena’s Commentary on the Compendium of Validities [Pramāṇa-samuccaya] for three times. After listening for the first time, Dharmakirti was able to understand the intended meaning of Isvarasena; after the second time, Dharmakirti could comprehend the intended meaning of the grand master Dignāga, the author of the Compendium of Validities. After listening for the third time, Dharmakirti found some misinterpretation in what his teacher, commentator Isvarasena had acknowledged. After Dharmakirti revealed those mistaken assertions to his teacher Isvarasena, who was very pleased, as indicated [in the book I am reading to you now], “exhilarated”! Thus, Dharmakirti followed his teacher’s instructions and composed the Compendium of Valid Cognition [Pramāṇavārttika to explain the Compendium of Validities, composed by Dignāga]. [01:25]

After that, he wanted to refute the non-Buddhist doctrines. In order to achieve that, he needed to find out what their doctrines were. At that time, he heard that Brahman Kumarila Bhatta was very proficient in the non-Buddhist doctrines. However, Kumarila Bhatta would not transmit the esoteric terms to anyone other than his own spouse and children. Hence, Dharmakirti had no way to come close to him to learn the non-Buddhist doctrines. Subsequently, Dharmakirti disguised himself as a servant, serving the Brahman Kumarila Bhatta family, doing household chores diligently. See how far Dharmakirti would go for the sake of learning the doctrines! Dharmakirti worked strenuously and gained the trust of the Brahman’s wife. Thus, he could learn the crux of the doctrines  – he got what he was looking for! While serving the Brahman family, he also thoroughly understood the non-Buddhist doctrines. Later, he debated with Kumarila Bhatta in the palace and refuted Kumarila Bhatta’s views with proper perception…. and this Brahman Kumarila Bhatta thus had faith in the Buddhism finally. [02:32]

Later, Savkaracarya, a Brahman merchant, debated with Dharmakirti at the Deer Park, and the Brahman was defeated. Not sure if it was because this Brahman was way too staunch or what; surprisingly, he took his own life after being defeated! How did he do that? He drowned himself in the Ganges River. I  wonder, with what kind of feeling he would drown himself in the river. Next year, Savkaracarya was reborn as the son of his disciple. Sixteen years later, Savkaracarya grew up as a young adult and came to debate with Dharmakirti again – undoubtedly  another battle of life and death! And Savkaracarya failed again. After Savkaracarya was defeated again, what did he do? He drowned himself again. Not sure if it was the Ganges River this time? [03:20]

Then he was reincarnated again. Twelve years later, he wanted to debate with Dharmakirti again! Think about it, he already did it back and forth for three life times – being reborn and reincarnated for three times. On the third time, Dharmakirti was old. This time, the aged Dharmakirti struck once more, and won again finally! Dharmakirti might have given him some advice this time; I am not sure what the detail was. Dharmakirti convinced Savkaracarya to take refuge in Buddha’s teaching finally. That is, instead of drowning himself, he was motivated to rely on Buddha’s teaching. Everyone can think about it: why would I introduce Dharmakirti to you? This is the kind of person, [a distinguished master] and his work, the Drop of Reasoning! [04:04]

During that time, with the support of king Utphullapuspa, Dharmakirti composed Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition* [or Synthetic commentary on the seven books of Pramanavidya], He devoted his entire life in fulfilling the wish of reinvigorating/revitalizing the sublime teaching wherever the teachings had declined. Due to his tireless exhortation and urging - his grand aspiration inspired nearly one hundred thousand followers, monks and lay practitioners alike, took refuge in the Three Jewels. He built a monastery at Kalinga later, where he widely promulgated the sublime teachings and assisted many living beings to take the virtuous path. [04:38]

[*The Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition: 1. Pramāṇavārttika (Ascertainment of Valid Cognition) 2. Pramāṇaviniścaya (Commentary on Dignaga's 'Compendium of Valid Cognition') 3. Nyāyabindu (Drop of Reasoning) 4. Saṃbandhaparīkṣā (Analysis of Relations) 5. Hetubindu (Drop of Reasons) 6. Saṃtānāntarasiddhi (Proof of Others' Continuums) 7. Vādanyāya (Reasoning for Debate)]

Such is the commentator who composed the Drop of Reasoning. Master Atisha heard the teaching once – just one time, and he was able to defeat the non-Buddhist logician. Understandably, Master Atisha was indeed exceptionally intelligent! Here is about what Master Atisha had learned when he was 21 years old, and the story of defeating the non-Buddhist logician [at age fifteen], after he listened to Dharmakirti’s Drop of Reasoning only one time. [05:08]

Next, is about Master Atisha’s “study of the esoteric Tantra teachings: Then, he received complete initiation from the guru Rahulagupta, lord of contemplation of the Black Mountain Temple, who had a vision of the glorious Hevajra and had received prophecies from Vajradakini. He was given the secret name Jnanaguhyavajra. [v.1 p.37]” [05:31]

Let’s turn to page 105, the Chinese text of Rinpoche’s Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations; it says: Then, Master Atisha’s “study of the Tantra teachings; that is, how he received the Tantra teaching, apart from receiving the Sutrayana trainings. “The Bangala Black Mountain Temple” was in the city of Bangala, and that was how the temple was named by its geographic location. Then, what is “lord of contemplation”? That refers to his attainment of the Tantra training. As to “who had a vision of the glorious Hevajra and had received prophecies from Vajradakini”, these were all describing his teacher; who was the teacher? It says in the text, “He received complete initiation from the guru Rahulagupta”. The guru that Master Atisha relied on was Rahulagupta in Sanskrit, also known as “Rahulain” or “Rahulami”. When Master Atisha was listening to this guru’s teaching, he received complete initiation from the glorious Hevajra. Although Rinpoche did not specify the initiation was from the glorious Hevajra, it should be so. “He was given the secret name Jnanaguhyavajra,” after receiving the tantric initiation, Master Atisha was given the secret name Jnanaguhyavajra. [06:27]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0279】

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0279

讲次 | 0279 (2020-11-30 ~ 2020-12-02)

标题 | 《正理滴论》作者──法称论师

《广论》段落 | P3-L7 ~ P3-L10 特如大卓垄巴云……立密讳为智密金刚。

入门段落 | 第1册 P104-LL6 ~ P105-L8 《正理滴论》是一部量论......称为智密金刚。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P112-L8注释⑥~ P112-LL6注释⑥ 父为外道婆罗门......令诸众生得入善道。

(更新日期: 2022年7月17日)









我们看 105 页,仁波切的讲记里说:其次,“学习密咒之理”,就是在学习显密两种教法之中,有关学习密咒的状况。在“邦伽罗黑山道场”,就是在邦伽罗城内,一座因地得名的这个寺院。那么什么叫“瑜伽自在”呢?就是获得密咒的成就。然后“亲见欢喜金刚,获得金刚空行佛母授记”,都是形容他的老师,谁呀?“罗睺罗毱多前,请受一切灌顶”。阿底峡尊者这位上师的梵语名为“罗睺罗毱多”,又称为“罗睺罗隐”或“罗睺罗密”。阿底峡尊者就跟在这位上师面前听闻,得到喜金刚的一切灌顶。仁波切说虽然没有说是喜金刚,但应该是这样。“立密讳为智密金刚”,尊者灌顶后得到的密名就是“智密金刚”。06:27

Lecture No. 0280


Lecture No. 0278