Lecture No. 0280

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0280

Lamrim Volume 1:  P37-L15 ~ L21

Date: 17 Jul 2022

Topic: Dreamed about receiving Tantric teachings from Vagisvarakirti Pandita

Let’s continue. The text reads, “By training through his twenty-ninth year in the Vajrayana with many gurus who had achieved spiritual attainments, he became skilled in all the tantric texts and instructions”. Let’s read the green prints from Master Nga-wang Rab-te (we translated as Master/Venerable Yu in the past): “Not only did he study the teachings as extensively as he could at any time and in any places, but one night, he also listened to one hundred thousand, four hundred, and fifty-one volumes of Tantric teachings from Vagisvarakirti Pandita in his dream.” “When the thought occurred to him, ’I alone am skilled in the mantra vehicle,’ his pride was subdued by dakinis in a dream showing him many volumes of the mantra path that he had not seen before.” [v.1 p.37] [00:43]
Here is another story about Master Atisha. Now let’s read Rinpoche’s Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations first! “By training through his twenty-ninth year in the Vajrayana with many gurus who had achieved spiritual attainments, he became skilled in all the tantric texts and instructions”. Before age 29, Master Atisha relied on guru Rahulagupta as his main teacher; in addition, from many well-accomplished gurus, he mastered all of the Tantric scriptures and instructions. “Not only did he study the teachings as extensively as he could at any time and in any places”, meaning Master Atisha would make good use of his time listening to as many tantric teachings as possible in India and many other places; “one night, he also listened to one hundred thousand, four hundred, and fifty-one volumes of Tantric teachings from Vagisvarakirti Pandita in his dream. ” That is, one night in his dream, he listened to voluminous Tantric teachings from Vagisvarakirti Pandita. [01:34]

What level of attainment did Vagisvarakirti Pandita have? Let’s continue to read the text. Vagisvarakirti Pandita was the defender, standing guard on the west gates of both Nalanda and Vikramalasila monasteries in India – upon hearing this, we would know how prominent he was to be appointed as the defender standing guard the gates of monasteries. At that time, if someone came to challenge the monastery, there was the need to have the brilliant defender to debate with the challenger right at the gate because, in case the defender lost the debate to the challenger, the entire monastery would be lost to the challenger. Hence, the defenders standing guard at the gate were all extraordinarily outstanding. Vagisvarakirti Pandita defended the west gate; thus, it sounds like he was definitely a very proficient expert! [02:09]

Vagisvarakirti Pandita was born at Mrgadava – pay attention – to a royal family. He was ordained under the Mahasamghika School with the Dharma name of Silakirti. He beseeched the Cakrasamvara Tantric teaching from Hasavajra, and then he focused on this training at Magadha. Later, he dreamed about his yidam (chosen deity). To validate if he had attained mastery in language, Vagisvarakirti Pandita went to the riverbank of the famous Indian river; what river was it? It was the Ganges River. He plucked a red flower from the karavira tree, which emanated sound and illumination. Not sure why this tree could emit light and  sounds; I am wondering what kind of tree it was. Anyway, Vagisvarakirti Pandita plucked the flower and tossed it into the Ganges River. The flower floated downstream for quite a distance, it just drifted along the current; then all of a sudden, this flower floated upstream, moving against the current! As a saying goes, if you were able to make a flower or an alms bowl to flow against the current, that indicates you have certain attainment in terms of your practice; that was what people said. From then on, Vagisvarakirti Pandita was able to comprehend a thousand verses on the scriptures every day, and he was known as Vagisvarakirti – meaning mastery in language. [03:27]

Very erudite in both Sutrayana and Tantrayana knowledge, Vagisvarakirti Pandita accomplished the entire Dharma Works by giving teachings, debating, and composing commentaries – the three kinds of work (in language). Also, he could often meet with the female Buddha - Tara, who would answer his questions; that is, whenever he was in doubt, he would ask Tara; that is truly incredible! Later he was invited by the king to defend the west gates for both Nalanda and Vikramalasila monasteries. That is, when someone came to challenge the monasteries, he was the defender standing guard at the west gate. He often offered whatever he received to Buddha and Sangha. He also founded a school to study, contemplate, and meditate on both Sutrayana and Tantrayana teachings. In later years, he resided in Nepal and focused on personal practice. From time to time, he would give Tantric teachings to the public. He was such an eminent practitioner. The flower he plucked could flow upstream on the Ganges River! [04:21]  

Master Atisha dreamed about him, right? He dreamed about receiving one hundred thousand, four hundred, and fifty-one volumes of Tantric teachings from Vagisvarakirti Pandita. Later,  Master Atisha had a thought, “I alone am skilled in the mantra vehicle.” That is, “There wouldn’t be anyone else that can surpass me in terms of the skills of the mantra vehicle, because I have listened to and received so many Tantric teachings; would there be another person like me in this world? I don’t think so, right?” Such arrogance arose in his mind. And what did dakinis do? “His pride was subdued by dakinis in a dream showing him many volumes of the mantra path that he had not seen before.” Didn’t he receive many teachings from the lineage in his dreams, right? And in his dream, dakinis further showed him many other volumes of Tantric scriptures that he had never seen before, and thus his pride was subdued. Therefore,  Master Atisha realized that his Tantric studies were not yet completed, and his arrogance was tamed. [05:13]   

Honorable Tara once told him: “The Tantric scriptures in this human world are like the mere tip of a horsehair. Most Tantric scriptures are stored in the naga palace and the deity realms.” If the entire corpus of the Tantric scriptures is like a horse, then the volumes of the Tantric scriptures preserved in the human world is just like one hair of this horse; to be more exact, it is only the tip of the horsehair! However,  Master Atisha once believed that no one else was more skillful than him in terms of Tantra practice in the human world. Later,  Master Atisha went to  Samye Gompa (monastery) in Tibet. In the repository of  Samye monastery,  Master Atisha saw the multitudinous of Sanskrit scriptures. What was most astonishing to Master Atisha was that he had never seen many of these Sanskrit texts while he was in India; surprisingly, he saw them at Samye Gompa in Tibet! Hence, he said, “Alas! It never occurred to me that Tibet would have such a voluminous collection of Tantric scriptures; I have never seen these scriptures even while I was in India. It must have been that Guru Padmasambhava employed his clairvoyant power and brought them back from the deity realms or the naga palace; otherwise, this would not be possible.” [06:21]

I am wondering if there are many Sanskrit scriptures preserved in  Samye Gompa (monastery) today. Imagine how Master Atisha would feel when he found those scriptures; he could be very surprised and he would cherish them very much! When we study the Biography of  Master Atisha in the future, I suppose that there should be a section about this! Then, we can read it more closely and I will expound on it more thoroughly. So stay tuned! [06:45]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0280】

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0280

讲次 | 0280 (2020-12-03 ~ 2020-12-06)

标题 | 梦从语王名称班智达听受密续

《广论》段落 | P3-LL4 ~ P3-LL2 二十九岁以内……摧其慢意。

入门段落 | 第1册 P105-L9 ~ P106-LL1 二十九岁以内......否则不可能会有的。”

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P114-LL6注释⑨ ~ P115-L7注释⑨完 语王名称班智达......此处系依印度文献的说法。

(更新日期: 2022年7月17日)










Lecture No. 0281


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