Lecture No. 0322

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0322

Lamrim Volume 1:  P43-L17 ~ P43-LL

Topic: The Excellent Disciples’ Good Qualities (II)

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0322

Next, we will introduce the translator, Rin-chen-sang-bo, a brief introduction, because when we discuss the Biography of Master Atisha, we will go into more detail. The translator Rin-chen-sang-bo is one of the great Tibetan translators. He was ordained at the age of 13. Following the order by the Tibetan King, he journeyed to Kashmir to study translation under 75 Panditas there and he translated many scriptural texts. After he returned to Tibet, the King offered a place to build a monastery for him. Then implored this virtuous teacher to impart both Sutrayana and Tantrayana teachings. [00:32]

Everyone can make a guess how old Rin-chen-sang bo was when he first met Master Atisha? What age would you guess? He was ordained at the age of 13, then he went to Kashmir and studied under so many Panditas. He did translation and he also gave teachings. you can count how many years that would be? He met Master Atisha when he was 85! He presented all the sutras and treatises he had translated and beseeched Master Atisha to correct them. In addition, he translated the Advice from Atisha’s Heart composed by Master Atisha. He also offered Master (Atisha) 7 taels (equivalent to 350 grams) of gold etc. and implored for the Cakrasamvara initiation as well as the instructions in both the stage of generation and the stage of completion. Receiving the guidance, he meditated intensely and had attainment. At age 85, the translator met his guru, met Master Atisha. This is translator Rin-chen-sang-bo. [01:21]

Gar-gay-wa, a lay disciple of Master Atisha, ever went to a place to invite Master Atisha! That place is called Mang-yul! Then, under the guidance of Master (Atisha) (he) became proficient in Tantra teaching. He beseeched Master (Atisha) to expound the tantra teachings such as Hevajra vajra, Heruka vajra and other practices. This is why now we have the teachings on Hevajra vajra, Heruka vajra, written by Master. Did you hear (that)? This is extremely important! If Gar-gay-wa had not implored Master Atisha to give (the instructions in) this Dharma teaching, Master Atisha’s writings on the Hevajra vajra and Heruka vajra teachings would not have been passed down. Thus, we are greatly indebted to him (this lay practitioner]! [02:03]

So, sometimes because we implore teachings from the gurus, they will put this part of teaching in writing or give us the verbal transmission so that later generations of disciples like us are able (to have the opportunity) to read them. Because of his [Gar-gay-wa] request, we would be benefited by such deep kindness. Otherwise, the writings on Hevajra vajra and Heruka vajra by Master Atisha, we would not be able to see them. So, those who beseeched for the teachings, could also benefit many, many beings in the later generations. We venerate this virtuous teacher! [02:28]

Also, Gö-kuk-ba-hlay-dzay, Master Atisha’s disciple from Tsang, was from the 11th century too. He went to India, where he relied on 72 teachers including Master Atisha. This virtuous teacher mainly received the transmission of Guhyasamaja Tantra teachings. He was also a translator, translated many scriptures. He also proofread the Guhyasamaja Tantra and its commentary. He went to India to study, and after graduation, upon his return to Tibet, widely promulgated the Guhyasamaja teaching. Master Butön Rinchen Drup and Lama Tsong-kha-pa from a later generation, as well as their lineage, all followed the tradition passed down from this teacher and widely promulgated the teaching until this day. This was also an accomplished translator who travelled to India to seek Dharma teaching. [03:09]

Next is Chak-ba-tri-chok, one of the four great yogis under the guidance of Master Atisha, also from around the 11th century. He relied on Master Atisha for 5 years, listened to many teachings, particularly proficient in – the treatises. After Master Atisha passed on, he continued to rely on Master Drom-dön-ba. He abided by the instructions from Master Atisha throughout his whole life, and what did he do? He renounced and meditated one-pointedly, he had vision of many chosen deities and attained the Dhyana-samadhi. However, he passed away very early. At age 42, he passed away in the Reting Monastery. [03:47]

In addition, great yogi (Nal-jor-ba-chen-bo), one of the four main yogi disciples under Master Atisha. His name at birth in fact was Chang-chup-rin-chen [Vol.1 p. 51]. He was also ordained at a very young age and received many teachings under (the guidance of) Master Atisha. Take heed! He was the long-time attendant of Master Atisha and always followed Master Atisha. After Master Atisha passed away, he followed his master’s instruction, followed Master Atisha’s teachings, relied on Master Drom-dön-ba, and stayed permanently in the Reting Monastery. After Master Drom-dön-ba passed away, this virtuous teacher resided and took care of the Reting Monastery for 13 years long. During that period of time, he expanded the monastery and nurtured monastic talents. He made significant contribution to Buddhism. [04:27]

Next is Shay-rap-dor-jay, also one of the four main yogis of Master Atisha. He relied on Master Atisha for 3 years and received many transmissions. He was proficient in tenets of various schools. He received the vision of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva [Chen-re-zig], behold! How eminent and accomplished were the disciples of Master Atisha! They were all endowed with genuine Bodhichitta. After Master Atisha passed on, he resided in Sang-pu, dedicated himself to meditating (on the teachings) and later he passed away there. His disciple was Jen-nga-wa [Vol.1, p73]. [04:58]

Thereafter was Chak-dar-dön-ba, also the disciple of Master Atisha in the 11th century. This virtuous teacher was well versed in many instructions passed down from Master Atisha and was especially proficient in the Paramita teaching. After Master Atisha passed on, he also went to rely on Drom-dön-ba. And Sang-pu-wa, Jen-nga-wa and Pu-chung-wa, the three Kadam Dharma brothers [Vol. 1, P. 201], who was their teacher? Their teacher was Chak-dar-dön-ba, who later also greatly promulgated the Dharma. [05:32]

Next is Ku, Ngok, and Drom; they are Ku-dön Dzön-dru-yung-drung, Ngok Lek-bay shay-rap, and Drom-dön-ba Gyel-way-jung-nay, three of them. Later, we will have a special section dedicated to introducing Drom-dön-ba. These were all principal disciples of Master Atisha in central Tibet. There was a very rich account on Master Ku-dön [or Kutön] in the Biography of Master Atisha. Here we will only give a brief introduction. He was known as “Khutön Choje Tsondru Yungdrung”. Before he relied on Master Atisha, he had followed other teachers. After he studied under the guidance of Master Atisha, he received many transmissions and was especially proficient in Paramita and Yamantaka teachings. He lived up to 65 years of age. [06:12]

And next is translator Ngok Lek-bay-shay-rap, also known as Sang-pu-wa* and he was from around the 11th century. He was ordained by his guru (智慧功德). Later he went to Khams and received scriptural teachings from his guru Master Jowo-se (覺窩色尊). He too, came to Mang-yul to invite Master Atisha. He relied on Master Atisha for many years, mastered many Dharma teachings and he was especially proficient in the Middle-Way views (Madhyamaka). While reading this part, great joy brims my heart. I truly want to read the teachings composed by him with regards to the Middle-Way views (Madhyamaka). He, according to Master Atisha’s prophecy,  constructed monasteries at Sang-pu to benefit living beings. This virtuous teacher was the lineage bearer of the Book of Kadam. Sang-pu-wa studied under the guidance of Master Atisha for 10 years. One correction needs to be made here: in the Four Interwoven Annotations - Vernacular Annotations, page 155, it says, “Sang-pu-wa studied under the guidance of Master Atisha for 19 years”. (In the Chinese text,) the number “9” is extra, please crossed it out, it should be 10 years. [07:23]

[*Based on the following 3 findings we are using Sang-pu-wa in this translation:

1. In LR text Vol.1, on page 77 there is the translation of Sung-pu-wa. But the same section in Geshe Sopa’s commentary on page 116 this teacher is translated as Sangpuwa.

2. Also on LR Vol.1 text, page 284, there is the quote from Sang-pu-wa.

3. There is the Sangpu monastery important to Kadam and Gelug: https://treasuryoflives.org/institution/ Sangpu-Neutok

Also refer to https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Ngok-Loden-Sherab/4261 He founded the Sangpu Neutok Monastery 1073 and ordained his nephew in 1076.]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0322】

讲次 | 0322 (2021-04-29 ~ 2021-05-02)

标题 | 殊胜弟子之功德(二)

《广论》段落 | P7-LL1 ~ P8-L6 此阿阇黎于五印度……广则应知出广传文。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P154-L1注释⑥ ~ P155-LL5注释⑮完 宝贤译师 西藏大译师之一》“.....此师为《噶当宝籍”的传人。

(更新日期: 2022年3月31日)














Lecture No. 0321