【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Differentiating the body form of the beings in the intermediate state 判别中有的身形

【The Origin of Suffering】- Differentiating the body form of the beings in the intermediate state

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76B 15’16” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P131 L1
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Some claim mistakenly that the being of the intermediate state has the shape of the body from its previous life.

Well, some people have misunderstood this. They claim that for the beings in the intermediate state, they take on the shape of the body from the previous life. This is incorrect. It is mistaken, mistaken.

There are also those who claim—in view of Asanga's explanation of this being's physical shape in its next life—that it is in the image of the body from its former life for three-and-one-half days and in the image of the body it will possess in its next life for three-and-one-half days. In the absence of any accurate sources, such assertions are simply fabrications.

People made different claims though. Some would say that the beings take on the shape of the body from the next life, but there are others who claim that the beings take on the shape of the body from the previous life. Thus people decided to say this, "So it will go like this. Since each seven days is one cycle in the intermediate state, if one cannot go to his next rebirth yet, he will make a shift in seven days. He will make a shift in seven days. So just let it be like this! We should make it half and half. The first three and a half days, one will take on the form from the previous life, the form he originally had. For the latter three and a half days, one will take on the form of the next life." Some would claim this. So the great master tells us that there is no actual source for this. He said these words "accurate sources"! These are "fabrications." This is something we had imagined, there is no such thing.


76B 15’16” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P131 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P310

日常师父法语📡76B 15’16”手抄稿第10册P131 L1

希求解脱 : 判别中有的身形






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