Lecture No. 0304

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0304

Lamrim Volume 1:  : P40-L4 ~ P40-L11

Topic: Likewise if I lose my weapon of mindfulness, in fear of hell, I quickly retrieve it

Next, the discussion moved on to the topic of vigilance and mindfulness of upholding precepts. We should be clear what kind of precepts we have taken, how many stipulations? What condition would constitute an infraction? What is transgression? One should not commit transgressions as this will result in breaking the vows. When the vows are broken, the effect is miserable rebirth. At this time, we should repent. Therefore, mindfulness is critical while we are upholding the precepts. Take heed! Before the word “intention” [念头], there is a word “correct” [正] (referring to mindfulness), usually mindfulness and vigilance are placed together. Rinpoche considers mindfulness very important. Then, one of the Venerables asked: “While upholding precepts, is having mindfulness the first thing we should do?” I believed this Venerable already knew the answer. Sometimes, when we are in front of our virtuous teachers, we will ask the questions of issues that we already understood to validate it again. I am not sure if you have such an experience? I do have many, ask one more time, receive it one more time, [we] will obtain blessing one more time. [00′58″]

Rinpoche continued, pay attention, we must arise our mindfulness. Let me ask you a question first: is mindfulness very heavy? Mindfulness can just fly over and that’s done, why do we need to arise it? Does it take strength to raise things? Do we have to exert effort? For people who are strong, lifting stuff is a breeze. However, for those who are physically weaker, when lifting something heavy, they will need to exert extra effort. In the initial stage of strength training, when we do not have sufficient training yet, we need to exert great effort. That is why, when we start to uphold mindfulness, we would feel that even if we exert ourselves, we just couldn’t do it. It seemed to be a hefty load. However, being mindful is critically important, if we can’t remain mindful, it would just be impossible to even think of it. That is, we need to search for mindfulness, once we have found it, then we need to bring it over, hold fast to it, and arise it. [01′54″]

Rinpoche continued: “Vigilance is also very important!” What is vigilance? New students would often ask: “What is vigilance? What is mindfulness?” Take being attentive in class for example; what is it? Is this mindfulness? Then, you examine yourself with full attention: “Am I listening attentively?” Check your state of mind periodically; what would you call this? Vigilance. It is to check if your mindfulness is still at work. Vigilance, who does it keep an eye on? It is to keep an eye on mindfulness, right? So, vigilance is being observant, and mindfulness is what Rinpoche said here, just as described in the Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds: as the knife and sword used by the warrior in the battlefield. What does this analogy illustrate? Mindfulness. After we dropped the sword, pick it up right away. This is how mindfulness should be [applied]; as soon as mindfulness drops, we must pick it up immediately. [02′39″]

The Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds states: “If you drop your sword in battle, out of fear, you quickly pick it up. Likewise, if I lose my weapon of mindfulness, in fear of hell, I quickly retrieve it.” [Vol. 2, P. 203] Here it comes, here comes the crucial point! What if mindfulness seems to be very weighty, we are unable to lift it, we can’t even find it. What should we do then? If we lose our mindfulness, that means the [precious] sword is lost, what should we do? “In fear of hell, I quickly retrieve it”, without mindfulness, we will fall to hell! We need to reflect on the sufferings of the three miserable realms, be fearful of descending to hell, then we retrieve the sword immediately. If we drop the [precious] sword in the battlefield, it should be retrieved right away. Otherwise, the enemy will grasp this opportunity and kill us. It is the same for mindfulness, once we lose it, we must reflect on the sufferings in hell or the miserable realms, we really have to be able to transform our mind. [If] You are reluctant to be mindful, [if] you are reluctant, how can you convince your mind? You have to contemplate on the sufferings in hell and the sufferings of the three miserable realms. [03′51″] 

You have contemplated over it once, but your mind ignores you; your attempt is futile! You continue to contemplate deeper. What did you think of? Transform [your mind]. That is, to have feelings about the sufferings in hell and the miserable realms. What does “feelings” mean? [It means from] the word “fear”, start to be afraid! Feel fearful and mindfulness is arose. Is this a kind of taming [the mind]? If we do not have mindfulness, then vigilance will not arise either. With mindfulness, we can then apply vigilance to inspect whether we have done it right or not, use it to analyze [our mental stream]. This is Rinpoche’s explanation of vigilance and mindfulness. [04′24″]

It seems to me, the teaching in this section, provides very brilliant instructions for us to work hard [in terms of our meditation practice], do you all agree? Arising mindfulness, we would think it is quite easy under normal circumstances. However, once we feel offended, we only want to vent our anger on that person who is annoying us. [At this juncture,] being mindful, we need patience or to recollect the merits of the Three Jewels, and pray to the gurus…. A moment like this, we would find it difficult to keep our mindfulness. What should we visualize at time like this? Here, it says: “In fear of hell, I quickly retrieve it.” This is one of the approaches. What else? “I should remain still like a tree” [The Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds, Chapter 5, #50”], is this right? These are the feasible approaches provided in the Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds. [04′57″]

Most important of all, are we aware when we lose our mindfulness? Dropping the sword, some people still dash forward! Charging into enemy formation, still thinking they are pretty smart. They are no longer waving their [precious] sword [of mindfulness]. At this time, the enemy of afflictions will grasp this opportunity to destroy us, thereby planting the many causes of great suffering of descending to the three miserable realms. At this moment, we should be afraid of it. There is a saying [in the scriptures that], “Bodhisattvas fear causes” [Teaching #301]. Being afraid of the causes in this moment – in the moment we lose our temper, or we speak [whatever is in our mind] without restraints, we seem to derive great satisfaction from doing so. However, the karma of descending to hell is thus created. The offensive speeches, etc. these are created.  Once created, we should be alerted right away: “Wow! What I have done is a non-virtuous deed, and the consequence of doing so is downfall to the miserable realms! I have taken the vows; I cannot do this!” While thinking about these, have we successfully arose our mindfulness? Yes, we have already arose  it. Thus, we need to stabilize it, make it steady, and then we will be able to intercept our mental momentum from engaging in non-virtuous deeds, “I should remain still like a tree”. Now, we can see trees almost everywhere. When we see trees, will we just admire how pretty these trees are, looking so nice under the blue sky, or will we be reminded that is it possible for each tree to be a reminder for us. Our condition of upholding the precepts should be as steady as the trees. We should let our mind remain in the proper perception. [06′20″]

When we are holding grudges, we will begin to complain. Some people would turn their entire life into a ledger [keeping record of who owes them what, so on and so forth], flipping through the ledger whenever they are free and start complaining. Once the gate of the complaining river is opened, wow! It is very extremely outrageous; they would complain almost about anything. Complaining, complaining, and complaining, blaming everyone, bring nothing but immense unbearable suffering to themselves. Well, we all know that this human form is very difficult to obtain, and Buddha Dharma is hard to come by [yet, we have encountered both]. Therefore, we can also remember kindness upon these two points. At this juncture, are we able to arise  our mindfulness. We are given this human form, not for using it to complain, rather, we want to use it [this human form] for practicing on the Mahayana path, for upholding the precepts, for properly keeping up with the vows. [Why?] Because [if we keep] complaining and complaining, such verbal actions will cause infraction against the ethical discipline. [07′03″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0304】

讲次 | 0304 (2021-02-25 ~ 2021-02-28)

标题 | 如是若失念,畏狱速提起

《广论》段落 | P5-LL4 ~ P5-LL3 成就定学……心中亦有所忆持者。

入门段落 | 第1册 P126-LL4 ~ P127-L11 师父,还有一个问题......大体是这样的。

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0304

(更新日期: 2022年4月8日)











Lecture No. 0305


Lecture No. 0303