Lecture No. 0305

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0305

Lamrim Volume 1:  P39 LL5 – P40 L11

Date: 30 Jun 2021

Topic: Practise mindfulness and vigilance to receive updates from our inner world

Once mindfulness is in place, vigilance can then do its job. And, reciprocally, vigilance will safeguard mindfulness, monitoring if mindfulness is at work. If mindfulness is absent, vigilance should prompt mindfulness quickly. This is exactly the process of how a warrior is trained for swordsmanship; when our sword falls, we need to pick them up right away, without any delay. This “in fear of hell, I quickly retrieve it” is because we are afraid of being killed, we need to pick up the swords immediately. This is a matter of pace. Again, it is about speed, isn’t it? As we discussed earlier, after we have taken the vows, if there is any stain or infraction, we must quickly – another reference of instant response, immediately we must restore the purity of our vows! Rinpoche said here, “when mindfulness is absent, immediately we must - we have to quickly retrieve our mental awareness! From the way Master Atisha responded to the arising condition, and what kind of state of mind he demonstrated, you can tell that this practitioner is very alert. Such a very seasoned warrior; while battling with the mind internally, he had learned to react quickly. He would not sit there whining or blaming others by claiming, “Thanks to this environment of yours, I can’t practice well; that is why I developed non-virtuous thoughts.” Instead of doing so, the practitioner immediately retrieves the sword! [01′07″]

We must practice to acquire this capability. In order to prevent us from generating the cause to descend to the three miserable realms, we can’t delegate such responsibility to others. Because this mind stream is yours, you have to take action to prevent it from heading to the miserable realms in the next part of the journey; the direction of the future is up to you; you are the decision maker and the film director of your next phase of existence. So, if we recognized that I am the film director of my next life, how can I allow the script to become the play of the hell realm, or play the role of hungry ghost or animal? Just being cast as an ordinary human being will not please us. We want to play the role as someone who is very noble, endowed with wisdom, good appearance, patience, and eloquence …, someone who is perfect all-around. But, we are the director of our own play; by the deeds we engaged in this life, we reap what we sow. [01′59″]

So this mindfulness is the fundamental qualification for us to cause such prominent karma. It is like the sword of a warrior, whom must practice how to pick it up quickly and immediately! So how do we know if our mindfulness is not at work? The vigilance has to be watchful of it and provide the alerts. For example, when we encounter a condition, which may easily trigger our afflictions, we need to be alert and on guard, “Ah, whenever I face this condition, my afflictions arise easily, so I need to be vigilant and alert!” When our vigilance ebbs away, or even slipping quickly into the abyss, we must “remain still like a log” – to bring our mind back from the arising conditions and examine what is going on in our mind. So, monastics usually lower their eyelids, right? “Gazing ahead only a yoke’s length” [V.1, P.337]; it does not mean that all the monastics have to do is to lower their eyelids to gaze ahead and take a rest; what are they examining? They are checking out their three karmic doors, and keeping an eye on what is going through the three karmic doors. [02′55″]

So, isn't it very important for us to understand our mind? Nowadays the communication is thriving, so eager are we to find out what is happening here and there in the world, and distance hardly makes any difference, for information is easily available at our fingertips. We would be very curious to find out about what has happened around the world, but do we understand what is happening in our mind right now? If we don’t examine our mind, we would not understand the mind; and it is impossible to understand our mind through high technology like cell phones, computers, or televisions, etc. What should we do to understand our mind? We must observe inwardly. We should observe our mind with vigilance, applying the powers of observation to introspect. Such is the approach we can adopt to find out what play is on in our mind – is it the sequel of the human form of leisure and opportunity, or the episode in the three miserable realms? We must be aware of the direction of our mind is heading, and we apply impromptu adjustment. If the script is properly written, we should present it accordingly; if the script is done terribly and filled with sufferings beyond description, then we must revise it; we should absolutely not allow it to become a tragedy! [04′10″]

Therefore, as practitioners we should introspect to obtain update from our inner world, receiving the live broadcast of what is on our mind, and knowing what our mind is up to becomes our primary task, which is of extreme importance! If we don’t know what our mind is up to, and we do not pay attention to it, how can we be sure that we are abiding by the precepts? Also how can we find out whether we have infracted any precepts, not to mention the ensuing purification rites; all these start with whether mindfulness is in place. Thus, with regards to mindfulness, as far as the warrior is concerned, the sword is to protect the life of the warrior; similarly the sword of mindfulness is to protect the leisure and opportunity of our future life - rebirth into next level of high-status. [04’55”]

What is this sword? It is the sword of mindfulness! [05′00″]

So, being a practitioner may seem rather difficult for some people; actually it is not that hard; all it takes is the training of mindfulness. How do we go about the training? Where is mindfulness from? It is introduced to us from the scriptures, right? From relying on virtuous teachers and listening to the sublime teachings, we also learn about mindfulness from upholding the ethical disciplines, from the precepts we abide by we can obtain mindfulness as well. Besides, while everyone persists in listening to Global Lamrim every day and attending Lamrim discussion classes, what Lamrim teaches us is all about the training of mindfulness. From what you have listened, how much can you remember? If you can barely remember any, you can try to attend the study sessions twice a week. Some classmates even listen and discuss Lamrim teachings every day. During the pandemic, I have heard that some classmates attended four discussion classes a day; they really are studying diligently. I have also heard that someone could listen to Lamrim teachings continuously for eight hours, devoting oneself into studying conscientiously for eight hours, even more earnestly than the students in the school. Many of our lay practitioners study very hard, and monastics are striving diligently in the monastery as well. Therefore, this mindfulness can be nurtured; we should foster such practice of mindfulness. We should all work hard at it! [06′07″]

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0305


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0305】

讲次 | 0305 (2021-03-01 ~ 2021-03-03)

标题 | 修行正念正知,得到内心的消息

《广论》段落 | P5-L7 ~ P5-LL3 如是于诸三种律仪……心中亦有所忆持者。

入门段落 | 第1册 P126-LL4 ~ P127-L11 师父,还有一个问题......大体是这样的。

(更新日期: 2022年4月8日)










Lecture No. 0306


Lecture No. 0304