Lecture No. 0302

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0302

Lamrim Volume 1:  P40-L1 – L11

Date: 8 Apr 2022

Topic: The merits of accomplishing advanced training in concentration

Thus, Lama Tsong-kha-pa said: “Know that this biography delights scholars who understand the key points of the scriptures,” [V.1, P. 40]  such a biography [of the eminent master who kept the pure observance of the vows] delights the scholars who understand the key points of the scriptures. Lama Tsong-kha-pa continued that everyone should “emulate such excellent beings”, like Master Atisha [vigilantly and conscientiously upholding the vows,] we should also keep the pure observance of the precepts in our mind stream. For this, as Rinpoche pinpointed, we should put forth extra effort. Then Rinpoche said: “This is very crucial!” And this concludes the “a. That Atisha possessed the training in ethics.” [V.1, P. 38] [00′42″]

Have you noticed how many “crucial” points Rinpoche mentioned in this section [since teaching #299]? He mentioned three crucial points. Is that right? Never should we be clueless about the precepts and vows that we have taken and their pledges we promise to fulfill, nor should we cross the boundaries of root downfalls by transgressing what is stipulated in the precepts; instead, we should uphold the precepts meticulously, and this is very important. [01′03″]

What did Rinpoche say next? The monastic vows have its purification ritual, even Bodhisattvas vows, and even Tantric vows have their respective purification rituals, we should apply these rites immediately to restore and to safeguard our vows; this is very crucial, right? We should restore any speck of tainting. [01′22″]

And then what did Lama Tsong-kha-pa say? He said we should emulate Master Atisha and keep pure observance of the precepts in our mind stream, and we should put forth extra effort into it. Why? For if we don’t exert such effort there is no way for us to master it,  then we would turn back to the old habits before we took the precepts and be completely engulfed within. Those who have not taken the vows don’t need to worry about the precepts, because there are no precepts for them to safeguard. [Having the precepts] is like carrying a priceless treasure; for those who don’t have the treasure, they don’t need to guard the afflictions that intrude the three karmic doors to steal this treasure. If we don’t exert ourselves, some of us may forget that the vast wealth we possess – is the precepts. This is very crucial, and we have to put forth great effort to preserve it! So how can we put forth extra effort? This should be a daily effort! Moment by moment working hard! Right? What do we need to observe randomly and rapidly? [We should] observe our three karmic doors, as [indicated in Lamrim] “What is there to do except to stand guard over your mind day and night?” [V.1, P. 349] This is the expedient means and advice from past great masters. [02′22″]

[Though the quote from Lama Tsong-kha-pa] is very short, yet how did Master Atisha uphold the precepts? These words precisely revealed his efforts. So what is the expectation our gurus have for us? In learning the ethical discipline - we should keep pure observance of the precepts in our mind stream, and put forth extra effort. There is no need for us to spend time on grumbling over rights and  wrongs, or on those meaningless moaning and groaning, just because we feel the suffering! In fact, the moment for us to actually remove suffering is right there and then instantly, right? Adhere to the vows, and purify the transgressions we have committed. If right at this given moment we can, in our mind, put this piece of advice from the gurus into practice, then this moment will be more precious than anything else. Why? Because the precepts are bestowed on us from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, just as this human form is the gift from our gurus, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; we can also say that this human form is the present from our parents. [03′24″]

So how can we apply this human form to obtain the high-status life after life? How do we achieve it? We must rely on the precepts. So how can we keep pure observance of the precepts? We must exert ourselves in learning the three crucial points! Never should we say, “I have heard this teaching before”! We thought we may have heard it before, but have we kept it in mind? Even though we have kept the advice in mind, have we practiced it frequently enough? Has such constant practice become one of our habits? Can such habit arise spontaneously in our mind so that keeping pure observance of the precepts is an effortless breeze for us? Hope we can exert ourselves and work on this point together; this is very, very crucial! [04′01″]

Buddha also taught us that we practitioners should regard the precepts as our teacher. [04′08″]

Next let’s continue with the study on “b. That Atisha possessed the training in concentration”; it is in the middle section on page 123, the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations, Chinese text.

1) The training in concentration common to sutra and tantra
His mind became serviceable by means of meditative serenity.
2) The training in the uncommon concentrations
He reached a very stable stage of generation due to having practiced the deeds of proficient conduct for six or three years. At that time, after hearing the secret tantric songs sung by dakinis in Oddiyana, he committed them to memory.
[V.1, P.40] [04′44″]

Next is about the advanced training Master Atisha possessed in concentration. “That Atisha possessed the training in concentration” is the 2nd sub-point [V.1, P.38 under “how, engaging in proper practice, he gained the good qualities of experiential knowledge”]. If explain in  plain language,  the training in concentration can be divided into two parts: the common and the uncommon. The meritorious qualities of the common concentration are achieved by meditative serenity, so that our mind becomes autonomous serviceable; for the uncommon concentration, the practitioners achieve a very stable and firm mastery of the generation stage. Master Atisha practiced deeds of proficient conduct for three or six years. At that time, he could hear the secret tantric songs sung by dakinis in Oddiyana, and he was able to memorize them by heart. [05′27″]

For the merits Master Atisha accomplished in the training of concentration, there were two types: common and uncommon. The common concentration training,  “by means of meditative serenity”, meditative serenity is the common path for both sutra and tantra practices; that is, Tantrayana requires the practice of concentration, so does the Sutrayana. “His mind became serviceable by means of meditative serenity,”  by the concentration training, practitioners can achieve serviceability of the mind. Once the meditative serenity is achieved, the pliability of mind and body arises, and this is the common concentration. As for the word “serviceability” it is explained in the question answering section later; we can read them at the end. [06′07″]

What follows is the “training in the uncommon concentrations”. “The training in the uncommon concentration, He reached a very stable stage of generation”,  in his mind stream Master Atisha possessed the tantric generation stage and all related attainments, this is the uncommon concentration. “Due to having practiced the deeds of proficient conduct for six or three years”; what is “deeds of proficient conduct”? It is the meditating on the chosen deity [V.1, P. 352] during the retreat. So why is that it says in the text six or three years? Does that mean they are not certain? It is not so. Here the three and six years represent the same thing. Because our six months is counted as a year in India; namely, either the six years based on the system in India or three years in our system, Master Atisha persevered meditating in the retreat. [06′59″]

 “At that time, after hearing the secret tantric songs sung by dakinis in Oddiyana, he committed them to memory”; this is the indication of his attainment on the stage of generation. Oddiyana is Orgyen [meaning flying or soaring; Tibetan refers to it as Urgyen]”. Some people said this refers to the area around present-day Pakistan or Afghanistan,  where in the past, tantric practice was very popular, and Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava was from there. With the tantric training, practitioners there became very powerful; they could fly in the air; thus the place was called Orgyen, translated as “Oddiyana”. When Master Atisha was in the middle of his meditative concentration during the retreat, he heard the singing voice of dakinis in Oddiyana, the present day of the Afghanistan area, and the meaning of the songs imprinted in his mind; he memorized and recorded them down. His  attainment  had reached such a level! And this is the good quality of experiential knowledge that he had possessed at the stage of generation. [08′01″]

In regard to this Oddiyana, it is the kingdom in the ancient India, also known as Orgyen or Uchang, or U-chang-na; which is the present Swat Valley in the northwestern Pakistan. There is another saying, that it is in the Afghanistan region. It was once a Buddhist country. What was its prime time like? The country had eighteen thousand monastics all practicing Mahayana teaching, especially the Tantric practice. There are countless Buddhism relics discovered in the region. This is recorded in the newer version of the Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions. [08′44″]

Was it true that Tantric practice was very popular in the past in Afghanistan and Pakistan region? It is said that there are many Tantric Buddha statues and Dharma instruments found in the excavated artifacts, which sustain enough evidence to prove that this place was once very flourished with Tantric practice. It is also said that there is a type of Yamantaka mantra; in the past people at this Orgyen place all mastered this training, there is such a saying. They not only could fly, but  also had achieved Buddhahood; probably no human residing there. One of the Yamantaka recording states so, that Yamantaka lineage  was actually from Lalita Vajra who received the lineage from Orgyen, the present-day Afghanistan. [09′36″]

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0302


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0302】

讲次 | 0302 (2021-02-18 ~ 2021-02-21)

标题 | 成就增上定学之功德

《广论》段落 | P5-LL6 ~ P5-LL3 如是净传……心中亦有所忆持者。

入门段落 | 第1册 P123-L4 ~ P125-L5 “如是净传......邬金那边请来的。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 (1) P131-L1 ~ P131-L4 第二科、成就定学......并且忆持于心。;(2) P132-L1注释⑥ ~ P132-L5注释⑥完 飞行国......境内的佛教遗迹不可胜数。
(更新日期: 2022年4月8日)









接下来让我们看“成就定学”,在 123 页中间的部分。

成就定学,分 共与不共二:共者,谓由奢摩他门,得堪能心。不共定学者,谓具极稳生起次第。此复三年或六年中,修明禁行。尔时遥闻飞行国中诸空行母讴歌之声,心中亦有所忆持者。04:44








Lecture No. 0303


Lecture No. 0301