Lecture No. 0301

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0301

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0301

Lamrim Volume 1:  P39-LL5 ~ P40-L3

Date: 8 Apr 2022

Topic: Apply the purification rituals to swiftly restore pure observance of the precepts - 2

What is mentioned in this passage [V.1, PP.39~40, and in Discourse #299] is a method provided to negate the effect of descending to the three miserable realms due to our failure to properly uphold our vows; how do we counter — we can apply the purification rites to restore it, and it must be applied immediately! This is because if we don’t purify the transgressions right away, non-virtuous karma will multiply, bringing us suffering that are even more unbearable. So, how do we develop this: aye, I noticed myself committing minor transgression -- pay attention! Master Atisha’s conduct then was only a very slight transgression, he immediately started to apply purification rites to restore his vows. Such is the degree of caution and conscientiousness of Great Masters towards their precepts. Like Master Atisha who was on an arduous journey travelling to Tibet from India, he abided by this practice regardless how difficult the journey may be! [00′52″]

Seldom do we have to undergo such arduous times when we travel, because modes of transportation these days have become very convenient; there is no need to pay such a price. If we are not required to put in physical strength nor go through such hardship, just have to stay put at one place, we may like to reflect on Master Atisha’s conduct and then examine our own attitude toward the precepts. Do you feel how important the purification rites and the four powers of eradication [V.1, P. 251] are in our lives? [01′25″]

Suppose there is a piece of clothing or an item that is extremely precious to us; when it comes into contact with something dirty by accident and the stain could be removed, we would wash it as quickly as possible for fear that the stain will become harder to get rid of after a longer time, or that it can no longer be cleaned as thoroughly. We might even skip meals, sacrifice sleep and ignore the challenges to find all sorts of ways to clean it. For instance when it comes to cleaning or housekeeping, classmates who have particularly great sense of responsibility would try many ways to clean the carpeted areas, the seams between tiles/planks of the flooring, and the narrow gaps underneath the doors, they have to all be thoroughly cleaned. When it concerns a matter like the transgressions of our vows, we should carry forward the same psyche, identifying the elusive faults and eliminate them through repentance. [02′18″]

In our mind frame there is this aspect: we dislike seeing things that are filthy, we would want to wash them clean; for an item that is very clean, we become uncomfortable when it is dirtied and will want to make it clean. Thus, in our mind stream, we have precious precepts bestowed from Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and our Gurus; if they are tainted or infracted, how can we not go looking for every means to apply purification rites and restore them? This should be the kind of reflex we must train for after taking the vows – a type of reflex when we are faced with arising conditions. For instance, when encountered with an arising condition, we need to examine whether we have transgressed our vow. And if we did, we should not be trying to cover it up quickly to hide it from others, and also not turning pale, panicking, or going blank in our mind, our eyes staring into space; this is not the way it should be! Instead, we should think: what are the remedies taught to us by Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and the scriptures? How should we resolve such situations? We need to act on the solutions. Buddha did impart us the way to do it! Which is to apply the purification rites to restore the vows, and repent repeatedly, is this right? Purify the flaw by repenting and do the repentance very promptly. Rinpoche said this is extremely important, “immediately”, here it emphasizes on the word “immediately”! [03′35″]

For those of us who have taken the precepts, do we view the purification ritual very seriously in our hearts and become proficient in it, skilfully restoring our own precepts bit by bit, and with more practice, responding quicker and conduct our vows with more and more purity. This is what we should train in and acquire, a fundamental skill; a type of capability. If this capability is not strong enough, speaking seriously, it will threaten our status to be born as a human in our next lifetime; we will lose the opportunity of being a human! Because if our vows are tainted, inferring based on the law of cause and effect, we have not purified them well in this life, how can we anticipate the conditions of leisure and opportunity life after life? Hence, this is a very serious problem, however hard it may be, we must master it! [04′29″]

No matter how unaccustomed our minds are, we need to find every possible way to guide our mind to learn how to think coherently: The stages of the path to enlightenment, how do we deal with the suffering of the miserable realms [V.1 chapter 10]? We should think of seeking refuge. Then, why is that after we take refuge, we can be salvaged from suffering in the miserable realms? Following this line of thought, we will have to talk about Buddha’s good qualities. When our vows are tainted, what would Buddha want us to do about it? Apply the purification rites and do it promptly! Do it instantly! Not only the purification rituals, afterwards we still need to repent using the four powers. [05′02″]

Do we believe that applying the purification rituals can help us restore the vow? Then do we have faith in what the Buddha taught? There are various reasonings from the scriptures that we can use to deduce this! Hence, we must develop such faith and habit. Why is that our minds can adopt such a habit? It is because the mind is without inherent nature; whatever direction you habituate it, the habituation will occur in a corresponding manner. And of course, we want to develop the type of habit that will steer us away from suffering and attain happiness – cultivate a type of habit that will reduce more and more suffering and obtain more and more happiness! The purification rituals and the four powers of eradication are extremely great methods that bring us away from suffering. [05′39″]

So, it instructs us not only to make aspirations, but we must also take action, to learn the acts of great eminent masters in the past like Master Atisha! Because just like our role models and mentors, he walks ahead of us and by our side to accompany us, how to break away from the threat that the miserable realms hold on us, earnestly using the line of reasoning we learnt to change our perceptions and behaviours, and it achieves the result of eliminating the cause of suffering, thus removing the effects of suffering. That’s why there is a saying: ordinary beings fear effects, whereas Bodhisattvas are wary of their causes. [06′27″]

How do we transform ourselves into a person whom due to the fear of effects, would quickly resolve it at the causal stage? This is the issue of changing our habit. Hope that everyone can diligently examine our own three karmic doors, sincerely emulate Master Atisha and many great masters who uphold their precepts well. [06′51″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0301】

讲次 | 0301 (2021-02-15 ~ 2021-02-17)

标题 | 以还净仪轨,令戒律速疾清净(二)

《广论》段落 | P5-L7 ~ P5-L9 如是于诸三种律仪……随诸正士应当修学。

入门段落 | 第1册 P122-LL2 ~ P123-L4 先不论产生像他胜罪......这就是觉窝杰的行谊。

(更新日期: 2022年4月8日)












Lecture No. 0302


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