Lecture No. 0311

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0311

Lamrim Volume 1:  : 41-LL8 ~ LL

Date: 27 Mar 2022

Topic: early dissemination (of the Teaching); the three great masters who passed down the monastics vows lineage

Very well! We will continue with our study. Today we are still on the good qualities of Master Atisha. Everyone please turn to page 138 of the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations (Chinese text). Let’s read the text. [00:17]

The 2nd subtopic: eliminate damage done to the Buddhist system and the three precious trainings: In general, the glorious Acharya Bodhisattva Santaraksita and Padmasambhava Lotus-born introduced the practices of the Buddhist system to the Land of Snow during the early dissemination of the teaching. However, the Chinese abbot Ha-shang caused the teaching to decline. He did not understand emptiness correctly and thereby denigrated the factor of method and negated bringing anything to mind, even virtues. The great master Kamalasila Lotus-precepts, after refuting Hashang well, established the Conqueror’s intent; hence, his kindness was the  greatest [V.1, P. 41]. [01:02]

Now let’s take a look at Rinpoche’s Introduction. Please turn to page 139. It says in the outline: “The 2nd subtopic: eliminate damage done to the Buddhist system and the three precious trainings”; this is the annotations from Master Jam-yang Shay-pa (translated as Venerable Miao in the past). The content of this 2nd subtopic is the eradication of the destruction to Buddhism in Tibet; such destructions included the damage to the three precious trainings, the great harm to pure ethical conducts pertaining to the training of precepts and monastic vows. Master Jam-yang Shay-pa classified all these topics under the 2nd subtopic. It says in the text, “In general … introduced the practices of the Buddhist system to the Land of Snow during the early dissemination of the teaching;” this is the time of the early dissemination of the Buddha Dharma in Tibet - there are the terms of “Land of Snow” and “early dissemination. Let’s continue with the reading first, and come back to these terms later. [01:51]

During the early dissemination of the Buddha Dharma in Tibet, “the glorious Acharya Bodhisattva Santaraksita and Padmasambhava Lotus-born” meaning both of them “introduced the practices of the Buddhist system”. Santaraksita was also a Bengali. Are you familiar with Bengali? Santaraksita was from the same clan with Master Atisha, as indicated in the prayer composed by Master Drom-don-ba, “In the affluent land of Bengal was reigned by the emperor of the Za-hor descendants, where Bodhisattva Santaraksita was born, I bow down at the feet of Dipamkarasrijnana [teaching #274 & #275]. Santaraksita and Padmasambhava were the first two great adepts coming from India to Tibet to establish the Tibetan Buddhism system; the emperor Trisong Detsen [742~797] and the two masters – three of them – collaboratively established the initial Buddhist system in Tibet, and properly instituted the pure Buddha Dharma there. [02:46]

The text continues, “However, the Chinese abbot Ha-shang caused the teaching to decline. He did not understand emptiness correctly and thereby denigrated the factor of method and negated bringing anything to mind, even virtues.” The “Chinese abbot Hashang” was mentioned here. [Based on the text,] he did not thoroughly penetrate the key points of wisdom of emptiness, and because of that, he mistakenly assumed that by waiving one of the two means – compassion or wisdom, one could achieve Buddhahood. In fact, we all know both of them are required, relinquishing either one is impossible to achieve Buddhahood. He also thought the expedient means of Bodhichitta, renunciation, etc.  unnecessary; practitioners could attain Buddhahood by the assertion that nothing can be the object of mentation. [03:25]

Because of the arrival of the Chinese abbot Ha-shang Moheyan, his assertion of Buddha Dharma caused severe damage to the sublime teaching in Tibet. Later on, Master Kamalasila came to Tibet and refuted such erroneous views. He composed the Stages of Meditation. We will encounter them in many of our readings, and Lamrim cited many passages from the trilogy of the Stages of Meditation. Master Kamalasila completely refuted the erroneous views from the Chinese abbot Ha-shang Moheyan, and re-established the Conqueror’s intent; hence, his kindness was the greatest. [04:00]

“Land of Snow”, in fact, refers to Tibet; located in the high, freezing elevation and snow covered the land whole year round; Tibet is known as Land of Snow, or Snow Land. The early dissemination – apparently there is also the later dissemination – was from Tibetan Tubo kingdom [7th~11th century] all the way to the development phase of Songtsen Gampo, the flourishing stage at the time of Trisong Detsen, the reform of writing system by emperor Khrigtsung-Ide-brtsan, and till the time before Lang-dar-ma who destroyed the teaching. This was the “early dissemination” of the Tibetan Buddhism. [04:35]

What is mentioned here is “Lang-dar-ma”, a Tibetan emperor who destroyed Buddhism.  Here, I asked Rinpoche, “Who was Lang-dar-ma in his previous life? How come he could cause such severe damage to Buddha’s teaching?” Because I was thinking at that time: why was that he could do such devastating damage to the sublime teaching? Was it because of the evil wishes he made? Actually, before Rinpoche’s introduction, I did not know who Lang-dar-ma was. [05:00]

And Rinpoche said that there are many stories to it. While people were constructing the Boudhanath Stupa in Nepal, Lang-dar-ma was a bull. On the opening day of the stupa, everyone was praying sincerely with heart-felt joy, but this bull prayed, “When they begin promulgating the teaching, I vow to destroy it!” Such was the evil wish he had made. Based on Rinpoche, this is one of the legends. Over the course of Chinese history, there were emperors destroying the Buddha Dharma – Three Disasters of Wu and one Zong, there were four times of Buddhist Persecutions in China [between 5th and 10th century]. However, Rinpoche said the damage done in China was not as grave as what Lang-dar-ma did in Tibet. In fact, Lang-dar-ma was enthroned and ruled Tibet for four to five years [838~841]; he was assassinated on the 5th year. During the reign of these five years, he completely destroyed Buddha Dharma; how serious was the destruction? The destruction was so devastating that it saw no sign of recovery for 70 years, and only after 70 years did the sign of reviving gradually appear. The scriptures were burned; the most devastating part was that all monastics were disrobed, and there were no teachers passing the precepts, namely giving the ordination ceremony was severed! Having no precept is equivalent to the dissolution of the Buddha Dharma. Thus, the situation was really disastrous, so calamitous! [06:13]

With the Buddhist system destroyed by Lang-dar-ma, there were people trying to rebuild it. During the persecution of Buddhism under the king Lang-dar-ma, three ordained monks fled. It was reported that they fled to Amdo area. Then, it marked the beginning of the later dissemination. Three monastics bestowed precepts to a young man who was not yet 20 years old named Lachen Gongpa Rabsel. He was the first Tibetan requesting for taking vows in the later dissemination. Rinpoche often talked about this monk with deep gratitude – that was the first person receiving the monastic vows from the three monks, after the destruction of the Buddhist system. [06:54]

The three masters escaped from Tibet via Xin-jiang and came to Qinghai, where the locals found out they were monks, treated them with great respect. There came Lachen Gongpa Rabsel. He was taken in as their disciple at a very young age, and the most precious and most important aspect was that he took the monastic vows. [07:17]

[When Lachen Gongpa Rabsel requested for ordination,] the three monks invited the person [a monk named Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje] who assassinated Lang-dar-ma to give the precepts, he refused, saying he couldn’t do it because his act of killing was a serious breach of his monastic vows; he was disqualified from giving ordination. Then, they invited two Chinese monks; there were total five of them, [based on the necessary quorum required by the Vinaya] and the ordination was given. The monastic robes in the Amdo area all have the blue rim; I am wondering if those of you who visited Tibet before had noticed it. In fact, why is there the blue rim? The blue rim is to commemorate the Chinese monks who helped revive the Tibetan monastic vows. Had it not been for these two monks, it would have been very difficult to conduct the ritual of monastic vows; it was impossible to pass it down. Rinpoche said here, “Not sure if Lhasa has this legend, but this is what is circulated in Amdo area.” [07:59]

Later, there were ten more Tibetans who came to Lachen Gongpa Rabsel to receive the monastic vows. Take heed! Dharma promulgation began! It was said that there were Tibetans from U and Tsang, and central Tibet; there were ten of them in total coming to Amdo to receive the monastic vows from Lachen Gongpa Rabsel; thus, the monastic vows started passing down again. So Lachen Gongpa Rabsel was the first preceptor who passed the monastic vows in the later dissemination, right? He marked the entering of the “later dissemination”. When these ten people were about to leave Amdo, Lachen Gongpa Rabsel was already very old, he gave his yellow cap to one of the ten Tibetans by the name of Lu-mey Tsultrim-sherab; in fact, it was Lu-mey that brought the ten of them here. When Lachen Gongpa Rabsel gave him the cap, he said, “You keep me in mind and take this cap to promote the teaching in Tibet.” This is where the thriving of the yellow cap had later originated. Lachen Gongpa Rabsel in Amdo was quite famous! [08:51]

Here, we hear the term “later dissemination” again. After Lang-dar-ma destroyed Buddhism, the later dissemination began when the Tibetan Buddhist system was revived. As for the year that marked the beginning of the later dissemination, Master Buton Rinchen Drub considered it began in AD 973, the year when Lachen Gongpa Rabsel took the monastic vows, whereas Drom-don-ba believed it began from AD 978, the year when Lu-mey – the monk, mentioned above, took the ten Tibetans to take the monastic vows from Lachen Gongpa Rabsel. How many years apart in between? It was five years discrepancy! Right? That is the time difference between the two sources. [09:28]

Thus, the history of Tibetan Buddhism can be divided into the early dissemination and the later dissemination, and in the beginning of the later dissemination, please remember there was such a remarkable eminent Lachen Gongpa Rabsel, right? Besides, there were two very, very important, the indispensible Chinese monks [Ke-ban and Gyi-ban] in the history of passing down the ritual of the monastic vows so that the Tibetan monastic vows could last until this day. And the blue rim on their robes is to remind people of the profound kindness from the Chinese monks. [09:53]

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0311


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0311】

讲次 | 0311 (2021-03-22 ~ 2021-03-24)

标题 | 前弘期:师君三尊、延续比丘戒传承

《广论》段落 | P6-LL3 ~ P7-L1 总之雪山聚中前弘圣教……为恩极重。

入门段落 | 第1册 P138-LL5 ~ P141-LL1 第二、灭除损害梵行及三学者......相当有名的。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P143-L1注释① ~ P144-L12注释⑧完 雪山聚 指西藏......来藏弘律之时起算等说。

(更新日期: 2022年3月27日)


好!我们接着往下学。今天我们将学习的还是阿底峡尊者的功德,请大家把书翻到《四家合注入门》138 页,看原文。

第二、灭除损害梵行及三学者:总之雪山聚中前弘圣教,谓吉祥静命亲教师菩提萨埵及悲玛桑巴瓦莲华生,建圣教轨。然由支那和尚堪布,解了空性未达扼要,以是因缘,谤方便分,遮止一切作意思惟,损减教法,为嘎玛拉希拉莲花戒大阿阇黎善破灭已,决择胜者所有密意,为恩极重。 01:02
我们现在来看仁波切的讲记,请大家看 139 页。在科判说:第二、灭除损害梵行及三学者”,这是妙音笑大师的笺注。第二科的内容,是如何清除了以前藏地有许多损害戒定慧三学,还有损害戒学、比丘戒等梵行的这个情况。妙音笑大师将下文的这些内容就归入了第二科。“总之雪山聚中前弘圣教”,就是说藏地前弘期教法的时候——这里边就涉及到一个“雪山聚”和“前弘期”,我们先往下看,一会儿再解释。01:51
藏地前弘期教法的时候,由“吉祥静命亲教师菩提萨埵及悲玛桑巴瓦莲华生”他们两位“建圣教轨”。静命大堪布也是邦伽罗人,邦伽罗人大家亲切吗?就是和阿底峡尊者是同一个家族的。所以在种敦巴尊者所造的祈请文中有提到:“富饶之地邦伽罗,贵胄撒贺王种姓,菩萨静命所生族,燃灯智足敬顶礼。”他和莲花生大师两位就是最初擎持西藏佛教的大德,与法王赤松德赞三个人,联合在西藏创立了最初的佛教道轨,并且善为树立清净无染的教法。 02:46




那么这个就涉及到“朗达玛”,朗达玛就是破坏藏系佛法的一个王。我在这里边就问说:“朗达玛的前世是谁?他为什么会这么严重地破坏佛教呢?”因为那时候我在想:这一生他为什么要对圣教做这么大的破坏?是不是发恶愿的?其实那时候在仁波切讲之前,我也不知道朗达玛是谁。 05:00



三大贤哲从西藏经过新疆逃到青海,最后当地发现他们是三个出家人,就非常地敬重他们。最后就是有一位拉钦波——就是拉钦贡巴饶色,年纪很轻就被他们收为弟子,然后最珍贵的、最重要的就是接受了比丘戒律。 07:17


后来西藏那里边就有十个人到拉钦那里去受戒。看!又传开了!传说有卫藏人、后藏人,一共有十个人到安多在拉钦的跟前受戒,就是这样戒律又再度地传承下来了。所以拉钦是后弘期的第一个传戒人,对吧?由他开始标帜着进入这“后弘期”。他们离开的时候,拉钦已经很老了,他把自己的黄帽送给了西藏十个人当中一个叫作鲁梅的人,是鲁梅带着这个十个人来的。拉钦送给他的时候说:“你在这一路上惦记着我,戴着这顶帽子到西藏去弘法。”后来西藏黄帽派为什么会这么盛兴,缘起说就在那里。安多的拉钦波是相当相当有名的! 08:51

然后在这里边,我们又会提到“后弘期的佛教”。后弘期的佛教就是从朗达玛灭法之后,再次恢复的藏传佛教称为后弘期的佛教。后弘期的佛教开始的年代有种种说法,布顿大师认为从公元 973 年善显密意大师(拉钦贡巴饶色)受比丘戒那年开始的;种敦巴尊者认为从公元 978 年,鲁梅戒慧——就刚才提到那位——他带着十个人依着善显密意大师受比丘戒的时候开始的。中间差了几年?五年吧!对吧?他们的时间长度。 09:28



Lecture No. 0312


Lecture No. 0310