Lecture No. 0310

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0310

Lamrim Volume 1:  P41-LL16 ~ LL9

Date: 14 Feb 2022

Topic: Apply Dharma to Refute Erroneous Perception, Reviving Buddhism in Tibet

Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations Vol. 1, Pg P135-LL2 ~ P137-LL7 Moreover, for three years at Nga-ri……generally refers to Indians.

Greetings to all! It is time for us to study Lamrim together again. Everyone, please turn to page 135, the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations. Let’s read the 2nd line from the bottom. [00:17]

Moreover, for three years at Nga-ri, nine years at Nye-tang, and five years at other places in Ü and Tsang, he taught all the instructions for the texts of the sutra and mantra vehicles to fortunate students. In the History of the Ganden Tradition, it is recorded that Master Atisha was born in the year of Water-Horse [982AD]. He set off on the journey from India at the age of 59 and arrived in Nepal when he was sixty; at the age of 61, he arrived at Nga-ri, and when he was 63, he arrived at Ü and Tsang. He passed into nirvana at the age of 73 in Nye-tang. He stayed in Tibet for 11 years, and this is based on one historical record. The other account is a rare book of local chronicle written by Nag-tso. It states that Master Atisha was born in the year of Iron-Horse [970 AD]. He started his journey to India at the age of 57. At the end of the same year, he entered Tibetan region. He passed into nirvana at the age of 73, the year of Wood-Horse [1054 AD]. He had stayed in Tibet for 17 years. Between these two accounts, although the former was most adopted, what is indicated in this Stages of the Path to Enlightenment is based on the latter. The result was that he re-established the practices of the Buddhist system that had disappeared; he reinvigorated those that remained only slightly; and he removed corruption based on misconceptions. Thus he made the precious teachings free of defilement [Lamrim vol.1, p. 41 L27 to L34]. [01:43]

[*color scheme of annotations: green: Master Nga-wang Rab-ten/Venerable Yu]

This is like Master Atisha’s chronicle. Let’s read Rinpoche’s notes; it says that after Master Atisha arrived in Tibet, “Moreover, for three years at Nga-ri, nine years at Nye-tang, and five years at other places in Ü and Tsang,”, 17 years in total. He stayed at Nga-ri for 3 years, at Nye-tang for 9 years, and then at Ü and Tsang for five years. [02:12]

First, let’s learn about “Nga-ri” when Master Atisha arrived in Tibet, it was under the reign of the Guge kingdom. Upper Nag-ri, located in the west of Nag-ri in Tibet, is the name of a region, approximately about present-day Zanda County. Those who went on pilgrimage should know the place. Regarding “Nine Years at Nye-tang”, Nye-tang is also the name of a place in Tibet which is very close to Lhasa. It is located in the west of Lhasa, Qüxü [pronounced: Chushur] county. Nye-tang was also where Master Atisha passed into Parinirvana. Master Dromdon-ba built the Tara monastery here; [in fact,] the Nye-tang monastery is very small. [02:57]

He spent “five years at other places in Ü and Tsang”. So where is Ü and Tsang? It is also the name of a place in Tibet; “Ü” means the center, also known as Qian Zang【前藏】, which refers to the area located in the present-day Lhasa city, also the Shannan region and west of Nyingchi region, approximately in the neighbouring areas near Lhasa. During his stay of 17 years in Tibet, “he taught all the instructions for the texts of the sutra and mantra vehicles to fortunate students” Master Atisha imparted many Sutrayana and Tantrayana teachings during these 17 years in Tibet. [03:33]

Then, Master Nga-wang Rab-te (we referred to him as Venerable Yu in the past) brought up a discrepancy based on “The History of the Ganden Tradition” – “The History of the Ganden Tradition” was composed by Panchen Sonam Dragpa [1478~ 1554, he was the 15th Ganden Tripa]. Here, the discrepancy is [in the following chronology]: Master Atisha was born in [982 AD], the year of Water-Horse, and at the age of 59, he set off on the journey from India and reached Nepal at the age of 60 [enroute to Tibet]. He arrived at Nga-ri at the age of 61 and later travelled to Ü and Tsang at the age of 63. He passed into nirvana at the age of 73 at Nye-tang. He stayed in Tibet for 11 years. This is one account. Master Nga-wang Rab-te wrote this [discrepancy] down [as to how long Master Atisha stayed in Tibet], Rinpoche said that this was not very important. [04:06]

In addition, [Nga-wang Rab-te annotated,] “The other account is a rare book of local chronicle written by Nag-tso”. translator Nag-tso also wrote a travelogue, which was more evidential, the information is accurate. According to Nag-tso, Master Atisha was born in the year of Iron-Horse [970 AD]. At the age of 57, he left India, that is, he set off on the journey from India at the age of 57. “At the end of the same year, he entered the Tibetan region”, meaning he arrived in Tibet at the end of that year. How long was he on the road? It took him one whole year! In the year of “Wood-Horse”, Master Atisha passed into nirvana at the age of 73 [1054 AD]. He stayed in Tibet for 17 years. [Master Nga-wang Rab-te continued in his annotation,] “Between the two accounts of records, although the former was most adopted;”, there were two different accounts, but it is mainly based on the former. [Nga-wang Rab-te said,] “what is indicated in this Stages of the Path to Enlightenment is based on the latter,”, the Lamrim text is based on the latter, meaning the version of 17 years. [05:03]
Master Atisha stayed in Tibet for 17 years, the result was that he re-established the practices of the Buddhist system that had disappeared;” during his 17 years of stay in Tibet, what is “the Buddhist system that had disappeared” about? Why was it that the practices of the Buddhist system had waned [over the course of history]? This part involved the king who destroyed Buddhism – Lang-dar-ma; he destroyed Buddhism, and for 70 years after that, Buddhism disappeared and was in decline. Buddha Dharma was so severely damaged by him! After reaching Tibet, Master Atisha re-established the Buddhist system, which was destroyed by Lang-dar-ma. “He reinvigorated those that remained only slightly; and he removed corruption based on misconceptions;” just like the so-called “Blue skirted Pandita” and the “Red-robed India teacher” and the initiation and teachings that they passed down, he purified all these and those wrong views and erroneous discriminations; “thus he made the precious teachings free of defilement”. [05:58]

Let’s try to imagine this: in these 17 years, Master Atisha first had to re-establish the Buddha Dharma that was destroyed by Lang-dar-ma, an already almost extinct system that was in a depressing state, he re-established the almost disappearing system effectively. He augmented the part of the teachings that was broken or partial. If there were corrupted views that were not what virtuous teachers or Buddha taught – the tainted parts that contaminated the precious teachings - Master Atisha purified them, and kept the precious teachings free of defilements. [06:25]

To us, the later comers on the path, Master Atisha’s reform and reinvigoration of the Buddha Dharma was a really crucial matter! Otherwise, if such contaminated teachings had been passed on till now, that would truly be harmful for tens of thousands of years! The practitioners would have been ruined by this tainted path that has been passed down. It is not easy to finally develop the aspiration for wanting to practice the Buddha Dharma – wanting to understand what Buddha had taught, if they encountered such a contaminated lineage or baseless incorrect views, it is really too cruel! [07:01]

Hence, to be able to learn this pure lineage – the lineage passed down from Nalanda monastery, and from Master Atisha, we should truly be grateful to Master Atisha for it. Look! He embarked upon the journey at the age of 57, traveling to a place that was completely foreign to him, not to mention that the place was located at such a high altitude, there was also the language barrier, in the end, Master Atisha dedicated his life to Buddha Dharma so that we have the uninterrupted lineage today.  Such a pure lineage passed down until today. [07:30]

At the time he went [to Tibet], the Buddhism in Tibet was in a dire state. Such an eminent great master completely re-established and reinvigorated the teachings. That is why Master said: “Without sages, eternity is like the long dark night!” Once the sage appears, no matter how dark the long night is, the sun would rise [over the horizon], brightness appears, and the confused state of the sentient beings would be rectified. This is truly the deepest kindness shown to us! So, we should practice well, listen, and contemplate well, offering our practice to repay the kindness of Master Atisha and all the lineage masters! [08:06]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0310】

讲次 | 0310 (2021-03-18 ~ 2021-03-21)

标题 | 以法破除邪解,振兴西藏佛教

《广论》段落 | P6-LL5 ~ P6-LL3 此复住于哦日三载……令圣教宝悉离垢染。

入门段落 | 第1册 P135-LL2 ~ P137-LL7 此复住于阿里三载......泛指印度人。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P138-LL3注释④ ~ P139-L6注释⑥完 阿里上部......大约相当于现今日喀则地区。

(更新日期: 2022年2月14日)

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0310


大家好!又到了我们一起学习《广论》的时间,请大家把《四家合注入门》翻到 135 页,看最下面的倒数第 2 行。00:17

此复住于阿里三载,聂塘九岁,卫藏余处五年之中,为诸善士开示经咒教典教授,罄尽无余。 《甘丹法源史》谓觉窝尊生于壬午年,五十九岁时自印度启程,六十岁时抵尼泊尔,六十一岁至阿里,六十三岁至前藏,七十三岁时圆寂于聂塘,驻锡藏地十一载,此为一说。又那措所传善本方志谓觉窝尊生于庚午年,五十七岁时自印度启程,当年岁末入藏,甲午年七十三岁圆寂,于藏地驻十七载。二说之中,虽以前说为主,然此《道次第》中所说者,顺应后说。尊者驻藏十七载,圣教规模诸已没者,重新建树,诸略存轨,倍令增广,诸被邪解垢秽染者,皆善治除,令圣教宝悉离垢染。01:43











Lecture No. 0311


Lecture No. 0309