Lecture No. 0292

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0292

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0292

Lamrim Volume 1:  P38-L14 ~ L38

Date: 18 May 2022

Topic: Practice repeatedly until our 3 doors become the masterpiece of precepts 

A successful dancer, actually needs to train, trains until his or her movements become very smooth and effortless, like drifting clouds or flowing water, there is no need to think what the next move is or what to do next … He or she doesn’t need to undergo such recollection because his/her body has undergone very intensive and thorough training.  What is this training? For instance, there is the split leap in the choreography; you are not a bird, how can you fly? You may need to bounce your body up to the highest level you can, and you should not look ugly when you reach the highest level. Therefore, he or she has to train, train to the point when he or she can manoeuvre his or her body as he/she envisions it to be, to complete the action required. [00:37]

We should uphold the precepts to the purest extent as how we imagine it to be. Just keep practicing, keep practicing, practice until it becomes the body’s reflex action – to the point [the action] starts to be so natural and spontaneous like floating clouds and flowing water. Of course, in the process of training, one may experience sprained ankles, undergo many sufferings, pains, with unflinching perseverance, he or she eventually succeeds in giving the perfect performance. Like a spotlight when performing on the stage. For us who have taken the precepts, where is the spotlight? When you are perfectly mindful of and uphold the precepts you have taken. It is like you are holding the lamp to examine all these things taking place, and you will notice, “Wow! Our three karmic doors are an overall perfect masterpiece, an exquisite artwork. As we have undergone such training, it causes our heart to become very, very supple. Dance will let our body becomes flexible. Then the precepts will make our hearts become very soft and supple. Hence, every stretched hand, swing of the leg is a masterpiece, thoroughly and perfectly unified with the precepts; this is the masterpiece of upholding the ethical discipline! [01:42]

It is totally possible to accomplish such a masterpiece through repeated training. The kind of repeated training I am referring to [as stated in the Chinese proverb]: Three minutes on the stage takes ten years of practice off the stage. With the precepts you are upholding, if you are able to uphold those few [virtuous] thoughts, or restrain yourself [from breaking your vows], actually such achievements are the outcome of many years of hard work. At the critical moment, your mindfulness and vigilance will charge forward, and protect all the precepts that are weakened. Even guarding those future precepts very well. [02:09]

What I would like to express is, protecting the monastic vows and even every ethical discipline can be attained through training, it can be attained through arduous training. [Why?] Because it is a path, the mental path! You constantly train your mind, and guard it against anything non-virtuous; safeguarding my body and speech; safeguarding my body and speech. In the future, your body will become used to guarding your body and speech. And then when you come to a place where people do not guard their body and speech, you would feel very uneasy, you may even say: “How could it become like this?” it becomes something painful, something unpleasant. You may even feel: “This is not my world! This is not my life! How can my life be apart from ethical discipline? How can I live like this [without precepts]?” That is, your mind stream transforms into the precepts. Like you become that dance, that masterpiece! You are the masterpiece – your arm reaching out, your legs extended, leaping high, landing, etc., is a masterpiece! Every movement is an exquisite masterpiece. If people in the secular world can understand this, that would be shocking. If people could not understand – then you uphold the precepts purely. When we uphold the ethical discipline so purely, that will be inconceivably beneficial to our future lives, toward liberation, to attaining Buddhahood. The key to preserving the sublime teaching in the world is here! [03:23]

Thus, I believe those of us who have taken the precepts, we can train ourselves just like those dancers. Some of them would dance for seven or eight hours a day; no matter how many hours they travelled by car, how many hours by plane, with no place to practice, they say if they don’t practice for a single day, their skills will deteriorate. They can’t stop even for one day! They have to persist in pressing their legs repeatedly, keep practicing, so that their body can achieve the flexibility required to be able to execute the move. Professional dancers, in order to present a masterpiece, is able to put in such arduous hard work. How about us who want to preserve the teaching in this world, how can we be lax in terms of upholding the ethical discipline! It is really very inexplicable that some of us would give up the practice or even forget about it just because we have not succeeded in our practice yet! [04:06]

Here, I feel the thing that is very deserving of our looking forward to, because our mind is without intrinsic nature, so when we keep practicing in this direction, continually practice, it becomes a conditioned reflex. We would not always stay at the initial stage of learning to uphold the precepts, where we find it strenuous to uphold each and every precept. After practicing upholding the precepts for a while, it becomes like drifting clouds or flowing water. That is, it becomes very spontaneous and natural; we can even find coolness and freedom that we have never experienced before while upholding the precepts! We would even feel that only by upholding ethical discipline, we are protected and safe. Indeed, we will feel secured and sheltered by upholding the precepts in such an environment. [04:41]

So, ethical discipline is not a rope. If you really want to describe it as a rope, then when you are about to fall into the abyss, it is this rope that will catch you to prevent you from falling to the abyss; what a wonderful rope! However, when you are flying toward the space of happiness, it is definitely not a rope, it is like the wind that helps you soar. Ethical discipline is the base that is like the wings. Without the wings, flying is impossible. [05:04]

So, while we are learning that Master Atisha guarded any subtle precepts as carefully as the yaks treasure the hair of their tails; what kind of state is that? I feel that we are only hearing about it now, thereafter then we try to visualize it. The manifestation of the virtuous teachers, the manifestation of the lineage masters is to show us, to uphold the ethical discipline as meticulously as the yak would treasure its tail. To be a great role model and benchmark for us Buddhists to emulate. Please do not think that it is the proprietary practice that only the great masters or the great upholder of the precepts can do. Now that we have taken the vows, why not uphold them properly? Because precepts can profoundly benefit self and others, why can’t we keep training ourselves in upholding the precepts thousands of time? Practice upholding the precepts until we are completely integrated as part of the ethical discipline – reaching perfect unity; why not give it a try? [05:57]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0292】

讲次 0292 (2021-01-14 ~ 2021-01-17)

标题 | 数数训练,令三业成为戒律的杰作

《广论》段落 | P4-L5 ~ P4-LL3 其中戒学……是故成大持律上座。

入门段落 | 第1册 P116-L3 ~ P116-LL4 有说:正法毘奈耶的行持......重视戒律是很重要的。

(更新日期: 2022年5月18日)











Lecture No. 0293


Lecture No. 0291