Lecture No. 0293

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0292

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0293

Lamrim Volume 1:  P38-LL4 ~ P39-L17

Date: 10 June 2022

Topic: Trained in instructions for developing the spirit of enlightenment by relying on Matriyogi

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0293

Next, let’s see the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations, [the Chinese text] page 116, the last paragraph. We are on the section, “showing the greatness of the teaching’s author to establish that it is of noble origin” that elaborates, “how upon that basis he gained good qualities.” Under this section, there are subcategories on: how Master Atisha possessed superior vows of individual liberation and the Bodhisattva vows. Now [the text] is going to talk about “[how Master] Atisha possessed the Bodhisattva vows” [V.1, P.38]. Please see page 117 [of the Introduction], this part is about the good qualities that Master Atisha attained by upholding the Bodhisattva vows. [00:26]

That Atisha possessed the Bodhisattva vows: [Nag-tso’s] Eighty Verses of Praise:
“You, have entered the door of the perfection vehicle,
Developed the pure wholehearted resolve,
and due to your spirit of enlightenment, you would not desert living beings –
I bow down to you, intelligent and compassionate one.”
Thus, it says that he trained in many instructions by relying on many gurus, like Maitriyogi, etc., for developing the spirit of enlightenment, which is rooted in love and compassion. In particular, relying on Ser-ling-ba for 12 years, he had trained for a long time in the supreme instructions transmitted from the venerable Maitreya and Manjughosa to Asanga and Santideva, respectively. Through this, as the Eighty Verses of Praise says:
The one who set aside his own interests and took up
The burden of others’ interests is my guru [Atisha].
There arose in his heart the spirit of enlightenment that cherishes others more than oneself. That aspirational spirit induced in him the engaged spirit of enlightenment. He then learned the practices pursuant to his promise to train in the great waves of Bodhisattva deeds, and with those good actions he never transgressed the boundaries of the code of conquerors’ children.
[V.1, P.38~39] [01:31]

So, now let’s read Rinpoche’s discourse. The Praise here is the Eighty Verses of Praise. It says in the Eighty Verses of Praise:
You, having entered the door of the perfection vehicle,
Developed the pure wholehearted resolve,
and due to your spirit of enlightenment, you would not desert living beings –
I bow down to you, intelligent and compassionate one.   
Between Sutrayana and Tantrayana, the Sutrayana is the perfection vehicle [or Paramitayana vehicle] to [cross the ocean of births and deaths] to reach the other shore. After entering the door of the perfection vehicle, [Master Atisha] “developed the pure wholehearted resolve”; so, from the developed wholehearted resolve, what aspiration does it lead to? [It leads to] aspiration for the spirit of enlightenment – the Bodhichitta. Then, with this spirit of enlightenment, [he] could not bear to forsake how many living beings? The number of living beings he would not bear to forsake was akin to vast unlimited space. Hence, [Nag-tso] praised to bow down to Master Atisha, the “intelligent and compassionate one” who aspired Bodhichitta. Great Compassion is the foundation of the Mahayana practice, so [we] pay homage to the intelligent and compassionate one. [02:29]

With the guidance of many gurus, mainly “Maitriyogi”, Master Atisha acquired “many instructions for developing the spirit of enlightenment, which is rooted in love and compassion.” [The practitioner] must base on loving-kindness and compassion as the foundation only then can [he] cultivate the aspiration for spirit of enlightenment. Hence, from this teacher Maitriyogi, Master Atisha was trained in [many] instructions for developing the spirit of enlightenment, which is rooted in love and compassion. Next, it says that Master Atisha “in particular, relied on Ser-lingba for 12 years”. Before [we talk about] this part, let’s learn more about “Maitriyogi”. [03:01]

Maitriyogi was also Ser-ling-ba’s teacher; [Maitriyogi], also known as Ku-sa-li, lived around the 10th century. He was ordained at a very young age, and his Dharma name was Ren-chin-deh. From Ku-sa-li the senior, Maitriyogi received the teachings on how to practice and apply Sutrayana and Tantrayana. In particular, he integrated guidance from Nagarjuna’s Profound View with that of Asanga’s Extensive Deeds as one in his practice; henceforth, he attained the good qualities of the encompassing stages of the path. [Maitriyogi] relied on a prominent Acarya (Teacher) of the school of Extensive Deeds to receive instructions on exchanging self with others and developing the true [ultimate] Bodhichitta. Since he regarded loving-kindness and compassion as the essence of meditation practice and meticulously put them into practice, he was thus respectively known as Maitriyogi. [03:46]

Based on the records in the Book of Kadam* - The Father Teachings, among the lineages that Master Atisha obtained regarding the aspiration [for the spirit of enlightenment], the tenet was based on Aksayamati-nirdesasutra*, the reasoning part was based on the Compendium of Trainings and Engaging in Bodhisattva Deeds, and the view was based on the Sautrantika lineage for aspiration, all of which were received from Guru Maitriyogi. Guru Maitriyogi composed the Songs of Realization, to describe his experiential realization in regards to compassion and Bodhichitta. His primary and most prominent disciples as [we] have just [learned and] mentioned, who were his disciples? Master Ser-ling-ba was his disciple, so was Master Atisha, both were very eminent disciples! Therefore, understandably, Guru Maitriyogi was an extraordinarily prominent master, on whom Master Atisha relied. [04:31]

Now, [this section] introduces as such: During the 12 years when [Master Atisha] relied on Master Serling-ba, “he had trained for a long time in the supreme instructions transmitted from Maitreya and Manjughosa to Asanga and Santideva, respectively.” Specifically, among all [of his] teachers, [Master Atisha] mainly relied on guru Ser-ling-ba, whose main practice was the mind-training instructions (Lojong). [Under Ser-ling-ba’s guidance, he] studied Bodhichitta for 12 years.

As indicated in the Eighty Verses of Praise, it says:
The one who set aside his own interests and took up
The burden of others’ interests is my guru [Atisha]

[Master Atisha] forsook his own personal interests and diligently accomplished the goal of benefiting all other sentient beings, [Nag-tso said] he is my guru. Pay attention! What is the word used preceding the phrase “his own interests”? It is [the word] “forsook”, and this is [exactly] what the Bodhisattvas need to learn and practice. About this part, there should be many more illustrations in the Biography of Master Atisha, and we can study it later [when our translation academy has finished translating from Tibetan to Chinese]. [05:31]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0293】

讲次 |  (2021-01-18 ~ 2021-01-20)

标题 | 依慈氏瑜伽士修学菩提心教授

《广论》段落 | P4-LL2 ~ P5-L3 成就菩萨律仪者……诸胜者子所有制限。

入门段落 | 第1册 P116-LL3 ~ P118-L4 我们讲到〈造者殊胜〉当中......这就是我的上师。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P127-LL10注释③ ~ P127-LL1注释③完 慈氏瑜伽士......阿底峡尊者。

(更新日期: 2022年6月10日)


接着看《入门》116 页最后一段。说我们讲到〈造者殊胜〉当中,其身圆满功德事理,这一科里边有:具足别解脱律仪之理;具足菩萨律仪之理。现在就要讲“具足菩萨律仪之理”。看 117 页,这是在讲阿底峡尊者成就菩萨律仪的功德。00:26

成就菩萨律仪者:如《赞》中云:“尊入度彼岸门已,增上意乐善清净,觉心不舍诸众生,具慧大悲我敬礼。” 依慈氏瑜伽士等上师长修众多慈悲为本菩提心之修习教授,特 于十二年间依金洲大师,多时修习至尊慈氏及妙音尊传授无著及寂静天最胜教授。如《赞》中云:“能舍自利以利他,为胜是即我师尊。”谓心发起爱他胜自菩提之心,以此愿心所引行心,受学菩萨广大妙行,学受随行所有学处,行贤妙故,能不违越诸胜者子所有制限。01:31

那么现在我们看仁波切的讲记。这里边的《赞》就是《八十赞》。《八十赞》中说:“尊入度彼岸门已,增上意乐善清净,觉心不舍诸众生,具慧大悲我敬礼。”在显密二者之中,显教即是度彼岸乘。进入了度彼岸乘的这个大门之后,“增上意乐善清净”,就是由清净增上意乐之门发起了什么心啊?菩提心。然后以菩提心不舍多少众生呢?不舍如虚空般的一切众生,因此顶礼具足如是菩提心“具慧大悲”的尊者,大悲即是大乘的根本,所以敬礼具慧大悲者。 02:29

阿底峡尊者从“慈氏瑜伽士”为主的众多上师跟前,请了很多以“慈悲为本菩提心之修习教授”。必须以慈悲心作为根本,才能发起菩提心,所以在此师座前修习以慈悲心作为根本的菩提心教授。后面说是“于十二年间依金洲大师”。在这之前,我们可以了解一下“慈氏瑜伽士”。 [03:01]





Lecture No. 0294


Lecture No. 0292