Lecture No. 0299

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0299

Lamrim Volume 1:  P39-LL5 ~ P40-L3

Topic: Boundaries of the ethical discipline are the boundaries of the Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0299

Greetings to all! It is time for us to discuss Lamrim again. Today we will continue to learn the good qualities of Master Atisha in observing his ethical discipline. Everyone, please turn to the Introduction of the Four Interwoven Annotations, Chinese text, page 122. We will start from the blue print in the middle section of the page: [00′20″]

We should abide by the three types of vows accordingly. Thus, Master Atisha was not only courageous in promising to train in the ethical discipline of the three vows, he also guarded that ethical discipline by keeping his promises and not transgressing the boundaries of the rules. Even when he slightly transgressed, he immediately purified that infraction with the appropriate rite for restoring the vow. Know that this biography delights scholars who understand the key points of the scriptures; emulate such excellent beings. [Vol.1, Pg 39 LL5 ~ 40 L3] [00′57″]
Let’s read from Rinpoche’s annotation, it says, “Thereafter, ‘we should abide by the three types of vows accordingly.’” Lama Tsong-kha-pa stated below that we should abide by the vows like how Master Atisha guarded them. This is very important. “Thus, Master Atisha was not only courageous in promising to train in the ethical discipline of the three vows”, here it states, “not only courageous in promising to train”, we will observe the three types of vows when we take the initiation. Some people will request to be initiated, but they totally have no idea what ethical discipline and vows should be observed after taking the initiation. Thus, one should not only be courageous in taking the vows. “But he also guarded that ethical discipline” which his guru conferred him, “by keeping his promises and not transgressing the boundaries of the rules”. We should not cross the boundary of root infraction that ethical discipline has laid down. Instead, we should try our best to safeguard the vows properly and this is very crucial. [01′56″]

[*color scheme of annotations: blue: Master Jamyang Zhepa]

 This section says we have to emulate Master Atisha, this is Lama Tsong-kha-pa’s exhortation, to guard our ethical discipline as Master Atisha did, this is very critical. So, what is the first prerequisite? Receiving initiation should not be the only purpose we have in mind, we need to know about the ethical discipline and vows we are taking, such as what those stipulations are, what is the boundary line determining whether we transgress the vows, and to what extent we should guard the vows. We need to learn and understand these boundaries. [02′30″]

Here, Rinpoche explained: “they totally have no idea what ethical discipline and vows should be observed after taking the initiation”. This aspect, I believe it happens very often in our Chinese Buddhist community. One reason is that sometimes while receiving the initiation, we have no idea what the preceptor is talking about if there is no translation. Fortunately, translations are available now. When the monastics in our monastery began to do translation, we have a better sense of the Bodhisattva vows we are observing, and what the teachings are and what the objects of meditation are. I find that the situation of being clueless as to what vows we are taking is improving. This sentence [Rinpoche’s exhortation] is meant for us to take the precepts seriously and while beseeching any type of vows, we should know what they are. [03′14″]

And Rinpoche followed by saying: “we should not cross the boundary of root infractions that ethical discipline has laid down”. Take note of the word “boundary”. Here Rinpoche brought up that we should not cross the boundary of root infraction. As we all know, once we committed root infraction, the vow we took is broken. So, this boundary is whether we have or do not have the ethical discipline in our mental stream, a form of limit. Once we cross the boundary of root infraction, the vows we have taken would be broken. Not only do we lose our ethical discipline, but we also have to endure a very grave retribution. [Why?] Because all these are deemed as forsaking the vows and ethical discipline. Hence, we must be very familiar with all the boundaries of root infractions. [04′05″]

This boundary actually could be the dividing line between the miserable realms and happy realms. For instance, if one does not properly guard one’s ethical discipline, one would not be able to attain the human form in the next rebirth. Hence, it is also the determinant whether we can attain the human form. This also applies to the boundary of ethical discipline as well. Then, why is it so important to properly guard it? Because only with the human form can we study Buddha Dharma. When we properly observe the boundary, what exactly are we guarding? In fact, it is the human form of ours, or the human life of leisure and opportunity. [04′37″]

This point, don’t forget what we often said, to have this human form arises from what? Upholding precepts, it arises from upholding precepts. If we don’t properly abide by the ethical discipline, factually, we would not be able to obtain the human form. If Buddha had not expounded this concept, how would it be possible for us to have this understanding. For example, how can I secure a future rebirth of leisure and opportunity? To resume the study of Lama Tsong-kha-pa’s teaching and continue with this wonderful journey. Even though we are in the cyclic existence, we met the teaching, met our teachers, how would we be able to meet them again? This task may sound pretty difficult, but we must first obtain this human form. So, what is the method to obtain the human form? It is to abide by the precepts properly, upholding pure ethical discipline. Therefore, Rinpoche said these few words, “this is very crucial”. To what degree is it crucial? If we do not abide by the precepts properly, then there is no human form, that is how crucial it is! [05′35″]

Let’s continue reading, “first leave aside the offenses as grave as cardinal transgression or root infraction, ‘even when he slightly transgressed,’, even if it is a very minor infraction, ‘he immediately purified that infraction with the appropriate rite for restoring the vow’. This is praising Master Atisha. It indicates that there are certain purification rituals for restoring the monastic vows, there are certain purification rituals for restoring the Bodhisattva vows, and there are certain purification rituals for restoring the Tantric vows. We should apply these rites immediately to repent and restore them, which is extremely important. In this statement here, it explains that Master Atisha would not commit any slight transgression, and even if he did, he would immediately repent and restore the vow. This is how Jowo Je upheld the vows.” [06′24″]

In this section, we can see that it is praising Master Atisha for not creating cardinal transgression or committing offenses as grave as root infraction. Even for any minor transgression, he would immediately apply purification rite to restore the vow. “He immediately purified that infraction with the appropriate rite for restoring the vow. “Purified that infraction with the appropriate rite for restoring the vow” appears here, there are different types of rites for restoring the vows. There are certain purification rites for restoring the monastic vows, there are certain rites for Bodhisattva vows, and the Tantric vows respectively. “Immediately…restoring the vow,” meaning applying these purification rituals to repent and restore the vow immediately. Then Rinpoche said: “This is very crucial!”. [Rinpoche used this phrase twice] In the earlier part of this teaching and again here. [07′10″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0299】

讲次 0299 (2021-02-08 ~ 2021-02-10)

标题 | 律仪的界限,即是暇身的界线

《广论》段落 | P5-L7 ~ P5-L9 如是于诸三种律仪……随诸正士应当修学。

入门段落 | 第1册 P122-L4 ~ P123-L4 理应如是守护三律仪......这就是觉窝杰的行谊。

    (更新日期: 2022年4月7日)


大家好!又到了我们研讨《广论》的时间,今天我们继续学习阿底峡尊者的戒的功德。请大家把书翻到《四家合注入门》122 页,请看中间蓝字的部分:00:20










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