Lecture No. 0298

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0298

Lamrim Volume 1:  P39-L18 ~ LL6

Date: 6 Apr 2022

Topic: Live every day in tranquillity with the habit of guarding ethical discipline and not being thoughtless

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0298

What follows is: “Conscientious and alert, with no deceit or pretension, you were not stained by the faults of infractions [V.1, P. 39],” which is eradicating all thoughtless attitude and becoming fully conscientious, equipped with mindfulness and vigilance, without deceit or pretension. Hence, one will not be tainted with any root transgression or the like. When it is evident that one does not abide by ethical discipline purely, damaging their pledges, committing many transgressions, yet proclaim that their upholding of precepts is pure; they are not upholding the vows properly, but act like monastics with pure conduct; this is deceit, whereas not having such conduct means “no deceit or pretension”. [00′37″]

We just explained what the state of no deceit or pretension means; besides, we are introduced to the spectrum of letting loose and conscientiousness. I wonder whether you are clear about the difference between letting loose and being relaxed? Some people may relax, but sometimes they might become so relaxed that their behaviour becomes thoughtless; others might act thoughtlessly as soon as they relax. Letting loose indicates that one is unmindful, right? That is, when one becomes  thoughtless, it means he or she is not guarding the mind; he or she is not mindful. [01′05″]

Here it concerns another question: As we mentioned earlier, vigilance acts as a kind of alert, a kind of capacity to monitor ourselves; [so the question is,] if you are aware of being monitored by vigilance, are you still able to feel relaxed? Yes, it is possible; after we have been trained long enough, this is possible to achieve! Let me give you a very simple example – riding a bicycle. In the very initial stage of learning, you would get on it and ride the bike very nervously. I also have the experience of riding a bicycle when I was young. In Mainland China, we called it a bicycle, but in Taiwan it is called a foot-pedal bike. I recall that I should have almost learnt it. However, one day it was quite windy, and as I rode along, I felt I was almost out of control when the wind blew. Somehow, I just couldn’t get off from the bicycle. Out of nervousness, I pedalled hard; the harder I pedalled, the faster the bike moved on. At this juncture, a car filled with passengers appeared from far, coming towards my direction. I thought: Wow! What should I do now? That was a single lane road, and we were facing each other. Because my bike was moving at a very fast speed, it was somewhat downhill slope or the like, I was pedalling furiously with my feet. Right before we were about to collide…. I still had some aesthesia, tilting the handlebar to the right and ended up banging into a tree; and hence I avoided colliding with the car. That car was loaded with passengers, and I saw everyone on that car staring at me with their eyes wide open, looking startled and helpless, because we both were on full speed. [02′23″]

So, what I mean is: this is like a child who just begun to learn how to ride a bicycle. When mounting on a bike, the child would be very nervous when both feet are lifted off the ground as he/she is still unable to manoeuvre it. After a cyclist rides a bike for a period of time, I did observe that some cyclists were almost about to fall asleep while pedalling, and there are those who rode with great ease, looking around leisurely. Adult bikers can put the feet down as they have longer legs than children, they can put it down anytime. The experienced riders have already transformed into a state of freedom; they are no longer that nervous. [02′51″]

Hence, it is not necessary that we have to feel uneasy or jittery once we take the precepts; or feel like we have obtained happiness when we do not guard our mind and become loosened up, such are indicators of someone who lacks experience. After we have sufficient experience, we would in fact, feel that equipping ourselves with mindfulness and vigilance to live through the day clear-headedly, there will not be so much regret and suffering. Because coming to think of it: the fewer transgressions committed on this day; applying ways to purify and repent right away when we identify flaws in our conduct; by so doing, we would lead each day with a sense of tranquillity. Or, you will examine yourselves and recognize there are more precepts that have yet to be upheld properly. If you do that, you will not have a murky view as you look back – one look, it is foggy with dust particles suspending in the air, barely able to see anything at all. If our minds are not alert about events that we are experiencing at the moment, then when we look back to recall it – which matter did I handle well, or which did I not do well in? Were there any violations to the vows that I have taken? You cannot clearly recall what you have done when you try to remember, such a state is quite problematic! [03′48″]

Why is our recollection vague? It is because we are not mindful in the present. Suppose we are mindful as we handle tasks, we would take note at the same time: for instance, “Will what I am going to say violate the vows I took? With the attitude I’m taking toward others, will I commit infractions towards my precepts? Or even so, will this thought in my mind infract the Bodhisattva vows or the Tantric vows and the like? All of these have to take place under an extremely clear state of mind, with a habit of introspection. Therefore, such habit is likely only viable under the state of mind that is not thoughtless, before it is able to detect more and subtler things. Once we allow ourselves to be thoughtless, our mind would be captivated by various matters. For instance, now we are handling some tasks, some people would be eyeing on the outcome whether it will be desirable or not, not taking notice of the activity of the mind – the mind which is glorified by the three types of vows - if we don’t guard our vows properly, it is a failure; if we uphold it well, it is a success! [04′44″]

Speaking of guarding the precepts we have taken, some people may say: “Well, then I will not take on any tasks!” Does keeping away from tasks free us from having afflictions? Will the effect of afflictions and their root causes be all cleansed? It is not so. Whether we are handling any task or not, it is an expedient mean for us to eradicate our afflictions and gradually purify the precepts that we are undertaking. However, once we dive in immediately to immerse in a task, we are so into it that we forget to be mindful of where our mind is heading, totally not mindful of where our mental thoughts are headed towards; examine our actions daily, do we remember the vows we have taken? Do we reflect often enough? The moment we forget these and allow afflictions to grow, in this state, we would for sure cause discomfort to others in a group. This is because things such as complaints or malice etc., many effects of untamed behaviours will be visible to everyone. Nobody would wish to work with someone who is filled with blazing afflictions, because it will be very painful. [05′36″]   

Thus, ethical discipline can calm our mind; once the mind is in tranquillity, we would not need to be in so much pain. Once we are not in that sort of pain, actually we find it easier to get along with people around us; we won’t keep feeling troubled, or continue to quarrel back and forth with one another. These are just the immediate benefits we can reap for this lifetime; if we discuss the benefits brought by upholding the precepts for future lifetimes, that would be incomparable, the benefits are too great! Attainments such as high-status rebirth, certain-goodness, and the good qualities of the Vajrayana practice, once there isn’t ethical discipline to act as the foundation, all would be futile! [06′08″] 

Hence, over here, I’d like to advise myself and those of us who are able to feel a concordance with Master Tsong-kha-pa’s teachings; please don’t get used to being in a thoughtless state of mind; we should habituate ourselves to be mindful. Don’t regard  taking the precepts as something that will place us in an uptight state. If you notice that you are very tensed up, you can take deep breaths to regulate your state of mind, and then tuning your mind to a state that is serviceable, not too tense nor too lax, it is very comfortable. Gradually, we would resonate that it is better for our mind to consistently monitor, and guarding it would be better. [06′40″] 

As for “deceit or pretension”, this should have a very direct connection to our attachment to the fame and personal interests. When one did not do well but act as if he/she has already achieved good outcomes, these are deceit and pretension. In The Eighty Verses of Praise, it says, “no deceit or pretension”; praising Master Atisha who was free of such conduct. There is no discrepancy between his speech and his mental action; regardless of him being in the presence of someone else or alone on his own, inside his heart he stood with the same stance; there was no duality. He does not need to put up a front for others and revert to a different person in private, just one consistent image. Why so? Because by doing so can one be liberated! Doing this can allow us to completely eradicate all the non-virtuous deeds that propel us towards the three miserable realms, then only would high-status rebirth and certain goodness be achieved. [07′26″]

Usually, why do people want to practice deceit and pretension? It is for fear of losing face, right? Worrying that others may belittle us. However, once we are deceitful and pretentious, it would be very difficult to have the aspiration to repent for our unpure practice of ethical discipline, because it feels like this is none [of such transgressions]. But Master said: we may be able to deceive others, we cannot deceive ourselves. It is not possible to deceive Buddhas or Bodhisattvas; they know our every thought. So regarding this, there should not be any avenue for us to take the easy way out; nor is there any path we can uphold pure ethical discipline without putting in effort; just like a shortcut can also take you there, here it is not possible! It is a must to religiously guard our vigilance and mindfulness, for instance: one precept verse, first we can familiarize ourselves with that one precept verse, and then move on to the practice of the Six-session Guru Yoga, everyday examining how I have observed these precepts; upon noticing any faults, I should repent right away. [08′19″]

Therefore, gradually our minds can move away from the states of deceit and pretence, emulating Master Atisha, one of our goals will be to become “Conscientious and alert, with no deceit or pretension”; strive to achieve “not stained by the faults of infractions.” It is the goal that every practitioner to look up to. Taking the same vows, how is it that Master Atisha was able to uphold them with such purity? What methods did he adopt to uphold these vows? We should explore the profound mystery within, find the path, and persevere at doing it for eternity. [08′52″]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0298】

讲次 | 0298 (2021-02-04 ~ 2021-02-07)

标题 | 习惯护戒、不放逸,清凉地过每一天

《广论》段落 | P5-L4 ~ P5-L7 成就金刚乘律仪者……犯罪不染尊。”

入门段落 | 第1册 P121-LL2 ~ P122-L3 后面说“慎念无谄诳......没有这种行为就是“无谄诳”。

(更新日期: 2022年4月6日)













所以,慢慢地让我们的心离开谄诳的状态, 像阿底峡尊者一样,“慎念无谄诳”,争取做到“犯罪不染尊”,这样是我们的一个目标啊!是所有修行人仰望的一个目标。同样受的戒律,尊者的戒律怎么样持守得这么皎洁?用什么方法持守的?我们应该去探索其中的奥秘,找到路径,持之以恒地做下去。08:52


Lecture No. 0299


Lecture No. 0297