
菩提道次第广论手抄稿 Track 100A
Lamrim Commentary

(手抄稿 第十三册 p113)

p. 233 (12)

【◎ 皈依学处者,前下士时所说学处,今于此中阿阇黎耶亦应为说。】


2 Amassing the collection of merit. With respect to the ritual for generating the spirit of enlightenment Atisha explains that at this point also you make obeisance, offering, and so forth. Follow the 《Commentary on the Difiicult Points of the "Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment"》 where it says that you should perform the seven branches of worship, bringing to mind all the buddhas, bodhisattvas, and your former and present teachers.

【◎ 积集资粮者。发心仪轨中,于此亦说修礼供等,《释论》中说修七支供,忆念诸佛及诸菩萨,若昔若现诸善知识,应如是行。】


p. 234

Understand that making offerings to the gurus should be done at the time you make the earlier offerings as well. Practice the seven branches of worship by following either the text of the Prayer of Samantabhadra or Engaging in the Bodh isattva Deeds.

(p114) 【供诸尊长者,前供养时亦应了知。七支者普贤行愿,入行论文,随一即可。】


3 Purifying your attitude: Since in his 《Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment》 Atisha says that you should first feel love in your heart and then generate the spirit of enlightenment upon seeing suffering living beings, vividly bring to mind the objects and the subjective aspects for love and compassion as explained previously.

【◎ 修净心者。《道炬论》说慈心为先,观苦有情而发其心,谓令慈悲所缘行相.皆悉明显俱如前说。】


Actual ritual - In front of the master you should either kneel with your right knee on the ground or squat down on the balls of your feet and, after you join your hands respectfully, generate the spirit of enlightenment.

(p115) 【◎ 正行仪轨者。谓于阿阇黎前,右膝着地或是蹲踞,恭敬合掌而发其心。】


In reference to this the 《Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment》 says: Develop the spirit of enlightenment. That is an irreversible commitment. And the Ritual Procedures for the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Bodhisattva Vows says,"...until I reach the heart of enlightenment." Therefore, it is not that you generate the spirit of enlightenment thinking only, "I will attain buddhahood for others' sake." Rather, you focus on such a thought and make the commitment, "I will not part from this determination to attain buddhahood for the sake of all beings until I reach enlightenment." So generate the attitude with these two aspects in dependence on the ritual.


正行的话,就是照着前面这个仪轨,这前面是告诉我们这个道理,道理弄懂了,那么到那个时候,照着仪轨正式地跟你心里相应地,不仅仅是念一遍。当这个仪轨过程当中,心里面就跟它相应,心里面跟它相应。从前面一路过来,现在我们了解了,一定是六根所缘的境界,都跟它相应的时候,这个时候力量才最具足、最圆满,这样,必定是如此。所以这个仪轨固然是,一个是眼根见,耳根是听,身在这个地方,意所缘,然后还要观想,如实地一一现起。那么发的心呢,就是照前面说的,要不退转的,发了菩提心绝不退转。这个到什么时候呢?一直到成佛;成佛了,永远照着这样下去。而这个里边哪,不是单单是利他,就是自利等等,为了自他二利“愿当成佛而发其心”。“是缘所发心”,这个在没有证得圆满的佛果之前,绝不停止,绝不弃舍!照着这个仪轨所告诉我们(p116) 的,这样去发。

Do not generate this attitude in this way if you are incapable of learning the precepts of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment.



If one were to generate through the ritual just the thought "I will become a buddha for the sake of all living beings," then it would be proper to give the ritual to anyone, whether capable or incapable of learning the precepts of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment. In the case of the aspirational spirit, these two ways of generating the spirit—for those capable of learning the precepts and with the commitment, and for those incapable of learning the precepts and without the commitment—are suitable,



but when it comes to adopting the engaged spirit of enlightenment through the ritual, it is completely wrong to give it to those fully incapable of learning the precepts.

(p117) 【若用仪轨受其行心,若于学处全不能学,则一切种决定不可。】


Therefore, some people have a great misunderstanding when they assert the distinction that in the lineage of Nagarjuna it is proper to give the bodhisattva vows in many rituals whereas in the lineage of Asanga it is improper to do so.



Furthermore, some say that when beginners are practicing, they should repeatedly adopt the engaged spirit of enlightenment through its ritual. However, since these beginners do not know the precepts in general and the fundamental transgressions in particular, they cannot demonstrate the particulars of what should then be done, putting them in a very harmful situation.


(p118) 又有一种人说刚开始的初机啊,这些人就叫他去受这个菩萨仪轨,让他多受啊,“啊,就是这样的啊……。”就这样。实际上这个情况,在这种情况之下,他根本就不晓得这个菩萨的内容,以及应该学习什么,以及受了这个戒以后你如果犯戒的毛病,就是说重要的罪犯等等啊,你就这样地说的话,啊!那是最没有意义的事情,最没有意义的事情。

Kamalasila's《first Stages of Meditation》, citing the Advice to the King, says that if you cannot learn the precepts of generosity, etc., you achieve much merit in even a simple generation of the spirit of enlightenment,



and then says, "Even those who cannot completely learn the perfections should generate the spirit of enlightenment in order to be imbued with method,

(p119) 【依据此意《修次初篇》云,“若一切种,不能修学诸波罗蜜多,】

p. 235

because there is a great result." So it is very clear that while it is correct to give the ritual for generating the spirit of enlightenment to those who cannot learn the precepts of generosity, etc., it is incorrect to give them the bodhisattva vows.



The ritual for adopting the spirit of enlightenment is as follows. Recite the following three times: "All buddhas and bodhisattvas who reside in the ten directions, please listen to me. 0 master, please listen to me. By means of my virtuous roots in the nature of generosity, ethics, or meditation—which I, (say your name at this point), in this and all other lives, cultivated, enjoined others to cultivate, or rejoiced in the cultivation of—I, (say your name), will generate the spirit of great, unexcelled, perfect enlightenment from now until I reach the heart of enlightenment, just as the earlier perfect buddhas, who are arhats and tathdgatas, and the great bodhisattvas who reside on the high levels generated the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. I will liberate all living beings who are not liberated. I will free all living beings who are not freed. I will relieve those without relief. [326] I will cause to reach nirvana those who have not reached it."

【◎ 受心仪轨者,“惟愿现住十方一切诸佛菩萨于我存念,阿阇黎耶存念,我名某甲,若于今生,若于余生,所有施性戒性修性善根,自作教他见作随喜,以此善根如昔如来应正等觉及住大地诸大菩萨,于其无上正等菩提而发其心。如是我名某甲,从今为始乃至菩提,亦于无上正等菩提而发其心,有情未度而当度之,未解脱者而解脱,诸未安者而安慰之,未涅槃者令般涅槃。”如是三说。】

(p120) 那么,就是受的这个仪轨,现在这个完整的仪轨这样的,“如是三说”。

Even though it is not made clear that you must repeat this after the master in both this part and the refuge part of the ritual, you must do so.



These instructions are the procedure to be followed when a master is present. With respect to how to proceed without a master, the Great Elder's Ritual Procedures for the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Bodhisattva Vows says:



Although there is no master, there is a ritual for developing the spirit of enlightenment oneself as follows. Imagining the Tathagata Sakyamuni and all the tathligatas of the ten directions, make obeisame and the ritual offerings, etc., and then go through the process of going for refuge and so forth as before, eliminating the word "master" and the supplication to the master.



The master tells the precepts of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment.

【◎ 完结仪轨者。阿阇黎耶应为弟子,宣说愿心诸应学处。】

(p121) 正受完了,那么受好了以后,那个时候,他那个阿阇黎─尊长,就应该为那个弟子说:“好了啊!现在你发了这个愿,应该学些什么。”那个时候要详细教他,那个时候应该详细教他,这个是我们应该了解的。就是我们现在刚开始的时候也是一样,哪怕是给人家授个皈依,或者我自己去受皈依,就是事先就应该了解:为什么要皈依?为这种原因,皈依的对象是什么?然后皈依的时候是如何皈依?皈依完了以后应该学习什么?这个在前面共下士当中都说明。然后呢,共中士又有皈依,然后共上士又有皈依。


b Maintaining and not weakening what you have attained.


(p122) 前面是“未得令得”,这个“得”什么?得皈依之体。所谓皈依之体是什么呀?就是,喏!你那个心种。然后呢,这个心种啊,要真实皈依了以后,这个种生起现行。这个是非常重要,非常重要的一件事情!所以说,从我们平常三皈依开始,受五戒、八戒,乃至具足戒,乃至大菩提愿心,为什么事前先要有正确的认识,要有了解。那个不仅仅是落下那个种子是完整的,而那个种子一定是对着这个殊胜的境界策发了现行,然后你一直保护,使那个现行不断地继续向前,这个是最重要的一点。你只要把这个东西保持恒长相续的话,哪怕你睡觉,功德一直在增长,功德一直在增长。所以说,你只要保持这个不坏不失的话,拿这个回向,喏,就是这样─为求解脱,持比丘戒,保持着这一个不破坏的话,回向往生,中品;现在到了上士,你保持这个不失,你回向往生净土的话,上品。这个是愿心哦,还不是行心哦!


(p123) 恶法是如此,善法也是如此。得到了!这个得到了就是得到这个东西,啊!这样。那么,得到了以后呢,守护啊,不让它坏掉啊,不要让它坏掉啊!如果坏掉了,那就完了,你一定要还要重受才行。

You need to know the precepts, so I will explain them.



This has two parts:
1. The training in the precepts that cause you not to weaken your spirit of enlightenment in this lifetime
2. The training in the precepts that cause you to not separate from your spirit of enlightenment in future lifetimes as well.

(p124) 【此中分二,① 修学现法不退发心之因,② 修学余生不离发心之因。】


The training in the precepts that cause you not to weaken your spirit of enlightenment in this lifetime has four parts:
1. The training in the precept to recall the benefits of the spirit of enlightenment in order to increase the strength of your enthusiasm for it

【初中分四,① 为于发心增欢喜故应当修学忆念胜利。】


2. The training in the precept to generate the spirit of enlightenment six times each day in order to increase the actual spirit of enlightenment.
3. The training in the precept not to mentally abandon the living beings for whose sake you develop the spirit of enlightenment.
4. The training in the precept to accumulate the collections of merit and sublime wisdom.

【② 正令增长所发心故应当修学六次发心,③ 为利有情而发其心应学其心不舍有情,④ 修学积集福智资粮。 今初】


p. 236 (3)

Think about the benefits of the spirit of enlightenment, after you have either researched them in the Sūtras or listened to them from your guru.

【◎ 若阅经藏或从师闻。】


They are explained in detail in the 《Array of Stalks Sūtra》, so look there.


(p125) 喏,《华严经》讲得最详细,应该好好地看。

As stated above, this text says, "the spirit of enlightenment is like the seed of all the buddha qualities,"



and it also states, "the spirit of enlightenment is like a summary because it includes all the bodhisattva deeds and aspirational prayers."



It is a "summary" in the sense that everything is compiled into a brief indication although there are endless, detailed explanations of the parts.



Like a summation of these parts, it is said to be a synopsis which brings together the key points of all the bodhisattva paths.


(p126) “嗢柁南”就是个大纲,这个大纲里边包含了所有的东西。就比如说,我们现在常常说的,“你有多少财产?”“我有一个契约。”虽然这个契约是一张纸,欸,对不起,这张纸不得了,就包含你的所有的东西。

The benefits mentioned in the 《Bodhisattva Levels》 are those of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment. That text states two benefits for the first stable generation of the spirit of enlightenment: becoming a pure field for accumulating merit and being fully endowed with protective merit.



实际上,这个被尊重的话,不仅是我们凡夫哦!所以这地方我们又可以提一下,回 (p127) 忆一下。这个阿罗汉一看见那个小沙弥发了一个心,那根本谈不到坚固哦,只心里面才这么一念一动:“喔,我要学菩萨!”那个证了果的阿罗汉马上:“啊,你请前面!”然后呢,恭恭敬敬把那个包袱那个担在后面,那千真万确的事实哦!而这种事情只有圣者才能看得清清楚楚。这也说明什么?事情的千真万确。而正因为我们凡夫啊,我们都是愚痴蒙在眼睛里看不见哪!这菩提心的殊胜的利益,是不得了的。何况你现在正确地发的心,而且“坚固”,一动都不动,这样啊!


The first benefit, becoming a pure field for accumulating merit, is as follows. As 《Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds》 states, "And are revered both in the worlds of humans and deities," you become an object of worship for all living beings immediately after you have developed the spirit of enlightenment. In accordance with the statement that immediately after developing the spirit of enlightenment you surpass all the great arhats in terms of your lineage, you become superior and highest.


(p128) 你看!一切有情所供养的地方。而且不但如此哦,就是你一发心,“无间”就是才一发心,因为你那个种性,就是你这个出身高贵,所以这个时候身为佛子的,能够超过阿罗汉,千真万确,这是最珍贵的。

Even when you perform a small meritorious action it gives forth limitless effects, so you are a field for accumulating merit. "As all the world relies on you, you are like the earth." or careless.



所以这个是的的确确,跟平常特别重视解脱的这个为声闻、罗汉,乃至于戒上面稍有开合,这个我们要了解,这个我们要了解。你辨别得这个清楚以后的话,那么,那个时 (p129) 候你就分得清楚,不同的部派的戒,它的特质在什么地方。那个时候你就懂得,阿底峡尊者当年要出家的时候,他的老师就问他:“欸!你的密行舍不舍?”阿底峡尊者说:“不舍!”“不舍,那你要受大众部。舍,哪一部都可以。”这个道理那时候你就开始慢慢地可以了解了,就这样。所以我们的的确确,千万不要任意拿我们幼稚的眼光,随意地是此非彼,到那时候啊,对我们有大损害,对我们有大损害。任何情况之下,第一件事情要什么?了解应该学习内容,所以无知是第一个重要要把它拿掉。你懂得了,那个时候再去一步一步照着去做,去开口,正好!

Thus, you are like a father to all beings.



The second benefit, being fully endowed with protective merit, is as follows. As you are always protected by guardians that are twice as numerous as those of a universal monarch, you cannot be harmed by yaksas or local spirits even when you are sleeping, drunk, or careless. Secret mantras and knowledge mantras that can cure epidemics, injuries, and infections but are not effective in the hands of living beings become effective when someone with a stable generation of the spirit of enlightenment uses them. Why mention the mantras that do work when used by living beings?


其次第二个,就是能够摄受种种的福。那他那个福啊,“倍轮王守护”,转轮圣王、金轮圣王,征服一四天下自然的力量,对不起!你才一发心啊,你已经超过了他,远远地超过了他。啊,那我们现在这个时候,要想做一个县长,要做一个总统,已经了不起了。(p130) 那个总统啊竞选了个半天,对不起,你这一国的总统,那一个大国还不行!他现在转轮圣王,根本什么都不要的,天下自然臣服,没有一个例外。