
菩提道次第广论手抄稿 Track 026B
Lamrim Commentary


P. 50 (13)(手抄稿 第四册 p61)[00:05]


p. 51

"All day" and "the first and last periods of the night" both refer to what should be done during and between meditation sessions. Therefore, while sitting or standing, act purposefully, as I have explained before, by completely clearing your mind of the five obscurations. 



There are teachings both for meditation sessions and for between meditation sessions with regard to restraining the sensory faculties and acting vigilantly, as well as this section on making effort to practice instead of sleeping. 



Therefore, here I have singled out those teachings for between sessions. Your conduct during sleep takes place between sessions, 



so do not treat even that as having no purpose. 



How should you sleep? During the day and in the first of the three portions of the night, spend your time doing virtuous activities; then sleep when the middle portion arrives. For, by sleeping you will enhance those elements of the body which are benefited by sleep. 




When you develop the body in that way, your body will be most serviceable for employment in both kinds of joyous perseverance" in the group of virtues, and this also will be helpful. 




When you go to sleep, first come out from the meditation room, wash your feet, and then enter your own room. Then, lying on your right side, place your left leg upon the right, and sleep like a lion. 



As for sleeping like a lion, among all animals it is the lion who uses superior capacity, confidence, and fortitude to subdue its opponents. 



Likewise, one who joyously perseveres at practice instead of sleeping will use superior capacity, etc. to subdue opponents and will, at rest, sleep like a lion. 



This is unlike the sleep of hungry ghosts, deities, or those who are involved in desire, 



for they all have laziness, weak perseverance, and little capacity to subdue opponents. 



From another point of view sleeping on your right side like a lion means that your body naturally does not become limp. Even when you have fallen asleep, you do not lose your mindfulness. Your sleep does not become heavy. You do not have bad or sinful dreams. But if you should sleep in some other way, all the faults that are the opposite of these four will arise. 





There are four kinds of thoughts with which to fall asleep: 

【◎ 以何意乐睡眠有四,】


(1) The idea of illumination: 



First apprehend an image of light, and then sleep while imagining light. Thereby, when you fall asleep, darkness will not arise in your mind. 



(2) Mindfulness: This arises from having heard, thought, and meditated on meaningful, virtuous teachings. Pursue this practice until you have fallen asleep. By this means, even when you are asleep, your mind will continue to engage the teachings, just as though you were not asleep. In short, you will sustain your virtuous practice even when you are asleep. 






(3) Vigilance: While you cultivate mindfulness in this way, any of the afflictions could arise. If any of them does, you notice it and eliminate it rather than acquiesce to it. 




p. 52

(4) The idea of rising: This has three aspects. 



First, do not let the mind slip into a state of being completely overwhelmed by sleep. 



Instead, sleep very lightly like a deer, with a mind imbued with joyous perseverance. This will prevent heavy sleep, and you will be able to awaken without oversleeping. 



Second, think, "Ah, I will always practice staying awake" as the Buddha taught," and then with great effort develop an aspiration to this end. With this, your sleep will not deviate from the sleep of a lion, which the Buddha permitted. 



Third, think, "Just as I joyously persevered at cultivating virtue and not sleeping today, I will do the same tomorrow as well." This will prevent breaking the continuity of your aspiration to cultivate virtue. Even if you forget your aspiration, always work to make it stronger. 




Conducting yourself in this way while eating and sleeping involves no misdeeds. Since acting purposefully in this manner will clearly stop you from wasting so much of your life, 



I have explained it as the noble Asanga, citing sūtra, determined it to be. 



Everything that I have said here about how to act before, during, after, and between sessions applies to all of the meditations described from here through and including the section on insight. The only exceptions are the distinctive meditative procedures during the actual sessions. 






This concludes the explanation of what to do in between sessions. 



Refuting misconceptions about medition. 

【◎ 第二破除于此修轨邪执分别者。】

啊!这个非常重要,这个非常重要!我们现在太多人没有了解真实修行的内容。啊!觉得修行了,不知不觉当中,在错误当中,这是最可惜,最大的损失!所以这个地方要把它破除拿掉它,拿掉它![28:37] 我们刚才随便说的一些事情乃至于譬如说:饮食。

26B Commentary

ENGLISH LR V.1 P.106 (COMMENTARY V.4 P.168) [01:06]

“All day” and “the first and last periods of the night” both refer to what should be done during and between meditation sessions. Therefore, while sitting or standing, act purposefully, as I have explained before, by completely clearing your mind of the five obscurations.*

[*v.1 p.388 #171: excitement and regret, malice, lethargy and sleepiness, longing for desires, and doubt.]

Of course, daytime was covered earlier. [01:29]

There are teachings both for meditation sessions and for between meditation sessions with regard to restraining the sensory faculties and acting vigilantly, as well as this section on making effort to practice instead of sleeping.

This was mentioned earlier. [01:35]

Therefore, here I have singled out those teachings for between sessions.

For actual sleep, it has to be after meditation. So, [01:47]

Your conduct during sleep takes place between sessions, so do not treat even that as having no purpose.

Now, here the text tells us, what should be done when we are sleeping? [01:54]

How should you sleep? During the day and in the first of the three portions of the night, spend your time doing virtuous activities; then sleep when the middle portion arrives. For, by sleeping you will enhance those elements of the body which are benefited by sleep.

Why? We should know that actual meditation still relies on the four physical elements [fire, earth, air, and water]. The physical form of the four elements truly requires various methods to protect and enhance. Sleep is necessary for protection and enhancement, so sleep is needed! For us beginners to engage in “constantly sitting in meditation without lying down to sleep,” this is wrong. Once you have achieved a certain level, of course lying down to sleep is not needed, that would be the time for this practice. Strictly speaking, up to what point is normal sleep not needed? It is after the attainment of meditative serenity. Because of meditative serenity, which is after meditative equipoise has been achieved, both the body and mind are transformed. Once your four elements have transformed to concord with the object of meditation, you won’t need to sleep. For us beginners, if we are to force it, then the mistake will always be there. What mistake? You are just learning the appearance [of the practice], just like an embroidered pillow – the inside looks messy! This is the point. However, the Zen center requires [continuous sitting], and they have their reasoning. In a serious Zen center, they have their specific reasons. [03:23]

So here, I recall there was a master in the past, a great master, who meditated in a sitting posture constantly. I am not sure how many years he did this for, I forgot. But he was so sleepy and did not know what to do, constantly felt sleepy in any situation. Then he said, “I really can’t keep up with it!” So he went to another center, arrived there and slept. After he slept for a long time, he woke up fully charged with energy. He said, “Ah! So practicing meditation does need to sleep.” Then he was invigorated and attained achievements! This was in the stories collected from the great master Venerable Lian-Chi. What is this book called? Well, I can’t remember it all of a sudden. His story mentions: that if you are serious about applying the constantly sitting in meditation without lying down to sleep, study it carefully. Take a good look at this book! For the book clearly reveals it just as is. So we should often recognize that sleep is necessary. However, do not overdo or indulge in it. Once you indulge in it, then it’s hopeless! So this is about the middle portion of the night. [04:25]

When you develop the body in that way, your body will be most serviceable for employment in both kinds of joyous perseverance* in the group of virtues, and this also will be helpful.

[*v.1 p.388 #172:1. Joyous perseverance of constant practice. 2. Taking delight in it and making intense effort.]

Well, this concept tells us: because the body has been enhanced through the process of sleeping, it is well kept. Then you are fully charged with energy. So at this time, your energy in practicing the teaching can be generated. This is when your practice will be more powerful, and thus becomes “serviceable for employment.” Because of this power, the benefit is great. I have seen too many who have tried to practice constantly sitting in meditation without lying down to sleep – they don’t sleep at night yet doze off during the day – and they can’t muster any energy to do anything. Alas! Doing anything… just like that. To stand there and be dull-witted, one may be barely able to get by. But once you ask him to put in more effort – to listen to a sutra or to try something else – one gets sleepy. So why bother with the constant sitting in meditation without lying down to sleep? Really! So this is a mistaken approach. This is something we should recognize right from the beginning. [05:21]

Here the author is telling us about joyous perseverance. Later in the chapter on the perfection of joyous perseverance [v.2 Chapter 13], he will explain this in great detail. What is the key issue here? The first one is you should not indulge in it. As for the second, while sleeping, there is a proper method, so it will definitely not be wasted. Like the previous example, if one does not have skill-in-means in practicing constantly sitting in meditation without lying down to sleep, not only will you waste the night, but the day will be wasted as well! You wasted the time for you to sleep; moreover, you are not mindful of the correct view. You lack the energy to engage in things during the day, and you are not able to do it. How wrong can this be! Thus, that is a sign of lacking skill-in-means. You only learn from the appearances – such learning is making mistakes, and this is the concept! Now it reveals to us about what to do when we actually sleep. [06:07]

When you go to sleep, first come out from the meditation room, wash your feet, and then enter your own room. Then, lying on your right side, place your left leg upon the right, and sleep like a lion.

First, at time of sleep, you should wash your feet. Here now, we are different from India. In India, people were often barefoot. So naturally, they washed their feet before going to bed. We wear shoes here, and certainly, it is necessary to take a bath in the summer, but in the winter it is optional [to take bath everyday]. Then, go to bed. When sleeping, we all know this is about the auspicious posture to sleep in. Why do we need to do this? [06:47]

As for sleeping like a lion, among all animals it is the lion who uses superior capacity, confidence, and fortitude to subdue its opponents.

The reason for doing this is that a lion sleeps like this. That is when one is with “superior capacity.” This superior capacity does not refer to the position of the mind being high or low. That is when the mind is not too lax. If it is too lax, the mind will not be serviceable, just like that. So that is where we need to maintain the level of mindfulness and stabilization. What benefits does this have? One won’t be subdued by opponents, rather have the “fortitude to subdue its opponents.” What are we subdued by now? Subdued by the afflictions. If you can abide by this – that is, during the time of sleep you are still able to subdue afflictions – this is the special quality [of sleeping like a lion]. [07:33]

Likewise, one who joyously perseveres at practice instead of sleeping will use superior capacity, etc. to subdue opponents and will, at rest, sleep like a lion.

So now we are studying the method to sleep. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain this superior capacity when sleeping to subdue [afflictions]. Thus, this study is required. [07:51]

This is unlike the sleep of hungry ghosts, deities, or those who are involved in desire,

Well, other than the lion, no beings sleep like this. [07:58]

for they all have laziness, weak perseverance, and little capacity to subdue opponents.*

[*v.1 p.388 #173]

Because what are all other beings? They are in the midst of laxity. However, there is an advantage to being lazy – comfort. Ah! How comfortable it is! So we should understand why we are here, do not pay a big price for the short-term immediate comfort. We should pursue great comfort, peerless and perfect comfort. That is when we pay extra principal, for [peerless comfort] is our ultimate purpose. Therefore, “One who does not have far-reaching goals will be bothered by immediate petty things.” Most ordinary worldly people will be attached to small comforts. Now if we study Buddha Dharma without this conceptual clarification, it is harming ourselves. The greatest harm done to the self is none other than this. No one else can help us, and Buddha cannot help us either. We only see the small aspect –not that considering the pros and cons are not needed, this point we should recognize. Thus, don’t fall for laziness over small advantages. For the sake of great benefits, one is inspired with joyous perseverance. Although there is hardship for now, ultimate benefit is in the future. [09:04]

From another point of view sleeping on your right side like a lion means that your body naturally does not become limp. Even when you have fallen asleep, you do not lose your mindfulness. Your sleep does not become heavy. You do not have bad or sinful dreams. Other than this, the nature of the Dharma characteristic of this sleeping like a lion is such – it allows our bodies not to be limp. Once they are limp, then laziness, etc. will follow, that is how it works. At that time, you can maintain, maintain what? Maintain the momentum of joyous perseverance. This has its specific characteristics. So, with regard to comfort: if [you] speak of comfort, then [sleep like a lion] is not comfortable. However, for meditation, it is the best way. This applies to every aspect. It is the same with our food: indulge in comfort to better suit your taste – give you whatever you want, like that. This applies to everything! Then, [your] sleep will not be very deep so [your] nonvirtuous thoughts will be reduced. Also, the sleep won’t be heavy and will be free from nightmares. These are all things that ordinary worldly people don’t need to tend to, yet required for practitioners. [10:07]

But if you should sleep in some other way, all the faults that are the opposite of these four will arise.

If you do not abide by it and practice the exact opposite, then all the faults will arise from here. Other than the method for sleep, next let’s continue: [10:22]

There are four kinds of thoughts with which to fall asleep:

Well then in this condition, since we sleep in this manner, thus we are able to develop the great power to use our minds. By then, what should the mind be doing? Four things: [10:41]

(1) The idea of illumination:

First is the idea of illumination. [10:44]

First apprehend an image of light, and then sleep while imagining light. Thereby, when you fall asleep, darkness will not arise in your mind.

This is the first one. In your mind, first, imagine a light. Most of the time, when we go to sleep, we prefer it to be dark. If it is dark, this makes us lethargic, lax, and dull-witted. Now think of light. If you can truly think of it in this way, well, this is wondrous beyond words. Later, when your practice reaches a certain level, you will discover, hey, this is superb! The nature of the light of the mind is just like this. Last time when I talked to you about the story of Venerable Shu-yun*, where somebody came from behind “Pow!” and grabbed him: “What are you doing?” “Looking at the moon.” The meaning refers to the light of the nature of [Venerable Shu-yun’s] mind. At the causal stage, we must practice this. Later, the benefit will arise, and there is no need to go over it now.

[*Venerable Shu-yun was a great Chinese Zen Master who passed away on October 13, 1959, at age 120.] [11:31]

(2) Mindfulness: This arises from having heard, thought, and meditated on meaningful, virtuous teachings. Pursue this practice until you have fallen asleep. By this means, even when you are asleep, your mind will continue to engage the teachings, just as though you were not asleep. In short, you will sustain your virtuous practice even when you are asleep.

What should you do with your mind? At that time - the previous one was the idea of illumination - this second one is about your thoughts. Usually, when we fall asleep, we let go and do not think of anything. Now it is not like that. We still need to continue with our study, reflection, and meditation. Continue to reflect, be mindful of the virtuous teachings that we studied during the day. Then continue to maintain it mindfully. If you can do so, well, there will be a certain state. If we truly are able to do so, usually when we can’t sleep, if you lie down there and continue to think, of course, you will not fall asleep. But there is an advantage – you might give it a try. If you can really think, and think like this, in the end, you will still fall asleep. Once asleep - such a wonderful state - the mindfulness remains and is very clear. You give it a try! [12:46]

But as for trying, it may not be appropriate for our environment. When is the best time? For example, when we have days off or some extra time, you can try to take one day off and give it a try. Sometimes, taking one day off is not enough. This is my experience to share with you. I often set aside a period of time each year, and during this period I will try this approach. I lie down on the bed for the first two days, thinking of things left and right, unable to sleep. Ignore it; just stop worrying about it. Gradually, gradually, the mind is lifted. No matter what, I maintain this mindfulness, lie down and think, think, think, think…. However, wandering thoughts will not work! Such a way of thinking will not help you, for these wild thoughts disturb your consciousness, which is not good for your health either. When your mindfulness is focused, both your body and mind become very steady, just like that. Thus, your body and mind are in a state of stability. Moreover, sleeplessness will not be a concern, you are not anxious at all. Eventually, you fall asleep. Once you fall asleep, the mindset still remains. This is very interesting! If you are chanting Buddha’s name, then it is absolutely true; before you sleep, try to chant vigorously. After that, lie down to relax. Then you maintain that mental momentum: good! Let it continue. If it fades out, pick it up, fades out then pick it up. In a relaxed manner, just like that. Later, you would feel that you have fallen asleep. No…after you fall asleep then you sense it, but during sleep, the recitation of Buddha’s name remains. It is as clear as it can be, such greatness. By the time you get up in the morning, hey, your energy will be better than if you had been in a deep sleep. This is an absolute fact that I am sharing with you. [14:14]

So in aspects like this, if you are only looking at the words, it is of no use. For you to actually meditate, [you] have to work hard at it. Once [you] strive with effort, all kinds of benefits will arise, you will realize it at that time. Alas, I often feel even if I have to work ten times harder, I am more than willing to endure it. This [hard work] is nothing! At that time, the true Dharma joy is real. That [Dharma joy] is only a tiny bit, at the very minimum, I am telling you [from my experience]. There is also one benefit. When your efforts have paid off, the experience will arise. Ah, the feeling of the harvest is so nice! At this time, your will becomes stronger and stronger. Subsequently, your vigor becomes stronger and stronger. Thus, the stronger the will is, the more vigorous you become. When you have to practice more profound teachings, it will not be difficult to you anymore. Now because we are not engaging [mindfully] yet, we can’t even achieve any of it. Alas, when we look at how to become Buddha and Bodhisattva, it is so difficult! Alas, goodness Namo Amitabha Buddha! How can you achieve the practice? So it specifically says here, although it is difficult, if you are willing, try it. At that time you will feel, ah! How wonderful. [15:12]

“Vigilance”, next is about “thought.” In other words, it is mindfulness. The first is the idea of illumination. The second is how to maintain mindfulness. Next: [15:21]

(3) Vigilance: While you cultivate mindfulness in this way, any of the afflictions could arise. If any of them does, you notice it and eliminate it rather than acquiesce to it.

Well! When sleeping, one more thing you need to preserve – “vigilance.” This is related to your thoughts, related to mindfulness. Also, when you are sleeping, your mind should think: I want to do this, I have to do this, need to do this! Then, with this mind state, as you sleep, when afflictions arise, one needs to have the ability to eliminate them. Well? For this point, perhaps the majority of us may not necessarily understand it. Now I will share this with you as well. For example, usually when you go to sleep, all the way until you get up the next morning, hear the knocking of the [wakeup] board, “Ah! Why is knocking of the board so early? Let me go back to sleep for a few more minutes!” You will have this thought. Or perhaps, “It’s ok! It’s still early, I will wait until the knock of the third round to get up.” Moreover, “It will not be too late to get up when I hear the drum!” We often have this kind of mentality. Why is that? It is due to a lack of vigilance ahead of time, and then affliction follows. This is very obvious! So what should be done? Prior to sleep, one first thinks this way: “I need to apply joyous perseverance! I need to apply joyous perseverance! In the past, I was influenced by affliction.” Is this alone enough? Not enough! [The author] tells us to “repeatedly reflect” – you continuously have this thought. When you lie down to sleep, thinking tomorrow I am determined to do so! So this sign of application is very clear! After this reflection, you let go and sleep. By the next morning, when you get up, upon hearing the knocking of the board, you will “Thump!” and sit up! Give it a try, I guarantee it will work. [16:54]

So once you have this thought, you may still have dreams. For instance, often we have afflictions arise in our dreams. Then if you can maintain mindfulness, well, even if afflictions arise in your dreams, you can still block them. You can even hinder it in your dreams! So, for sleeping, there is absolutely a proper method that can be applied. Now we often think, “Alas! Now I wish for this and that!” To reach the goal, there is a proper method and cause – they are all revealed to you here. As long as you abide by it, you will attain all your genuine aspirations. [17:30]

(4) The idea of rising: This has three aspects.

For vigilance, this concept has three aspects. [17:36]

First, do not let the mind slip into a state of being completely overwhelmed by sleep.

The first aspect is like this. [17:41]

Instead, sleep very lightly like a deer with a mind imbued with joyous perseverance. This will prevent heavy sleep, and you will be able to awaken without oversleeping.

The first one, when you reflect on it this one should be included. Do not be completely overcome by sleep. One needs to have “a mind imbued with joyous perseverance” – have this mentality. Like a wounded deer, a wounded deer is always on high alert. As for a deer, often wherever it goes – usually many animals would eat whatever food they see. But not a deer – in the forest, everywhere it goes, it will stop and look around. If you have noticed the ears of the deer, they rotate around and around. It has to observe for some time to see if there is anything that might cause harm. Then, it will eat. This is under normal circumstances. Once [a deer] is wounded, it is even more alert! Our mind has to be like this. If you can do so, then the sleep will not be heavy, and will not oversleep. Actually, what does this mean? That is, prior to your actual thought, well, normally when we go to sleep, one will think, “Well, time to go to bed. When I’m already in bed, what need is there to think!” This is not helpful! So in the case of not being overcome by sleep, this is the first aspect. Well, you should … I want to apply joyous perseverance, to strive hard at it. And then encourage your mind to practice. Instead of being surrounded by afflictions, revolve around joyous perseverance. [19:06]

Second, think, “Ah, I will always practice staying awake as the Buddha taught,” and then with great effort develop an aspiration to this end. With this, your sleep will not deviate from the sleep of a lion, which the Buddha permitted.

The second aspect is to ask yourself: what am I here for? Oh, I am here to learn Buddha Dharma. So what did Buddha tell us to do? It is to do so and so – therefore, I strive at it. “With great effort, develop an aspiration to this end,” this is the key to success or failure. He did not tell you to engage in it right away. Before that, you first need to think: well, what is the advantage of doing so, and what are the faults of not doing it. So I might as well remind myself constantly with this: “What am I here for?” First, I am here to learn from Buddha. Oh! Then what did Buddha tell us to do? Thus, there are various approaches. Well! So there are great advantages to practice accordingly. There will be great Lamrim disadvantages for not abiding by it. Thus, from this motivating force, go deeper into the teachings one step at a time. [20:08]

Third, think, “Just as I joyously persevered at cultivating virtue and not sleeping today, I will do the same tomorrow as well.” This will prevent breaking the continuity of your aspiration to cultivate virtue. Even if you forget your aspiration, always work to make it stronger.

Well! Reflect in this way: I am practicing like this now, notice, not only is it in the daytime but also practicing virtuous teachings when asleep at night! Today is like this and so is tomorrow. Because you continuously reflect in this way, therefore your mind – your mentality, this mentality of aspiring for virtue – this mental momentum continues. What is the benefit of this thought process? In our minds now, the thoughts that align with ignorance are eliminated, removed. In this situation, because your thoughts conform to virtue, even though you are not mindful and you have forgotten about it, the momentum of applying the teaching is still at work. What about us now? This requires a contrast to help our understanding. Because we have not yet officially studied this content, often the mind follows afflictions, circling around the afflictions. Just like that. One doesn’t even know what one is afflicted by, just like that. Ah, the feeling is agitating either sitting or standing. There are times, when it seems like there is some improvement, wow, the feeling is very good! Actually, this “very good” is also when the coarse afflictions are not emerging. In this circumstance, only by upholding your mindfulness can you barely get by. Once the mindfulness disappears, one will certainly be surrounded by afflictions again. [21:49]

Why is it that most of the time we cannot accord to it? That is because our continuum is in the midst of afflictions. Since submerging in the continuum of afflictions, of course, whatever your [mind] can generate is all conforming to afflictions. Now, this physical and mental continuum of yours is inspired by virtue. With this mentality of virtuous aspiration, your innermost thoughts will therefore always follow virtue. Because of this, even if you are not mindful while sleeping, the virtuous momentum is still moving forward. Normally when we talk about seeking for precepts and attaining the essence of the vows, we are specifically talking about this [virtuous mental continuum]. In the future, during the actual session of this topic, the text will tell us clearly and specifically. Therefore, even if one is not mindful, well! He can still strive at it, and engage in a higher level of joyous perseverance. May [I] ask, even when we are not mindful, we can cultivate a higher level of joyous perseverance. Then, when you are being mindful, how can the practice not take place? So the issue [of advancement] is resolved! Thus, [22:51]

Conducting yourself in this way while eating and sleeping involves no misdeeds. Since acting purposefully in this manner will clearly stop you from wasting so much of your life,

If you maintain no misdeeds while eating and sleeping, and you can precisely abide by the teaching, your application with such meaningful attitude, ah, that would be wonderful! We clearly look at what is in front of us now, various meaningless things can be prevented, and this is very obvious. With our routine sleeping and eating, ah! All are about increasing misdeeds, which is totally without purpose. Our entire life is casually squandered. By applying this [mindfulness] accordingly, all of these [teachings] can be very useful. [23:34]

I have explained it as the noble Asanga, citing sutra, determined it to be.

So the text is based on the commentary of the Bodhisattva Asanga, which is validated. That is to say, it has been analyzed very thoroughly. Just clarifying it here for everyone. [23:51]

Everything that I have said here about how to act before, during, after, and between sessions applies to all of the meditations described from here through and including the section on insight. The only exceptions are the distinctive meditative procedures during the actual sessions.

Well! Now it says, during the actual session, your object of meditation may be distinctive. What is distinctive? It is your specific object – if I recite the name of Amitabha Buddha, yes! So my object of meditation is Amitabha Buddha. If I recite Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, then it is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Or perhaps I am here trying to deliberate “What is your true self?” These are unique to each individual - distinctive. Other than this, the aforementioned preparation, actual session, and conclusion, as well as in between sessions, that is to say, other than the actual meditation session, all the things we need to do are included in the in-between times. Practice all of them accordingly. [24:46]

Now let’s think about it, if you are able to abide by it, will you still have non-virtuous karma? No more. If you can do this, will there be a shortage of virtuous karma? Of course, you will constantly be in the midst of virtuous deeds, great! Also, what will these virtuous deeds generate? The continuous effect is always there, continues to appear and manifest! We will know in the future when you are truly facing life and death, what prompts you into the next life? That is the last thought at one’s final moment, which will lead us to the next life. [25:23]

As for us now, our entire mentality is submerged in afflictions – filled with afflictions. This is why, even if you recite Buddha’s name, the mouth is reciting Buddha’s name but the mind still concords with afflictions. While one has energy and is able to be mindful, yet one cannot apply it. In the final moment facing the suffering of sickness – with so much pain, can you be mindful? So, at that time, even if you put a big speaker next to your ear that plays the chanting of Buddha’s name, it is of no help to you. You will think, “Alas, I am in such pain, why are you bothering me with such noise!” This is absolutely true! [25:54]

It does not have to be at the final moment. Even now, in the present moment – for instance, when [we] are still energetic, all of a sudden you are asked to take care of something, alas! To do it is so much trouble! This is how our minds work, needless to say when we are sick! That is how it is. So when you actually engage in it gradually, by then, one will be able to adapt to it. What does this rely on? It relies on our present strength and health. The key concept is right at this moment, never count on the petty cleverness while we happen to be healthy and do harm to ourselves! When protecting this enemy from beginningless time – protecting this “I” – you have wronged! You protect it, then, after cultivating for so long, this “I” inflates more and more, becomes bigger and bigger! This “I” is the root of cyclic existence. So the author taught us earlier that these four preconditions have been clearly explained. [26:46]

This concludes the explanation of what to do in between sessions.

After the actual session, what do we do in between sessions? Well! The dual practice of both the actual and in between sessions; the text tells us that both of them complement each other, isn’t it beautiful? Ah, I think that is truly great! This is the principle. Based on this principle, no matter what you do, it will be 100% free of loopholes, completely without omission. That is a brief explanation for us, just a brief one, only a general explanation for us! But there are definitely subtler details. All of the following sections will tell us the true contents of the preceding covered outline. So if you are endowed with the qualified conditions, by hearing the earlier sections, you already know how to practice and become able to achieve it. If we are not ready, very sorry – while hearing it but do not have proper comprehension – then continue with earnest study. The author will tell us clearly in every aspect, just like that. Once you understand it, [your] meditation will certainly be successful.