
菩提道次第广论手抄稿 Track 029B
Lamrim Commentary


P. 58 (3)(手抄稿 第四册 p165)[00:08]


p. 58 (3)

Therefore, you will easily attain the firm concentrations which please the learned to a degree commensurate with your cultivation of the trainings, beginning with faith in the teacher and ending with the engaged spirit of enlightenment. 



Not only must you sustain stabilizing meditations after you become free of both excitement and laxity, but you must also sustain analytical meditations. 







Because of this, the knowledgeable gurus of the lineage that handed down these personal instructions conveyed a clear understanding of whatever object of meditation they transmitted. In order to do this, they first thought over the meaning of the appropriate passages from both the sūtras and the commentaries in light of their guru's personal instructions. Enriching their presentation with the sayings of former gurus, they comprehensively explained the topic of meditation. 












They also said that success is more difficult for those who contemplate on their own than for those who transform their minds in a classroom, where those who know how to explain the teachings do so for those who know how to listen. 



This statement is excellent and true. 




Therefore, it is improper to say, "Now is the time for meditation," and then solely do a little meditation, for the saying "a time for study and reflection and a time for practice" expresses the misconception that extensive explanation of the teachings is not compatible with the context of practice. 






However, those who know how to bring all these explanations into practice seem barely to exist at all. 

【◎ 然能了解,一切讲说皆为修持者,实属少际,】







29B Commentary

ENGLISH LR V.1 P.115 (COMMENTARY V.4 P.289) [00:08]

Therefore, you will easily attain the firm concentrations which please the learned to a degree commensurate with your cultivation of the trainings, beginning with faith in the teacher and ending with the engaged spirit of enlightenment.

So from here we can recognize all the way from the earlier step by step sequence: beginning with relying on the teacher, cultivating faith in the teacher, and even continue to abide by this sequential order on the path: leisure and opportunity, followed by reflect on suffering, then taking refuge, and cause and effect, all the way until generating the aspiration for the spirit of enlightenment - both aspirational attitude and engaging in actual deeds…apply all of these stages stepwise. However much effort you put forth in these, the comparable effect will be yours in the future. With the effect, you will quickly succeed in your chosen practice. This degree of our sublime Samadhi will please all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas – they are the ones who have true wisdom. This is very clear. [01:21]

Not only must you sustain stabilizing meditations after you become free of both excitement and laxity, but you must also sustain analytical meditations.

The above is about the training of concentration, Samadhi. Actually, not only does the above apply, but even if you cultivate analytical meditation – the actual cultivation of both meditative stabilization and insight – this analytical meditation must be free of laxity and excitement for it to work. Although we have not seriously engaged deeply in practicing serenity and insight, we have the approximation of them now. What is the approximation of serenity and insight? That is, your mental intention goes in the same direction. For example, our usual study here is to read books mindfully and analyze the concepts. At that time, if our mind is wandering and our thoughts are wild, thinking of this, “Wow, this is pretty good” and you can’t let it go, then the effort of your reading will not be effective. Afterwards, you might feel: well, the flash of that mental clarity and sharpness is over, even reading with eyes wide open, the mind is totally muddled and you cannot read well. So what are these two conditions? The former is excitement and the latter is laxity. So when you have excitement and laxity, the effect is the same, you cannot read well, this is the analytical aspect. From the above, we know that, regardless of whether it is stabilized meditation or analytical meditation, the sustaining concept is the same. [02:53]

So, honestly speaking, this concept does not become useful until later when you are about to study serenity and insight. At our present stages of study and reflection, and even with anything you do, if you are sincere about doing it well, your mind first has to be clear and sharp. If you have a clear and sharp mentality, definitely both serenity and insight are included; primarily the main obstacles for these are laxity and excitement. From here we should realize that the very first step is this. Thus, for now, the aforementioned stages are as such. If we don’t abide by the proper systematic order, it would be a great loss. This is the key reason that makes great teachers stand out. Therefore, here we often discover a very interesting fact: many come to the [monastery] to study here – their goal to study is proper – however, the approach they use is usually totally mistaken. How so? They come hastily and claim, “I want to learn this, and you have to teach me this.” Actually, with such an attitude, if one has this mentality, obviously he is making a big mistake, a very obvious mistake. What big mistake? Let’s think it over – I have mentioned it before. Here, I will use an example. When we are sick and what should we do? Find a good doctor, and pay him a visit by asking, “Doctor, what is this illness that I have? Please examine it and then prescribe the medicine based on your diagnosis. I will follow your prescription to try to cure my illness by taking the medication accordingly.” Isn’t this the way it should be? Anyone disagree? Certainly, it’s right! So you go there just for him to diagnose your illness, and the doctor’s prescription is based on his diagnosis. In the above scenario, what are we doing? We are pretty much going there and saying, “Doctor! I need a certain medication, you just give it to me!” So this is saying, are you seeking for the help from the doctor or what? Let’s reflect on it, isn’t it? Many came here and think, “Alas, I want to study this, yet you gave me that, thus it is not to my liking.” If it does not match my liking, honestly there is no need to come here for earnest study. Everyone should be clear on this concept. [05:15]

Of course, in general, it is possible that the teacher may not have the proper qualifications. In fact, with this condition, we may likely say, “Sure! Because nowadays teachers are not qualified, thus we react like this!” If you look at it on a superficial level, there is nothing wrong with it. But if you take a deeper look, why is it that you can’t come across a perfectly qualified teacher? Why is it that your karma leads to such an inexplicable environment? Is there any worldly thing that just drops down from the sky? Does anything happen by coincidence? No. We Buddhists understand that, no, everything has a certain cause that leads to an associated effect. Because, in the causal stage of my past lives, I didn’t plant the proper cause, therefore today the proper effect did not arise. [06:10]

If, in this situation, you are not working on introspection to purify yourself by paying respect to teachers, and even say, “Oh! When I open my eyes to look around, there is no one suitable to teach [me].” Studying Buddha Dharma with this attitude is likely to deviate further away. Yes, when first entering [the path], we may encounter various flawed influences; these concepts definitely could be developed. However, after we sincerely step further into the study of Buddha Dharma, this is what we should truly recognize. Moreover, it is important for one to purify one’s flaws. Otherwise, you will grasp on it and unable to improve such personal mistaken view; then it is hopeless, and you will stray further and further with more and more distance apart. Therefore, this clarification is brought up in passing to ensure our peace of mind when we advance gradually according to the step-by-step stages. Continue. [07:11]

Because of this, the knowledgeable gurus of the lineage that handed down these personal instructions conveyed a clear understanding of whatever object of meditation they transmitted. In order to do this, they first thought over the meaning of the appropriate passages from both the sutras and the commentaries in light of their guru’s personal instructions. Enriching their presentation with the sayings of former gurus, they comprehensively explained the topic of meditation.

Well, now that the preceding foundations have been clearly explained, what is the proper approach? What are the flaws? Both positive and negative have been explained, thus there are no omissions and everything is included. As for the pros and cons, I have already discussed them last time and, later during the process of our actual practice of Buddha Dharma, they are very crucial, very important. Usually, too many of our flaws are like this: we lack complete comprehension of the benefits, and totally do not know about the faults. So in this situation, what are the advantages and disadvantages? I will specify them here. The advantages can also be considered as the expedient approach. If the approach presented is to your liking, very well, when you abide by it, this is indeed an advantage – it won’t take too much of your time to probe and explore. It is extremely convenient; most people like to take this route. Is it effective? Absolutely effective! In the end, you will definitely achieve Buddhahood. However, this is a distant path, the length of this route is hard for you to imagine. You have no idea when you will get there! [08:50]

Just think – your one recitation of “Namo Buddha” means eventual achievement of Buddhahood. Needless to mention that we have chanted more than just one recitation of “Namo Buddha!” However, this path is certainly the long one. Besides, if we analyze it step by step, I believe that I have always been on the long route in the past. Also, I noticed that everyone sitting here, almost with no exceptions, everyone is on this distant route. Everyone grasps onto one’s personal preferences tightly, just like that. This can be considered as the advantage. What about the disadvantage? That is the distant route mentioned above. [09:25]

Well, then what should you do? The first step now is to understand the complete picture of the positive aspect. Is this enough? Not enough. There is also the faulty opposing aspect, which should be recognized thoroughly as well. And then, within this, you take the appropriate path. By that time, it certainly will not be to your liking. Why? Because the reason why we humans are ordinary beings is that ordinary beings are endowed with these two aspects of: afflictive view and afflictive sentiment, the root of these is subtle afflictions and ignorance. Usually, our views are flawed; our latent propensity and preferences are flawed. Otherwise, Buddha would not have the need to impart teachings and Buddha would not be qualified to be Buddha. For this we should understand: we are in the midst of great ignorance. Thus, we Buddha Dharma practitioners should definitely avoid this and never yield to our latent propensities. First, we have to know the content of our study. And then, go one step further to identify the flaws in our latent propensities – abide by what is proper for you to practice, then this is appropriate. [10:35]

Let me give a simple example now: for instance, let’s take a random machine, you claim that the machine is ready, can be used. However, there are many caveats where you are not truly certain, not sure yet. In this circumstance, if the machine doesn’t start, well, you can be said to be very lucky because it did not work. Since it can’t start, thus it has caused no damage. At most, you have wasted your efforts. If it does start, but there is a defect inside that you don’t know about, by the time it is halfway down the process, once it breaks down, you can do nothing about it because of its poor condition. If it were a car on the street, at the most you might have some delay, maybe stop or something else. If this car were to explode, it would take your life. If it were a boat, then it would be very dangerous, very risky. Whereas, if it is an airplane, death would be certain. Think about it, right? Thus, this concept you definitely have to keep in mind. [11:38]

Take a random example, using the above case, you may ask, “Well, how can that be? If it were leaking, how did it start? Would it have even started?” Yes! True, if there were a serious problem, it will not start; whereas if there were minor issues it may still be able to. Now let me pick any case, say the engine of the car uses a motor with cylinders. The material for the cylinder should meet a certain standard, yet you overlooked it and used something that is not up to the standard. In the beginning, it seems pretty good but, after it has started for a while and it gradually heats up, then the cylinder becomes deformed by the heat. It cannot survive [the heat]. Actually, the situation has already changed, right? You are already flying in the air [as in the case of the airplane] and the cylinder becomes deformed, may I ask, what will happen then? Isn’t this very obvious! Therefore, we have too many such situations; each of you must contemplate and analyze this concept. From the conditions that I see now, it is more or less like this. This is also my own miserable experience. Thus, regarding the actual apparent attitude, we will save it for our review; I will point them out one by one. I sincerely hope that everyone can recognize it within [our mental stream], and that would be the most fortunate thing in this life of ours. [12:53]

Therefore, the author says next, there are these complete personal instructions passed down from the “knowledgeable gurus” mentioned earlier. As for those adepts, not only were they endowed with precise reasoning, but they also had the actual experiential knowledge. They not only had the actual experiential knowledge but also were definitely flawless. For those past Bodhisattvas and adepts, regardless of whatever “instruction” is given, as long as it accords with us and conforms to us, for those that we need to learn, one needs to aspire to have “clear understanding.” We should form an uncontrived precise understanding, and this proper understanding will definitely not be randomly influenced. So in this situation, what is the author saying? “They first thought over the meaning of the appropriate passages from both the sutras and the commentaries in light of their guru’s personal instructions.” First, [great teachers] point out the main content, and then followed by quoting sutras and commentaries. Moreover, take another step closer to the sayings of former gurus – the words of the former gurus come from their experiential knowledge. So this principle is first explained, after the explanation, sutras and commentaries are cited to validate the concepts. Next, it is followed by referring to the deeds of these adepts and Bodhisattvas as the actual role models exemplifying the sutras and commentaries. This is how it works! [14:27]

Then what do we do with these teachings? It is for us to form an uncontrived recognition, this is the genuine ornament for us. That is the true recognition that we should have in mind, and that is when we can eradicate the three poisons of attachment, anger, and ignorance in our minds. What is the ornament of our mind streams now? Rubbish [the 3 mental poisons]. So the perfect teaching is to instruct us in this complete way. Once we have the understanding, then apply accordingly, naturally, the advancement is stepwise and it is steadfast. It is easy to say, howver it is very important, extremely crucial, absolutely important! Whether you can achieve it or not, whether your achievement is direct or deviating, rely on these key points here at every turn. [15:19]

So here we definitely don’t want to engage in such things like when I go to a store, I am shopping, and I want this. Average people in today’s world might even go to the store and throw a fit. I recall when I was young; I once heard a saying, a common expression in the business world. This person went to a store to buy things, picked on this and that for a while. In the end, he didn’t like anything, so he said to the storeowner, “Do you know the buyer is like your father!” This is our local dialect – the “father” means both the buyer and the customer. That is, the customer is paying for it. Since the buyer comes here to give you business, so they are essentially like your parents who clothe and feed you. Thus they are like your father. So the shop owner was yelled at, that was the case. [16:10]

Now many of us Dharma practitioners also have this tendency, this is how the world is. The students go to school. In the past, we would pay respect to the teachers – we don’t even know why we did that, just abide by it. Nowadays, this is not emphasized. Instead, we talk about freedom and openness. Besides, students come here with this attitude: “You should give me what I want! Otherwise… then the teacher would get berated. If I didn’t come to buy from you, you wouldn’t be able to make a living!” If everyone held on to this concept, alas! What hope is there for Buddha Dharma? [16:45]

If you have a true understanding and you have the experience, then why do you bother coming here to learn? If you don’t have any experience, what can you learn with this attitude? This concept is so very simple! Everyone think it over, is it right? So in this situation, everyone shouldn’t just think that as long as it is to my liking then it’s fine, that is completely wrong. What are these two things that are me and my preferences? They are the afflictive view and afflictive sentiment. Hence, many came [to the monastery] and said: well, I want it to be this way and I wish to meditate in this way! Of course, for beginners, I can understand this painful experience and I was like that as well before. Hence, I always calmly respond: fine, fine, fine! Afterwards, [I would] use all sorts of skillful means to go along with you. Gradually, gradually the transformation will happen in the future. Now, with time you will recognize the concept, which is right here, and what was just explained. While discussing refuting misconceptions, we need to recognize what is wrong in our minds, and this is when our proper application is on the right track. [17:54]

They also said that success is more difficult for those who contemplate on their own than for those who transform their minds in a classroom, where those who know how to explain the teachings do so for those who know how to listen.

Well, this is the statement that past adepts often said. They said a truly skillful teacher is what they mean by “those who know how to explain the teachings,” and “those who know how to listen” – which is the attitude of qualified students. These two qualifications are very important! These two qualifications are very essential. If one of them is absent, then the condition is incomplete - it would not be encompassing. If both are completely present, and the teaching is genuinely delivered, then this Dharma assembly will be very successful. And this Dharma assembly will have a tremendous impact. I believe we all have this experience. There is this teaching here today, well, this instruction! Not only was the instruction excellent, but the audience was also touched. After listening, the feeling of it still lingers in our minds for three days. Much like attending a concert, the feeling afterwards is: ah, it was so beautiful! For three whole days afterwards, you still hear it and it does not fade away, as special as that. Thus, if you try to develop this kind of effect alone, it is not going to happen. [19:22]

This statement is excellent and true.

Next, the author said: right! Absolute no mistake, totally unmistaken, this is absolutely true. All the past adepts and Bodhisattvas came through with this experience. Here we can also understand that those adepts and Bodhisattvas were reincarnated practitioners. Even they have to go through this process, now we beginners are surprisingly not taking this path. May I ask you, until when, what year will you succeed? Thus, we often say: “Alas, I am an ordinary being!” It is exactly because you are an ordinary being, you need to strive even harder! Even those reincarnated adepts and Bodhisattvas are traversing this path with such an attitude, whereas you as an ordinary being are forsaking the effort, then what can you learn? This is why we should truly be more vigilant! [20:03]

Thus, later as for this aspect, I also hope everyone follows what I did. I have also made this comment before: “Alas, Dharma Master! I am only an ordinary being!” Well, now I have changed my perception. This statement is not wrong for I am an ordinary being! In the past, when I referred to this ordinary being, I felt that since I am only an ordinary being, you should not demand so much from me, just let me get by! The last two statements were left behind. As for now, I made what kind of change? It is: I am an ordinary being, since even noble beings have to apply such efforts, I must urge myself to strive quickly! So, “Dharma Master, I do wish you can help me. If I become lazy, please encourage me.” Hence, I am still the same ordinary being, but the following statements are quite different. Therefore, I would like to bring up this point to encourage everyone. Continuing, [21:02]

Therefore, it is improper to say, “Now is the time for meditation,” and then solely do a little meditation, for the saying “a time for study and reflection and a time for practice” expresses the misconception that extensive explanation of the teaching is not compatible with the context of practice.

Therefore as mentioned before, don’t wait until we are about to meditate and then be encouraged. Instead, what should we do? Based on your previous foundation, sturdily strive at solidifying it; once it is solidified then your application in sitting meditation won’t take you too long to have an achievement. So for now, do not claim, “I want to meditate. Dharma Master, please tell me, how do I recite Buddha’s names with a one-pointed mind? Please tell me how to apply editative stabilization?” No, not like that. The aforementioned specifically tells you the foundation of how to help you recite Buddha’s names with one-pointed attention. It tells you the exact prerequisites to attain meditative concentration. Not only do we have to understand the teaching now, once we understood, we also need to strive at applying it. It’s not about knowing it and just thinking about it lightly while meditating on it; this kind of understanding is of no use! [22:13]

For example, let’s not talk about our Sutrayana practice, for in Sutrayana right now the teaching is already weakening; thus, when discussing practice, well, that is fine, just recite Buddha’s names, perhaps a verse of Amitabha Buddha – everything else can wait until one reaches Pure Land. As for Tantrayana, this teaching is for attainment in this lifetime. So the transmitted teachings are all very important for attainment in one lifetime. Thus, prior to each teaching, there always is a foundation – the preparation. And this preparation must go through each and every part one by one. A complete sequence begins by relying on the teacher, at least these are always included: renunciation, impermanence, and spirit of enlightenment. Whereas for us now, we just read it through once, go over it once and think that it is enough. Here, the text says, “solely do a little meditation,” more or less you know how to be encouraged by the teaching – you know enough to motivate yourself. Yet surprisingly, now that we say that this is the most superb teaching, we don’t even know the meaning of it. We just read it through once and say that I will study the superb teaching here. How pathetic it is to talk about! [23:25]

So many people now, well, they heard about the teaching – there is a great Rinpoche coming, so let’s hurry up to receive a powerful initiation. This is useless! I believe, up to this point, at least we now know the basic concepts. When I refer to it as useless, it does not mean planting virtuous roots are useless. This is of great benefit, and virtuous roots should be planted. Now, what does this reference of being useless mean? Wow, this is a method for achievement in one lifetime! In your current state, it’s definitely not possible to engage in and wish for achievement in one lifetime. This is what it means. Everyone should distinguish this clearly. [23:59]

So now that we understand, well, with the previous wrongful discernment that these practices are for during study and reflection of the teaching, it is not needed at meditation time! What is this perception? This is a grave mistake, a serious one. Now we have covered the fundamental concept. Continuing on: [24:21]

However, those who know how to bring all these explanations into practice seem barely to exist at all.

However, to truly understand that all sutras and commentaries are for the purpose of practice is very rare – very few people, this kind of practitioners are very rare, too rare! So what is the cause? The cause is due to our latent propensities from beginningless time. Our latent propensities are absolutely like that; you have such attachments, [and you are] grasping on the views and sentiments. Whatever we encounter, ah! This is what I wanted. This attitude was already there before applying the teachings. Moreover, once you step forward to practice and applied a little, alas, the more attachment there is! Therefore, I truly feel this is very pitiful. Thus, to properly take on the path, the best approach is still beginning with the “tenet sect.” So does it mean that the “Zen meditation school” is inferior? No! We have to recognize the stages. Meaning, from the moment we set our foot on the path, all the way until completion; in the beginning, it is best to start from tenet study. And then, once you are at a certain level, by then when one is certain about the entire encompassing teaching, you can then focus specifically on meditation. [25:38]

So in this situation, from the perspective of this one lifetime of ours, it won’t necessarily happen. For our whole process on the path, to say the least, it will take three great eons, and that is an astronomical figure. It is hard to know how long it is. If you take one small section, it is very likely in that short span you spent the entire lifetime on learning meditation, just like that. Therefore, in this circumstance, we need to know, with regard to achieving the entire path, at the beginning, you need to have a complete understanding, and then advance on it. What is the difference? Here I will specifically clarify it today, this concept is very important, too important! [26:17]

If we do not have this proper understanding, by the time we begin study meditation, we may not have an attachment prior to practicing the teaching. We may think that it is not too bad, at least we are not attached to the secular world, and we [monastics] are able to renounce it. And then we step forward to meditate. During the actual session, either you recite Buddha’s names or practice Zen meditation. Once you have experienced its pleasure, you think that is so wonderful, just like that, and you will not want to give it up, you’ll be unwilling to let go of it. Needless to say, your approach will not lead to achievement and, even if it did, it would be difficult to remove this Dharma attachment [before having proper understanding of the entire framework]. It will stay with you all the way to the end. Once you have reached the end and attain the effect, then Buddha will tell you: “Even though you attained Arhatship, this is not the ultimate, you must start over!” Well, by then, one has to start all over. [27:10]

So this is the reason why everyone must recite the Lotus Sutra. The figures mentioned in it are all our great virtuous teachers. Look at Venerable Mahakasyapa, many attendees felt regret in this Dharma assembly about: in the past, it was said that Buddha turned the peerless Dharma Wheel by teaching all great Bodhisattvas. We always thought we were left out and felt remorse when we thought, why didn’t Buddha teach us? Now, we realize it is not Buddha who is at fault instead the problem is with us. I believe everyone has this experience and this understanding? If you have read the Lotus Sutra, then it is easy to understand. If not, try to read it carefully. This is still a minor point – it is considered as an insignificant one! Other than this, there is more to it later. Eventually, [the attendees in that assembly] would all achieve Buddhahood, but what does it take? Besides, one has to offer to how many billions [of Buddhas]. In Sariputra’s case, he had to make offerings to Buddhas numbering more than two million sand particles of Ganges Rivers, and by then he is able to achieve Buddhahood. Once you have attained the arhatship, you still have to take such a big circle, why? That is because the issue is right from the very beginning – let’s refresh our memories of what was discussed before. [28:17]

Remember the story of the violin lesson? There was a person who had never learned it before, and the teacher accepted him right away and charged him five dollars [per hour] for tuition. Another person who had learned it before, the teacher wouldn’t accept him. In the end, [the teacher agreed but] his tuition was $105 [per hour]. What was the extra $100 for? It was to change his erroneous habit! This is our root problem – think about it, isn’t it true? One time, I mentioned another example to you: for instance, we are working for a giant business empire, wow, such a giant business kingdom. Imagine that, when you start, you just take a position, well, in a certain department. You devote your entire life until you become old and die. You become so proficient at your work that you do not consider making any changes. You should recognize this is a detour. You should know that, since your actual goal is to become the president, the best strategy would be for you to first understand the function of each department. Even if you do not understand it, the right thing to do would be to follow the guidance of the current president. You stay in one department to become familiar with it, and once you have learned enough, switch to the next one right away, learn and switch to another right away, learn and switch again. By then, you will easily and rapidly reach the position of the

president. [29:30]

Well then, in this situation, there are only two paths: one is where you first need to have complete faith in Buddha instead of yourself, the saying of, “Well! I want it this way.” This concept has to be removed. Whatever Buddha tells you to do, listen to him. Buddha will lead you on the swiftest path. This is one attitude.