
菩提道次第广论手抄稿 Track 031A
Lamrim Commentary


P. 61 (LL4)(手抄稿 第四册 p221)[00:11]


p 61(10)

Human life plants the seed for going beyond cyclic existence. The supreme seed of glorious enlightenment. Human life is a stream of good qualities better than a wishgranting jewel. Who here would attain it and then waste it? 



And also, 《Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds》 states: There is nothing more deluded and nothing more confused than for me to have found such leisure and yet not to cultivate virtue. 



After I have recognized this, If I remain idle through confusion, great sorrow will befall me at the time of my death. 



When my body roasts for a long time in the intolerable fires of hell, blazing flames of unbearable regret will certainly ravage my mind. 



This is a rare and helpful situation; Somehow I found it by chance. If despite my intelligence I am drawn again to hell, Then, like one bewildered by a magic spell, I will have simply lost my wits. What is it within me that causes this confusion? I do not know even this. 



Furthermore, Geshe Dromdönba asked Jennga, 



Are you mindful that you have a human life endowed with leisure and opportunity? 



Jennga replied, each time I enter into meditation, I recite: 



Now I have independence and favorable conditions. If I do not take full advantage of this time, I will plunge into the abyss and fall under the control of others. Who will lift me out? Thus, every time he meditated, Jennga first recited this verse of teaching, which is from Candrakīrtis Commentary on the Middle Way" (Madhyamakāvatāra). 




You should also do the same. 



Contemplate the great importance of leisure and opportunity in this way with respect to your final goals. Also reflect on how important they are in terms of your temporary goals. 



That is, consider how you can easily achieve with this life qualities such as generosity, ethical discipline, and patience, which are the causes of resources, perfect attendants, and the body of a being in high status [rebirth amongst humans or deities]. 



Think as follows: In this way, this life is very important in terms of attaining high status and certain goodness [of either liberation or omniscience]. 



If I were to waste it and not strive day and night to create the causes of these two goals, it would be as if I were returning emptyhanded from a land of jewels. Also, I will be bereft of happiness in the future and will not obtain a life of leisure. 




Without leisure, I will undergo continual suffering. Thus, what kind of self-deception is worse than this? 





As Aryašūra says: Those who have obtained a human life rich in virtues through a collection of merit over innumerable eons, and who then, due to confusion in this life, fail to accumulate even the slightest treasury of merit will in future lifetimes enter the house of unbearable sorrow. Like the traders who go to a land of jewels and return home empty-handed, 



Without the karmic paths of the ten virtues you will not obtain a human life again. 



How can there be happiness without a human life? Without happiness, there is only suffering. 



Therefore, you have only deceived yourself before going to the next life. There is nothing more confused than this. 



After thinking like this, develop a great desire to take full advantage of this life of leisure and opportunity. 



《Engaging in the BodhiSattva Deeds》: Once you have given this body wages and bonuses, you must make it act for your welfare. Do not give it everything if it does not help you. 



Also: Relying on the boat of a human body, free yourself from the great river of suffering. Because this boat is difficult to obtain again, do not sleep now, fool!



Furthermore, Bo-do-wa states in his 《Jewel Heaps of Teachings Through Analogy》: An insect's obeisance, a ride upon a wild ass, the Tsang person's fish, and buttered balls of roasted barley flour. By thinking along these lines, develop the desire to take full advantage of a human life of leisure and opportunity. 




c. Contemplating the difficulty of attaining leisure and opportunity. 
Moreover, whether you start from a happy realm or a miserable realm, it is difficult to obtain such leisure and opportunity. For, the Buddha states in the 《Bases of Discipline》 that those who die in the miserable realms and are reborn there are similar in number to the dust particles on the great earth, whereas those who are reborn from there into happy realms are similar in number to the dust particles on the tip of a fingernail. 

【◎ 第三思惟极难得者。如是暇身如《事教》中说,“从恶趣死复生彼者,如大地土,从彼死没生善趣者,如爪上尘。】


p 63

Further, those who die in both types of happy realms [human and divine] and are reborn in the miserable realms are similar in number to the dust particles on the great earth, while those who die in the happy realms and are reborn there are similar in number to the dust particles on the tip of a fingernail. 




Question: Why is a human life of leisure and opportunity so difficult to obtain? 



Reply: It is because beings of the happy realms—humans and the like—are frequently involved in such ignoble activities as the ten nonvirtues. Because of this, they are reborn in the miserable realms.

As Aryadeva's 《Four Hundred Stanzas》 states: Humans for the most part are involved in things ignoble. Therefore, most ordinary beings will surely go to the miserable realms. 



As this is so, it goes without saying that you will have to stay for many eons in the miserable realms on account of having in your mind-stream the imprints of many sins that you previously accumulated over many lifetimes. These imprints have not been erased by an antidote and have not yet issued effects. 



31A Commentary

English LR v.1 p.122 (COMMENTARY V5. CH7 P45) [00:11]

Normally we can’t get our motivation up, once you can contemplate and observe this point, ah! Then you will truly work really hard.

Human life plants the seed for going beyond cyclic existence. The supreme seed of glorious enlightenment. Human life is a stream of good qualities better than a wishgranting jewel. Who here would attain it and then waste it? 

It says with this kind of rare opportunity we’ve got, what seeds can we plant? We are in a situation where we can go beyond cyclic existence, to go ashore, and plant the seed of the auspicious and “glorious enlightenment!” It’s like having the most auspicious wish-granting jewel, and this jewel can amass all kinds of good qualities, like that, and you can go beyond cyclic existence. In this situation, how can we waste it and not get the expected result from it? That is absolutely impossible and you definitely cannot let that happen! Once you have this rare human body, you must get a good result, to go beyond cyclic existence. Then it’s right! [01:11]

And also, 《Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds》 states: There is nothing more deluded and nothing more confused than for me to have found such leisure and yet not to cultivate virtue. 

This is from the commentary. In other words, it continuously uses past masters’ and Bodhisattvas’ words to exhort us! It tells us that once we have this difficult to attain leisure and opportunity, if we do not cultivate well, then we are deluding ourselves. This is the greatest confusion! There is seriously nothing more confused than this, nothing more deluding than this! Don’t cause harm to yourself! [01:47]

After I have recognized this, If I remain idle through confusion, great sorrow will befall me at the time of my death. 

If after I recognized this, I still “remain idle,” I still don’t strive to work hard, then why does that happen? It is still because of confusion. This confusion, a habit from beginningless time that remains, we cannot get rid of it all at once. Therefore we need to confess, therefore we need to contemplate. If you do not do that, then it’s of no use even if you understand it. You would still be careless and nonchalant. Ah! You remain idle, just can’t get your motivation up. Then at the time of death, when “great sorrow” befalls, it would be too late! By that time, it’s too late. [02:21]

When my body roasts for a long time in the intolerable fires of hell, blazing flames of unbearable regret will certainly ravage my mind. 

If at that time I cannot tolerate the fires of hell burning my mind, well then at that time, it is a fruit (effect). Where did the effect come from? Eh! It must have been a previous cause. It will be so in the future as well. We can just look at what’s happening now. “Blazing flames of unbearable regret will certainly ravage my mind.” What is “unbearable?” It is a torment of regret, a torment of regret! This strong torment of regret will certainly ravage my mind. This is the “causally concordant” effect of the future. Because it is a causally concordant effect, so we can understand it now. How do we understand it? We often can think, ah-ya! In our mind we are often drifty, not feeling right in doing this, not feeling right in doing that, this is the “blazing flames of unbearable regret!” We are often in this state of mind, think about it, isn’t it true? If you concord with the teachings, you will not have this kind of state of mind. Otherwise, you might be confused and foolish. Ah-ya! This cannot be, that cannot be . We are planting a cause now which will certainly degenerated as an effect in future! So we must exhort ourselves now. Thus this subjective aspect is very clear and precise. [03:28]

This is a rare and helpful situation; Somehow I found it by chance. If despite my intelligence I am drawn again to hell, Then, like one bewildered by a magic spell, I will have simply lost my wits. What is it within me that causes this confusion? I do not know even this. 

These are all for exhorting ourselves. It says that it is rare, very rare to have this very helpful situation, having this human life is extremely rare! If I truly understand this and do not make use of it, and am drawn again to hell, then what does that make me? Have I lost my wits? Am I a piece of wood? What is blocking me? This is not mentioned here to just tell us this seriously, but that it is actually telling us we need to use this method to continuously seek for the answer, to continuously seek for the answer. We have to be able to stir up our minds and say, “I must strive, I must strive! I can’t be careless! I can’t be careless!” Then you would be on the right track, you would be on the right track. [04:34]

Furthermore, Geshe Dromdönba asked Jennga, 

Well then, other than the commentaries by the Bodhisattvas above, below will cite from past masters to show us what they actually did, and what these past masters said. [04:47]

Are you mindful that you have a human life endowed with leisure and opportunity? 

When the teacher tells the students, he would say this every time, “Eh, have you thought of this, that you’ve been endowed with this human life of leisure and opportunity!” They are all like that. It was like this in India then, it is like this in Tibet currently. So [when teachings are given] in Tibet, the rituals always begin with, “The precious human life of leisure and opportunity, it is difficult to attain but easy to lose!” Just like that. He tells you this from the beginning. Actually, it is not for us to just recite it once. He wants us to seriously think about it. Look at the great achievers, they are all like that! [05:20]

Jennga replied, each time I enter into meditation, I recite: 

Every time when this past master entered into meditation, he would recite this. Actually when he recited this, it is not just said with his mouth, but his mind corresponded with it! In the future when we continue to read, we will know how the past masters practiced. That is like “putting out the fire on your head,” at the thought of it, ah! I cannot relax even for a little bit. So the sutra tells us, “Even if your head is on fire, you can put aside temporary, but the blazing flames of impermanence must immediately be eliminated!” Even if your head is on fire, it’s ok! You can wait for a moment. What should we do instead? We must work on eliminating the blazing fire of impermanence! We have to strive at that diligently! Because only a human life can eliminate this blazing fire of impermanence, this is absolutely true. With the head burning or the body burning, it doesn’t even matter to him! We are in such peaceful condition now, and yet we are unwilling to do something! So this is what we must motivate. Therefore it tells us previously, what is the state of our condition? So we must find the answer from here. Then think of ways to motivate ourselves to do the same. [06:26]

Now I have independence and favorable conditions. If I do not take full advantage of this time, I will plunge into the abyss and fall under the control of others. Who will lift me out? Thus, every time he meditated, Jennga first recited this verse of teaching, which is from Candrakīrtis Commentary on the Middle Way" (Madhyamakāvatāra). 

This Commentary on the “Middle Way” consists of this verse mentioned above. It says if at that time when you have attained “ independence”;to have independence means we have attained the two things of leisure and opportunity, and can go along the direction of the sublime teachings to diligently practice. Then at that time, if you do not strive and genuinely practice, you will fall [into miserable realms] again! When you fall again, you will be “under the control of others”, you will have to go along with whatever they tell you to do. What does that mean? The raging fire in the hell, the hungry ghosts who are extremely hungry, then the animals, it doesn’t matter which one; at that time, you are controlled by the external environment all day. Then may I ask you, how can you practice? How can you practice? The words are easy to understand. [07:21]

Regarding the Commentary on the “Middle Way”, let me explain this part a bit. You can’t figure this from just reading it. Usually when we read the Commentary on the “Middle Way”, we just casually read through the sentence. This verse is stated here for a purpose. What is the purpose here? This means that these great sutras and commentaries are errorless in their order. Therefore with the way we normally learn, we always rush to flip through the beginning part [of the text],eh, and see what is important on the inside (in the middle part of the text). This is why we don’t get the benefits. Not only for the commentaries, but also for the sutras. What does this mean? Sutras always say, “Listen carefully! Listen carefully, and think well about this!” Normally, when we read the verses from the sutras, eh, we just flip through, we rush to flip through to read about how to recite Buddha’s names, how to recite with one-pointed concentration, and the “Diamond Sutra” telling us about “ a mind which does not fix on anything” that's all. We don’t [normally] care for the foundation in the beginning part [of the text]. In other words, whether it is the sutra or commentaries, it tells us what should be the order (or stages) in the beginning. Therefore, as long as you truly follow the stages and the foundation and practice correctly step by step with effort, then you will achieve. The difference (in achievements) is this. Then the following tells us. [08:35]

You should also do the same. 

Commentary on the “Middle Way” tells us, this is a “crucial point!” (Translator note: the Chinese text translates this part as “this is the crucial point and you should learn to do the same.”) Hey, we don’t want to just think of the middle section [of the texts] as crucial parts, but that it is crucial from the beginning. Therefore past masters have said, and sutras also state this, that it is virtue at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. Beginning virtue is virtue, virtue in the middle is virtue, and virtue in the end is virtue. When some people say this is virtue at the beginning, the middle and the end, by that they mean the “introduction” in the beginning, the “core thesis” in the middle, and then the “summary” at the end. Some of the past masters say this is the virtue in the beginning, middle… as virtue of the ethical discipline, virtue of the meditative concentration, and virtue of the wisdom. It doesn’t matter. In other words, this order/sequence is determined, and cannot have any errors to it. This we should understand. When we truly learn, we must learn from this point! We must learn from this point! [09:22]

Contemplate the great importance of leisure and opportunity in this way with respect to your final goals. Also reflect on how important they are in terms of your temporary goals. 

Like the aforementioned, we must truly recognize and observe that this human life of leisure and opportunity has excellent and ultimate great benefits. The benefit is not only for the ultimate [goals], but for what’s temporary (that which is just in front of us) as well. To us, the temporary goals are also very important, very important. The ultimate is of course important, but why are the temporary goals important? Below. [09:52]

That is, consider how you can easily achieve with this life qualities such as generosity, ethical discipline, and patience, which are the causes of resources, perfect attendants, and the body of a being in high status [rebirth amongst humans or deities]. 

What do you seek for as temporary goals? The temporary goals are for “attaining high status (in your next lives)!” The temporary attainments of high status mean your resources, perfect attendants and all kinds of other aspects being perfect for you. What do you need to perfect these aspects? You still need to cultivate these things! To cultivate these things you will need your human life of leisure and opportunity. We need to accurately contemplate this reasoning! Once you understand this, once you understand this reasoning with attaining high status and the ultimate certain goodness, then you can read about the auspicious benefits of the stories of Mr. Yuan Liao-Fan and Yu-Ching Yi Gong. Within this order of sequence, we would then know how to attain high status life after life. When we walk the path, we would know how to take our first step and climb up! Without recognizing this before you read these stories, you would often get in trouble with “the plight of the three lifetimes.” Although you would receive temporary benefits, but that’s as far as it goes. That’s it. I just wanted to mention this while we are on the topic. [11:03]

Think as follows: In this way, this life is very important in terms of attaining high status and certain goodness [of either liberation or omniscience]. 

Oh! Analyze as we did previously, whether it is for the benefit of the temporary or the ultimate benefit, this is quite difficult to attain, this is difficult to attain! This human body is very difficult to attain! Once you understand this, then what would you do? Of course then we would work hard. Therefore. [11:24]

If I were to waste it and not strive day and night to create the causes of these two goals, it would be as if I were returning emptyhanded from a land of jewels. Also, I will be bereft of happiness in the future and will not obtain a life of leisure. 

If you understood this and did not strive…whether it is during the day or even night time, you would strive with all that you’ve got. It has already told us before, how to strive in the day time and how to strive at night. Strive to do what? Strive at the cause. If you can accumulate the cause, then in the future you will receive this effect. Therefore here, and at many places, it’s not like the ordinary essays that we read, it will always say, “causes of these two goals.” This is the true beauty and goodness of character of phenomenon! Why do I say this? These words, “causes of these two goals,” remind us of what? That cultivation/practice comes with hardship. It reminds us this. We often don’t realize that and feel, ah-ya! This place is like a non-Buddhist place. We only talk about temporary happiness, just talk about temporary comforts, and go along with what my views are – I want this, this is right, that is right, then find all kinds of happiness for ourselves. If you understand these words, you will know clearly, it’s not what “I” think is right, no! I am wrong. It is not about the immediate feeling of happiness now; it should be hard work and hardship now. Thereafter, you strive to plant the cause and you will receive the effect in the future. [12:47]

Therefore, this is not to say that this is this way because this book was translated from Tibetan. Truly perfect and complete instructions, the ones with clear explanation of character of phenomenon are all this way. It has its special reason for this. I just wanted to mention this since we are on the topic. Actually, the reason for this is that we must not lack this understanding for cultivation and that the most important practices in the future are based on this. Well then now we understand and have a good grasp of this. Ah! Then you will absolutely not let this go to waste. If you let it go to waste it would be like what? It would be like “returning empty-handed from a land of jewels.” As a result? “I will be bereft of happiness in the future,” ah! Ai! Will not have happiness in the future and will not attain a life of leisure. [13:26]

Without leisure, I will undergo continual suffering. Thus, what kind of self-deception is worse than this? 

If you are unable to attain it, then later, future happiness cannot be attained, you cannot get a life of leisure and opportunity again. Then may I ask you what would be the situation? “Continual suffering,” forever suffering. What is more self-deceiving than this? We are so pitiful, we go after taking small advantages of things, and will meet up with great sufferings in the future! This is why I said, this excellent teacher, this excellent teacher is great! (Note: Master is referring back to the example of seeing the pigs as excellent teachers.) Actually for us now, we can all understand this. We can understand what? That what’s most serious about this is its ignorance (the pig). The most important thing to note is ignorance. Normally when we see animals, such as dogs, pigs, and then there are some which are smart, such as dogs. When you feed them, they crowd you right away and follow you for food. If pigs were as smart as humans, then they would know what the owners feed them for. Ah, then when the owners come, they can’t wait to run away! Right? [14:25]

So we are now humans and think of ourselves as practitioners. Truly! The words that were just said were not the least bit wrong! Certainly after we understand this, for me, at least for myself, I have been constantly reflecting on this. Ah! I’m not even as good as animals! Like that. I am a person, if I realized that after someone feeds me he is going to kill me, oh, I can’t wait to run away! I will absolutely not want to eat it. At least if you don’t eat it you would be a little thinner, and you would be the last to get killed! You would have more chances to run away! Isn’t it true? Think about this. So once we truly understand it, at that time, you will not try to take advantage of little things and be harmed greatly by it. So this is why we need to understand cause and effect. This we need to be clear with and understand. [15:16]

You now understand this principle! Though you understand it now, the next thing is to diligently contemplate it. [Note: The Chinese text has this phrase to diligently contemplate it.] Once you understand it correctly, you must strive to contemplate accordingly. Earlier the correct view [is presented]. So what is next? To correctly contemplate and joyfully persevere. If you can do this and also able to obtain as well as maintain a state of concordant mindfulness, then you are pretty much on the right track. Cultivations are just these! Hence, cultivation is not just folding your legs together and sitting there, no! It is how you obtain the correct view, how to correctly contemplate the correct view, so that there is a continual vigilance and mindfulness, and they are continually maintained in your mind. Then with whatever thought that arises, or any action of the body and speech, they all concord with virtuousness. That is real cultivation. Then at that time when you prostrate to the Buddha you would have it, when you recite Buddha’s names you would have it, even when you are eating or sleeping you would have it too. Of course, when you are sitting down in a lotus position and visualizing, it would be even more so. On the contrary, if you did not get this, then sorry! With whatever you do, you are just wasting your efforts! The Fei-Xian song by Han-Shan teacher says exactly this. [16:31]

As Aryasura says: Those who have obtained a human life rich in virtues through a collection of merit over innumerable eons, and who then, due to confusion in this life, fail to accumulate even the slightest treasury of merit will in future lifetimes enter the house of unbearable sorrow. Like the traders who go to a land of jewels and return home empty-handed, 

Just like many “who have attained a human life rich in virtues,” through innumerable eons he has finally obtained this human life of leisure and opportunity. But now he is confused, to what degree is the confusion? To waste the merits that has been accumulated through previous lives and to let go of this opportunity to practice diligently for accumulating a little more merits and wisdom. Therefore with all the things you have in the present, these are all products of our diligent hard work from previous lives. We often feel, ah-ya, we want to take advantage of the moment or be opportunistic, so then we can get some benefits. Sorry! If you did not cultivate and accumulate in your previous lives, even if you use trickery methods while being opportunistic, you can’t get it. Therefore whatever you receive is what you have worked hard to accumulate. It is what you should get! So why bother wasting your contrivances? This we should know. Because of this, you should then feel at ease and justified that whatever that is supposed to be yours, you will not be shortchanged. And what’s most important is that we strive! Strive on how to cultivate to accumulate for the next life, to get higher status life after life, that’s what’s most important. If we do not understand this point, we are confused, and do not diligently accumulate the merits, then we would end up in a bad place. It would be like having gone to a land of jewels and returning empty-handed. If we did not do well in this life, [17:54]

Without the karmic paths of the ten virtues you will not obtain a human life again. 

If you do not cultivate now, how could it be possible in the future? How could it be possible for you to obtain this human body through accumulating on the path of good and bad karma, this fruit of human life of leisure and opportunity? If you don’t obtain it, [18:07]

How can there be happiness without a human life? Without happiness, there is only suffering. 

Then you will have to suffer forever! [18:12]

Therefore, you have only deceived yourself before going to the next life. There is nothing more confused than this. 

Therefore every past master, every sutra and commentary will tell us, there is nothing more confused than this! There is nothing more self-deceiving than this! So now, don’t be mad when other people bully or deceive you, [instead,] we should know to be mad at our own “self-deceit”.Then there is hope for us. Therefore, for those who truly learn the teachings, we shouldn’t be fighting with others, we should fight with our afflictions, and then there is hope for us. [18:40]

After thinking like this, develop a great desire to take full advantage of this life of leisure and opportunity. 

Here it comes! After contemplating like this, this “thinking” means contemplation or reflection. When we just listen, that is “study.” So the first thing is that you must be able to understand what you have heard! If you do not understand what you have heard, you must go look for your fellow practitioners. Truly between all of us, we need to converse, but when we converse, this is what we should converse! We would say, eh, what did the teacher say earlier? What did the sutra, Buddha tell us earlier? We need to get a good grasp of it. Once you get a good grasp of it, you contemplate. When you do contemplate like so, then in your mind you would feel this, ah, it’s so true! You will then be compelled to devote your entire attention on this. To do what? To have this “great desire to take full advantage this life of leisure and opportunity.” You would say, “Ah! I don’t care for anything else now, I don’t care for anything else!” With your whole heart, you will only do this one thing. This is the center of solidity. This is important! This is called “the desire for virtue.” Once you have this desire for virtue, you will succeed! You will then joyfully persevere! You won’t need others to press you, even when others don’t press you, you will strive with all your might, needless to say when others come and urge you. [19:46]

《Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds》: Once you have given this body wages and bonuses, you must make it act for your welfare. Do not give it everything if it does not help you. 

There! In the mundane world, if you hire someone for work, once you give him the wages, you expect him to do something for your benefit. Isn’t so? Of course! If now there is no benefit to you at all, then you shouldn’t give him anything. That’s absolutely true! You hire a worker, and this worker wants $100 or $1000, then he needs to work for it! If he came and did not do anything for you, of course you wouldn’t give him [money]! Now we have obtained this human body that it is so difficult to attain, so you feed it, clothe it, and give it shelter. Ah-yo, it’s not enough eating this! Ah-ya, can’t go without fruits either! Ah-ya, can’t go without tofu! Ah-ya, we can’t go without something! After eating so much, how much has it benefited you? This you want to contemplate and reflect! If there is no benefit to us, then you shouldn’t give them to it. [20:53]

Also: Relying on the boat of a human body, free yourself from the great river of suffering. Because this boat is difficult to obtain again, do not sleep now, fool!

Once we obtained this “boat of human body,” this boat is used for crossing the great rebirth river of suffering! This boat is so difficult, so difficult to attain! So we must under no circumstance let it go to waste. However, we are not purposely wasting it, but we are foolish. Therefore we must exhort ourselves, while there is still time, we absolutely do not want to let it go to waste! Absolutely do not want to let it go to waste! This “sleep” does not mean sleeping at night, but that being in a foolish dream of ignorance means sleeping. In this ignorance, to break this dream of ignorance is what we aim our study on. So this includes having the correct view. The first thing to do is to establish the correct view. Then at that time, you will feel that you cannot forbear. You cannot forbear what? You can’t forbear that in your every thought it is this, “I want it this way.” You would feel that, “There, there, here it comes. This is what I’m fighting against!” Yes, we wish to tell this person to do this, that person to do that. No. [I should] tell myself this – “Oh! You, you are here again! You are being greedy again, you are trying to take advantage again, you are feeling this way again….etc.” That’s how it should be! [22:13]

Furthermore, Bo-do-wa states in his 《Jewel Heaps of Teachings Through Analogy》: An insect's obeisance, a ride upon a wild ass, the Tsang person's fish, and buttered balls of roasted barley flour. By thinking along these lines, develop the desire to take full advantage of a human life of leisure and opportunity. 

This is an example from the past master. This example, each example has a special explanation. We will not explain it here, will not explain it here. Regarding the words from the past masters, each example has an interesting story. But at that time, each story can be told for an hour. These are all important contents which will exhort us. [22:48]

Well then the great importance was told earlier. Once you know of this great importance, ah! You will then strive to practice. Eh, this is still not enough! You still need to have “difficulty of attaining.” Once you think about the great benefits and how it’s so difficult to attain, then we would truly use up all of our might. If you truly get these two things down, then every one of us can say, “we can set aside distinguishing the fire on the head.” Even if your head is on fire, you can let it go, absolutely. You might want to try it! So that day I had talked to you about this, I talked to you about this quite earlier, quite a long time ago, there was a fellow practitioner in Los Angeles. I will tell you this again. He just thinks about certain thing, he wasn’t even thinking about this, he wasn’t thinking about leisure and opportunity. Oh-yo, as soon as he thinks about it, he loses interest in everything, he doesn’t want to do anything else except to entirely focus on cultivation. Now even though we understand these principles, yet we can’t get cultivation going, it is because we are lacking this from the beginning. Now let us continue to read. [23:47]

c. Contemplating the difficulty of attaining leisure and opportunity. 
Moreover, whether you start from a happy realm or a miserable realm, it is difficult to obtain such leisure and opportunity. For, the Buddha states in the 《Bases of Discipline》 that those who die in the miserable realms and are reborn there are similar in number to the dust particles on the great earth, whereas those who are reborn from there into happy realms are similar in number to the dust particles on the tip of a fingernail. 

In the sutra there was this story. Once Buddha was talking to Ananda. He used his fingers and picked up some soil from the ground and said, “Ananda! Take a look! Are there more dust particles on earth or on my fingers?” You all can tell, with the soil on earth versus the little bit on the fingers, can you even compare? There is no comparison! Below, it tells us this. [24:25]

Further, those who die in both types of happy realms [human and divine] and are reborn in the miserable realms are similar in number to the dust particles on the great earth, while those who die in the happy realms and are reborn there are similar in number to the dust particles on the tip of a fingernail. 

It says that for most people from “happy realms,” happy realms mean human and divine. Once you die from being a human or deity, those who fall [to miserable realms] are similar in number to the dust particles on earth. Those who can continue to maintain their human bodies are as few as those particles on the fingers. Therefore we should know the chance of you attaining a human form is extremely difficult, extremely difficult! [25:00]

Today let us open up to page 63 (in the Chinese text, English text is P124). The degree of difficulty to attain a human life of leisure and opportunity is beyond our imagination. Thus Buddha used a fact to let us understand the degree of difficulty. So [the text] says that with our human or divine body of the happy realms, we die and are reborn in another life. (Translator note: Did not translate 往生 portion where Shifu makes a distinction between 往生 and 投生.) Those that can maintain a rebirth in the happy realms are as little in number as [the dust particles] on one’s fingers. Just on the fingers, it doesn’t matter how big your finger is, how much dirt can you get on it? And then once you’ve lost this human body, those who fall to the miserable realms are similar in number to the dust particles on earth. In other words, we may not necessarily be [reborn into] happy realms. In the life and death process of the entire six realms, after your life ends, those who fall versus those who ascend are so far apart in their ratio. Those who fall to miserable realms are as much as the dirt on earth. Those who are able to escape and get to the happy realms are as little as the dirt on your finger nails. This ratio is unfathomable! Now we say, 1/100, 1/1,000, 1/10,000, 1/10,000,000, these numbers can’t even be used to compare, can’t even be used to compare! The chance of losing the human body is enormous, truly. Like that. Well then why is it so difficult? [27:03]

Question: Why is a human life of leisure and opportunity so difficult to obtain? 

We would think why is it so difficult? Below, it will cite from the sutras/commentaries. [27:15]

Reply: It is because beings of the happy realms—humans and the like—are frequently involved in such ignoble activities as the ten nonvirtues. Because of this, they are reborn in the miserable realms.

As Aryadeva's 《Four Hundred Stanzas》 states: Humans for the most part are involved in things ignoble. Therefore, most ordinary beings will surely go to the miserable realms. 

It explains below. [27:27]

As this is so, it goes without saying that you will have to stay for many eons in the miserable realms on account of having in your mind-stream the imprints of many sins that you previously accumulated over many lifetimes. These imprints have not been erased by an antidote and have not yet issued effects. 

Even people of the happy realms would do all kinds of things ignoble (non-virtues). If you take all of karma and roughly categorize it, it’s nothing more than the ten virtuous karmas and the opposite of that, the ten nonvirtuous karmas. Well then now? It is like that even in the human realm. In the end, since bad karma has been created then of course you would end up in the miserable realms. In the animal and hell realms, one has no way to create virtuous karma. This we should know, because they are in great suffering at all times. Then once you are an animal, do they have the ability to discern? Impossible! Cats and dogs, what do they do all day, what kind of karma do they create all day? It’s not possible for them to create virtuous karma. This we should know. The only possible way [to do virtue] is in the human realm. Yet when we are in the human realm, we are all creating ten nonvirtuous karma. Up until now we are still, truthfully speaking, we don’t really know whether we are creating virtuous or nonvirtuous karma. And yet we feel that we are doing pretty well. It’s a pity when we speak of this! What’s really terrible is that we don’t know when we are creating bad karma. We won’t talk about this here. When we discuss the karmic path in detail later, once it’s explained, everyone please observe it carefully. I think we will immediately feel that with our every rising thought and action of the body and mind, the times when we are truly concordant with virtues are truly very limited, truly very limited! [29:22]