
菩提道次第广论手抄稿 Track 025A
Lamrim Commentary


P. 46 (5)(手抄稿 第四册 p3)[00:12]




p 46(6)

When your meditation has become somewhat stable, lengthen the session. In all the sessions make your practice free from the faults of being either too strict or excessively relaxed, and thereby sustain your meditation. In this way you will have few obstacles and will overcome problems such as overtiredness, laxity, and lethargy. 








2) What to do in between meditation sessions. 
In general there are many things to be done between meditation sessions, such as obeisance, circumambulation, and recitation [of prayers and scripture]. However, the principal thing to do in this context is as follows. After you have made an effort to meditate in the actual session and are at the point of ending the session, you might not continue to rely on mindfulness and vigilance, and might instead completely let go of what should be sustained—the object of meditation and its subjective aspects. If you do so, your progress will be extremely small. 





Therefore, even in between sessions, look at teachings that reveal the meaning of your object of meditation, and recollect it again and again. Accumulate, by many means, the collections, which are favorable conditions for producing good qualities. Also, clear away, by many means, the obscurations, which are unfavorable conditions. 



By applying what you know, strive at whatever vow you have promised to observe, as this is the basis of everything. 




In addition, follow the instruction called "Consolidation" with regard to (1) training the mind in the object of meditation and its subjective aspects, (2) observing vows, and (3) accumulating the collections. 






Furthermore, learn the four preconditions, 



which are causes that readily produce the paths of serenity and insight: 



p. 47

(a) restraining the sensory faculties, (b) acting vigilantly, (c) appropriate diet, and (d) striving to practice without sleeping at the wrong time, and acting properly at the time of sleep. 




a) Restraining the sensory faculties. There are five parts to this section, 

【◎ 初中有五。】


the first of which is that with which you restrain the sensory faculties. 

【1 以何防护者,】


You restrain them with a constant maintenance of your mindfulness and a continuous persistence at mindfulness. 



With respect to these two, the first, maintaining your mindfulness, means that you practice your mindfulness repeatedly without forgetting the teachings about restraining the sensory faculties as well as the other three preconditions. 




The second, continuously persisting at mindfulness, means that you practice your mindfulness continuously and with respect. 






What you are restraining is

【2 何所防护者,】


the six sensory faculties. 



(p18)【3 从何防护者,】


What you are restraining them from is the six attractive and six unattractive sensory objects. 



How to restrain the sensory faculties

【4 如何防护,】


has two parts, and they are as follows: 



1) Guarding the sensory faculties: After the six consciousnesses arise based upon their sensory objects and faculties, the mental consciousness produces attachment for the six attractive sensory objects or hostility toward the six unattractive ones. "Guarding the sensory faculties" means protecting your mind against such attachment and hostility, and making a great effort not to produce them. 



25A Commentary

ENGLISH LR V.1 P.100 (commentary v.4 p.102) [00:12]

Perhaps we don’t have this experience. Let me tell you this then, say you went to the kitchen today and you were asked to taste the most delicious food, maybe something you have never tried before. This person persuaded you, you were not interested in trying it, but finally, you think that you might as well give it a try, so you went into the kitchen and tried it. How tasty! If you were told to stop eating it, sorry, come back for more tomorrow! Upon leaving, you would think about it day and night: alas, have to wait until tomorrow can hardly wait. It would be nice to have it for lunch today! I believe we all have had this kind of experience! The method is so skillful and superb, well, just like that! This is also my personal experience: I mentioned to you before about my experience in reciting Buddha’s name 20 some years ago, yet it stopped appearing after the second night [of chanting]. Well? Why was last night so smooth, and why didn’t the same feeling arise tonight? No matter how [I] searched, it was not there. [01:01]

After several years had passed, I began to understand this principle. That was the time when I was at another location, also in a retreat by myself there. That was the period of time when I had once benefited [from the seated meditation] and then the feeling would disappear. Ah, so here was the problem! That time, I was sitting as usual. After a few minutes, the object of meditation arose, ah, how nice! All of a sudden, the thought crossed my mind: Well, the virtuous teacher told me to end the session immediately. At that time, I applied the greatest determination and exited the meditation posture. Then, I noticed: how wonderful! Even though I ended the session, in my mind: well, why does time pass so slowly, I need to get back to the second session again! So, regardless of what I engaged in, that mindfulness was there and I could feel it pulling me. Later, further verification confirmed this as well, as long as you experience the benefit then, once you stop, it will be there to pull you back. [01:53]

Are we like that now? No. We can’t even figure out [the essence of it]. Even if you have figured it out, hanging on to it is also very tough. By holding on strenuously for a long time, what do we end up with? The feeling [of meditation] is not there. Alas, sit there the legs hurt and the back is sore. So, in the end, before you see the cushion again, you feel nauseous! You were told [to sit for meditation], and you think, well, maybe I can do it later! So when we truly engage in it, with this understanding, you would hardly be able to wait, can’t wait to have [the next meditation session]. If you cannot get a good grip on this, then you would wish to delay the session, and that’s why we seem to be dragging our feet. If you have tasted the essence of the morning and evening sessions, and you were told to be there at 7:00, you would want to be there early at 6:55 to get ready in the seated position. “If others don’t want to do it, I will.” Here is the key issue! So, on the board I specifically wrote, for now, let meditation be your friend. Don’t let meditation become your enemy. That’s how we are now – we have made meditation our enemy – that is really pitiful! So, next, what happens? [3:08]

When your meditation has become somewhat stable, lengthen the session. In all the sessions make your practice free from the faults of being either too strict or excessively relaxed, and thereby sustain your meditation. In this way you will have few obstacles and will overcome problems such as overtiredness, laxity, and lethargy.

First, you have to figure out the right way, and then it needs to be somewhat stable. What is “somewhat stable?” I need to clarify this. For example, whether it is reciting Buddha’s name or seated meditation, it’s like a blind cat catching a blind mouse [or blind squirrel sometimes find acorn], it could happen! It could happen all of a sudden, but this doesn’t count. One day it’s there, but the next day it isn’t. Once you truly have it, it is not like that. Now you have it, and tomorrow it is still there. But that is not stable – sometimes it’s pretty good, sometimes it arises with little effort, but other times you try for half a day and nothing happens. After you truly have it right, you engage in it and, right away, the object of meditation will arise, just like that. This is the sign of steady engagement. But is it stable? Not yet. What is stable? It is where not only can you engage in it immediately, but also there is no external condition to distract you. They will not distract you, that is the sign of stability. That’s how it is! By then, you can extend the duration of the meditation, that is when you can lengthen it and this is not about torturing your legs. [04:27]

So, nowadays, many practice “continuous seated meditation.” Alas, I just feel sorry for them. But there is no way to advice them, don’t know how to help. For those of you sitting here, perhaps some already have faith in what I have said because the earlier teachings already have pretty much covered it. Regardless of whether you are listening or reading on your own to complete the study of meditative serenity and wisdom insight [v.3], even if I tell you not to abide by it, you would not be able to stop. You will be very lucid and clear about what is generation and what is stabilization, very clear about each sign of practice. Enter into each step with the proper order. At that time, extending the duration of meditation would be appropriate!

[*Continuous seated meditation: constantly sitting in meditation without lying down between sessions] [05:14]

Moreover, next is a major principle – “in all the sessions,” under any circumstance, do not rush; rushing is not permitted. Slow down – being too slow is not permitted, either. These reflect the flaws at the time of preparation. If you are able to abide by it, “you will have few obstacles.” Among the obstacles, the primary one is excitement. Then there is lethargy and exhaustion, etc. Once they are all eliminated, under this circumstance, during your meditation session, ah! Naturally favorable conditions arise, and of course, the experience is positive. So, listening to the teachings up to now, I believe everyone can trust me: to achieve meditative stabilization is not difficult, it truly isn’t hard! As long as you receive the complete instruction, even though I have mentioned those practitioners [who have attainment] around me, and you also have faith in me. After all, this is to believe in others’ attainment. As long as you are willing to practice the entire content accordingly, every one of us can easily have the achievement. Today’s teaching is up to here. [06:18]

From the above, we discussed meditation. What is meditation, and what should be done after the conclusion? Today, the topic is “what to do in between meditation sessions.” During the actual session, if we practice according to the standard, there are only four actual sessions. So for us now, our actual session – the total of morning and evening sessions are no more than two hours, whereas you have 24 hours in a day – other than these two hours, the remaining 22 hours [may] be engaged in nonvirtuous deeds. So for the two hours of virtuous karma, can it withstand 22 hours of nonvirtuous deeds? This is why we tried for a long time, but unable [to achieve] it! Now the author tells us, well, other than the actual session, what should be done in between sessions. If you can grasp this concept, very well, all 24 hours are spent applying the teachings. [07:13]

So, often when we speak of both the actual session and supportive meditation, for both of them, it seems like this “supportive” is a token, just a gesture. This is incorrect, wrong! We must realize that this supportive meditation is as important as the actual session. In many situations, this supportive one is more important than the actual session! For example, when we speak of preparation, it may not seem like the actual session, but rather like a foundation. In fact, without the previous foundation, your entire actual session would be totally useless. We often come up with all sorts of examples, such as cooking – if you didn’t wash the vegetables ahead of time, may [I] ask, are you able to eat it after cooking? If the foundation of your house is not properly established, can you expand it and live in it? Without a solid foundation, if you move in, when a small typhoon hits, it would fall on you. This concept is very clear. The sutras stated this in so many examples; this is a fundamental concept for us to know. [08:07]

Here, it tells us, regardless of whether it is the actual or in between sessions, not only should we pay attention to the appearing sign - if we lack this understanding and we are likely to be stuck on the appearing sign - then it would be our greatest loss. Now, let’s take a look at the text.

2) What to do in between meditation sessions

In general there are many things to be done between meditation sessions, such as obeisance, circumambulation, and recitation [of prayers and scripture]. However, the principal thing to do in this context is as follows.

After you have made an effort to meditate in the actual session and are at the point of ending the session, you might not continue to rely on mindfulness and vigilance, and might instead completely let go of what should be sustained–the object of meditation and its subjective aspects. If you do so, your progress will be extremely small. [08:26]

To sum up, between the two meditation sessions - this is between the previous and the next sessions. In other words, when we end the meditation, for instance, other than the morning and evening sessions or when you are working on your own study, during all other times, of course, you can still arrange your individual schedule. Here, it lists obeisance, circumambulation, and reading texts, and many more. So later the text will tell us what is the most important. First, it tells us the principle of the actual session. Certainly, during the actual session, one must strive at it. Once it has ended, “after you have made an effort to meditate,” get off the meditation seat and before the next session, during that time, if you do not pay attention to it, [thinking,] “alas, after all this hard work, just take a break, chat for awhile, have some fun, then come back.” This is the time you would lose “the object of meditation and its subjective aspects.” This will not work. [10:01]

What should be done? One should maintain mindfulness and vigilance, and not become too relaxed. So the text says, if you do “not continue to rely on mindfulness and vigilance” – this “rely” is to be mindful and vigilant – in other words, it is still about mindfulness and vigilance. If you don’t maintain them and let them become relaxed, thus the generation of true benefit is very minimal, very small! So when a true practitioner has this kind of practice, he applies full attention to meditation and even continues with the practice after the session. However, what is the difference between the two? We should know: when you are meditating attentively, focusing with full energy, we definitely need to properly accommodate both tension and relaxation. Thus, when you are done with one session, you need to adjust physically and mentally, but do not completely slack off. [11:02]

The difference between relaxing and slacking requires clarification here: for instance, I am going to prostrate or recite Buddha’s name now, so I devote full attention to it. Here in the prayer hall, stand there with full attention. At that time, with full attention and standing tall, then the eyes are open wide to focus on the chanting, well, after chanting for half an hour, you feel tired! Then, at that time, we should take a break for some relaxation. To relax, relax what? Relax this physical form – the body needs some relaxation. Yet you should not forget the mindfulness of your object of meditation, this is very important! You can go there and lie in bed, and be relaxed in this manner. The body is relaxing but your mind still concords with the object of meditation, still concords with it. This is very important, very important! You can even recall the flaws of previous session or any mistakes, and how to improve in the next session, like that. [12:12]

Therefore, even in between sessions, look at teachings that reveal the meaning of your object of meditation, and recollect it again and again. Accumulate, by many means, the collections, which are favorable conditions for producing good qualities. Also, clear away, by many means, the obscurations, which are unfavorable conditions.

So what should be done in between sessions? Well, we should read “teachings that reveal the meaning of your object of meditation,” sutras and commentaries that explain how to apply your object of meditation. Of course, that includes the instructions from virtuous teachers, your own notes, or the like. So why does it say, “reveal?” Because in many applications of the teachings, they do not go over the perceptions, for example, in the teaching of visualization or how to visualize, there is not much to be said. Also with recitation of mantras, for example, especially in Vajrayana, it talks about concordance with samaya [Vajrayana precepts]. As long as you abide by it, then it should be right. As for how to apply and why you should apply, many concepts sometimes will not be revealed and, gradually when the time is right, you will automatically conform to it. However, the teacher will definitely explain the points that concern you ahead of time, he will have a complete explanation. So, with this type of sutras or commentaries, you should continuously read and reflect on them, just like that. This kind of task is nothing but what? It is nothing but accumulating favorable conditions and clearing away unfavorable ones. Therefore, it says, “accumulate, by many means, the collections, which are favorable conditions for producing good qualities.” By the same token, “clear away, by many means, the obscurations.” “By many means” is all kind of approaches. That is, whichever conforms to you, whichever is accurate, you just abide by it. [13:57]

By applying what you know, strive at whatever vow you have promised to observe, as this is the basis of everything.

Within this process, what is the most important “basis?” This we should know. The basis is the “vows” we observe. This vow is the ethical discipline we have taken – one needs to strive to observe it, strive to uphold it. The vow described here, we need to know that it doesn’t just mean that I have shaved my head and possess the [monastic] appearance. Once you have truly accepted the vows, there is the invisible moral essence of ethical discipline, just like that. This essence of ethical discipline will naturally and spontaneously arise to prevent wrongdoings and stop nonvirtue. This essence should not be ruined. By proper observation, then even while you are sleeping, it is still accumulating merit and the accumulation is consistently multiplying. Once [the essence of precepts] is damaged, this [moral essence of ethical discipline] disappears. This is the reason why meditative concentration and wisdom have to be established on the basis of ethical discipline. [14:59]

So we will not go into too much detail here, the actual concept is very important, truly important! This we will discuss at another time when we discuss ethical discipline. Especially since I have talked to you about discussing the Nan-shan Discipline in the future – the key importance is about this [moral essence of ethical discipline]. By that time, you will experience a totally different situation. If you have already got [the experience], then you need to treasure it sincerely. If not, strive at it and sincerely work on it. But for now, this is for us to know – never purposefully break it! So within all these [concepts], the key is still the correct view.

In addition, follow the instruction called “Consolidation” with regard to (1) training the mind in the object of meditation and its subjective aspects, (2) observing vows (3) accumulating the collections.

So some have summarized their meditation – take the object of meditation and subjective aspect to purify the mind. With this, we know that we often engage in contaminated deeds that conform to ignorance. Now, apply this conformity to purify [our mental streams]. The condition, in the beginning, may not be sufficient, thus we have to accumulate merits and eliminate obscuration. Then what is the foundation? The foundation is the “vows.” Thus, all three are combined as the first step for us beginners, just like that. [16:34]

Well, now we have a basic understanding here. Thus, for meditation, it includes two parts: one is preparatory and the other is the supportive part after the conclusion. The other is the actual meditation session. So the duration covers all 24 hours, and the tasks involve are our various activities. From the moment you open your eyes in the morning until the next morning when you get up, everything is included. When you are sleeping, you can practice meditation, and the same for meals, just like that. We should understand this concept not just literally. By then, you will know it clearly in your mind. [17:14]

If you are not clear, please reflect on what we have discussed last night, you must spend more effort on it. Last night, there was one fellow practitioner who asked, “Well, your definition of the spirit of enlightenment is not clarified yet, why is that?” Because, until now, from the perspective of studying this treatise, the actual content of spirit of enlightenment is not covered yet, only the very beginning of it – I only made use of the beginning portion. Therefore, [Lamrim] has mentioned in the beginning that we should first recognize that we are sick [with 3 mental poisons]. If you don’t even know that you are sick, what more can be discussed? If you think that you are right, are very proud of it, and feel good about it, then it is no help [to continue the learning]. [17:52]

When I was first ordained, I met all kinds of teachers. One of them would often tell me this – on one hand, of course, he was talking about himself, but, on the other hand, it was a lesson for me too. I still remember it vividly. Ah, he said, “My problem is that I like to teach others, I like to be others’ teacher!” I now have more and more feelings about this statement, well! How true, very accurate! Like that. It is very obvious that our problem is this “like to be others’ teacher.” We don’t even know what we have to teach, don’t even know how to be a student and want to teach others. This is a great flaw. So the sutras taught us: those who have not disciplined themselves have no basis for disciplining others [v.1 p.71]. I just wanted to mention this here. Moreover, [18:45]

Furthermore, learn the four preconditions,

So next it tells us that when we are accumulating merits, there are four things we need to do. These are the four: [18:57]

which are causes that readily produce the paths of serenity and insight:

This is saying that all our merits of the mundane and supramundane worlds arise from meditative concentration and wisdom. This meditative concentration refers to serenity (samatha), and wisdom is insight (vipassana). So when we are meditating now, it is to train on the causes for these two subjects. Thus, next it will show us these four – well, the proper causes. In other words, it is the first step that we should take. Once you apply the cause properly, then the future effect will be accurate, perfect, and flawless. [19:37]

(a) restraining the sensory faculties, (b) acting vigilantly, (c) appropriate diet, and (d) striving to practice without sleeping at the wrong time, and acting properly at the time of sleep.

It is divided into four parts. The first is to closely guard and restrain our six sensory faculties. And upon whatever we engage in, we should accurately recognize what we are working on – act with vigilance, which is the second one. Next, it specifically talks about “appropriate diet.” That is, one should know how much to eat. Also, when we sleep, how to strive on the continuous application of the teaching. Actually, if the first two have been properly applied, then it should be correct. However, during our daily routines, the biggest loopholes are eating and sleeping. So eating and sleeping is explained specifically. Once you truly understand this, then the recognition of applying the teaching definitely can happen within all 24 hours. [20:41]

With regard to these four preconditions, I will just briefly go over them. Until we study the meditative serenity section later, and that will be the time when we come to review these four preconditions. By then, you will feel: ah, how fascinating! For true meditation, the key points are contained in these four. If you can attain certainty on these four, success will definitely arise. Needless to say, the recitation of Buddha’s names can be achieved and so will practice Zen meditation, just like that! Now, let us go over them one by one.

a) Restraining the sensory faculties

There are five parts to this section,

The first one is to restrain the sensory faculties.

[*Please refer to chapter 5 outline page 2 for these 5 parts] [21:27]

the first of which is that with which you restrain the sensory faculties.

This is the first one. There is small words comment next to it.

[Note: the small words referred here is in Chinese text.] [21:33]

You restrain them with a constant maintenance of your mindfulness and a continuous persistence at mindfulness.

The smaller word [in Chinese text] was included in this edition. In many cases, this kind of explanation helps clarify our understanding. It says while we are restraining the faculties – the six sensory faculties – what do we use to restrain it? It says “with a constant maintenance of your mindfulness and a continuous persistence at mindfulness.” This is followed by a clarification. [22:07]

With respect to these two, the first, maintaining your mindfulness, means that you practice your mindfulness repeatedly without forgetting the teachings about restraining the sensory faculties as well as the other three preconditions.

What we need to restrain are the six sensory faculties. Then what do you use to restrain it? Restrain with the Dharma jewel in your six sensory faculties – apply this Dharma treasure to constantly train so as to not to forget about it, do not ignore it. Actually, for true meditation, this is it. That is to say, it is the most effective treasure, your tool, and your weapon to restrain against the three mental poisons. If you lose this weapon, how do you restrain? This is the first part. Why do we need to “repeatedly” practice? For you to become familiar with using this weapon, you need to be skillful and know how to get it to work, which requires continuous familiarization. Once you are familiar with it, then at any time or any place, well, when this enemy [affliction] arises, you can take out the weapon to fight against it immediately. [23:10]

So this is what we use, use the Dharma jewel of our six sensory faculties to restrain. Become familiar with this Dharma jewel, then it will not be forgotten. Otherwise, it would be just like our present state. We may say, “Alas, [I] know it, but [I] just can’t make it happen.” Why? Needless to say, you might not have true understanding. Perhaps you understand some of the words now – it’s just like selling snake oil (狗皮膏藥). Even if you truly understand it, if you lack sincere contemplation and analysis, sorry, by then, the mentality still conforms to the three mental poisons. When a statement with flaws is heard, well, anger arises within. When you are flattered, the feeling becomes light-hearted. These are the signs of totally conforming to attachment. The rest of the time, you are foolish and struck dumb (癡癡呆呆). What is the use of that? So the author tells us to contemplate repeatedly. Once the correct view is there, and then you will definitely be able to apply it. This is the first one. In other words, restrain them with a constant maintenance of your mindfulness. As for the second, [24:17]

The second, continuously persisting at mindfulness, means that you practice your mindfulness continuously and with respect.

Now, with your understanding, the restraining tool is mindfulness – proper perception. Then you take that proper perception and “continuously persist.” This “continuously” means frequently, how frequent? Continuously, “persist” unceasingly, just like that. Continuously practice with respect. “With respect” means to have sincere and genuine care, practice this in meditation. Thus, to sincerely practice any Dharma category, there is no exception this [mindfulness] is required. So what did Buddha specifically refer to this as? It is joyous perseverance - the characteristic of joyous perseverance. So there are many references, in Lamrim as well as in the Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom, and various scriptures talk about this. Joyous perseverance is supreme among the virtuous, joyous perseverance is supreme - the most important one [v.2 p.182]. Often we feel, alas, applying the teaching seems to be an easy task. That is totally wrong! After practicing for a while, you will gradually, gradually… the mind state will certainly be calm and at ease, that is the sign of attaining the effect! In the beginning of your practice now, it requires tremendous joyous perseverance. That definitely must be flawless in each step! [25:40]

So I have heard the teachings from Zen masters before, well, and I am constantly full of admiration! Zen masters said, what is studying Zen like? It is like going against the current in a boat. The current is like a waterfall. When the water falls, every minute it can pull your boat 100 feet further downstream. And for every minute you strive with all your effort against the current, you may advance 10 feet. However, pardon me, I will still try very hard to paddle upstream! By paddling with your greatest effort, the downstream pull will still happen, needless to say when you relax a bit. Well, it is interesting! As long as you are willing to apply this way, eventually success will occur. So some people describe it as “chasing a goat up a tree.” Goats can’t climb trees like cats can. However, what seems impossible can be accomplished! [26:34]

Actually, besides Buddha Dharma, the worldly ways are the same. Therefore, I have mentioned to you all before, the so-called American great entrepreneurs of the steel industry and the automobile industry, how did they succeed? They all relied on this spirit [of joyous perseverance]. For those things considered impossible by others, [those entrepreneurs] continued with great determination and clenched their teeth. Now, even before we start, we already beat the drum of retreat. Moreover, we find all kinds of excuses to protect the self – alas, this is not right and that is wrong. We focus on all sorts of narrow-minded ideas; this shows the mind is still pretty smart! However, these wits are muddled, one has used them wrong. So he will come up with all sorts of reasons to make himself become the fish that escaped the net. Ah, you think that you can get away with it! [You] do not recognize that this is actually harming one self. This is an absolute fact, true reality! So these are the areas that we need to look into more closely. Buddha taught us that he – the Buddha, how he achieved it. [27:35]

So this is saying that you need to continuously engage with an uplifted spirit. However, to uplift this spirit requires some know-how. If you uplift it in the wrong way, it is still not correct. So the sutras taught us, being too slow will not work, but being too hasty should also be avoided. Being too hasty will tighten up the string, and that is not good either. So to sum it up, all aspects require the skillful guidance of the virtuous teacher. This is the first one. Next, the second one,

What you are restraining

Once you have the tools to restrain, restrain what? What are you restraining? [28:13]

is the six sensory faculties.

That is our six sensory faculties: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. These we all know. [28:20]

What you are restraining them from

How do you restrain? From where do you begin restraining? [28:26]

is the six attractive and six unattractive sensory objects.

This means the six sensory faculties interact with the six external objects, also known as the six sensory objects. Once you come upon the six sensory objects, you will develop either favorable or unfavorable reactions. For the favorable ones, you are attached. For the unfavorable ones, you are unattached. These sensory objects should be restrained, restrain them. Let’s continue. At the end of this section, I will summarize the entire concept again. The fourth one, [28:59]

How to restrain the sensory faculties

How do you restrain it? Earlier we were taught to restrain from the six sensory objects. Thus, how is it done? [29:08]

has two parts and they are as follows:

What is the first one? [29:11]

1) Guarding the sensory faculties: After the six consciousnesses arise based upon their sensory objects and faculties, the mental consciousness produces attachment for the six attractive sensory objects or hostility toward the six unattractive ones. “Guarding the sensory faculties” means protecting your mind against such attachment and hostility, and making a great effort not to produce them.