
菩提道次第广论手抄稿 Track 059B
Lamrim Commentary


(手抄稿 第八册 p93)[00:03]

今天请翻到《广论》一百三十九页,这个关于业那个部分,这个总的业、果之间的道理、关系,我们已经有了一个基本的认识。那么什么是黑业,黑业的果;什么是白业,白业的果,以及这个业感果当中,几个特别的相关的什么具力的业,还有它什么样是轻重,还有呢什么是引业、满业,定、不定这种概念都要了解。你前面的了解了,你后面才跟得上,前面的不了解,你后面是越听越糊涂。所以我特别说明,你凡是前面没有听的人,一定要补听的原因。是的,现在你听的觉得听不懂啊,于是你感觉到:唉呀,这个地方听不懂,再去看前面的更糟糕啊!好像有这样的。实际上呢恰恰相反,你把前面的基础慢慢地了解了,后面自然而然都懂,因为这个是有层次的嘛!这个有层次的,你们这个概念一定要了解。同样的道理,说每一个地方你完了以后,你必须要把握住,那么这个后面更深入 (p94) 的时候,更深入就是利用前面这些基础,你利用的时候你才会运用它,能够运用才能够修持有得。那么下面那个叫:[02:10]

2 Reflecting on karma and its effects in detail.



所以,换句话说,等到你把整个的问题弄清楚了以后,现在在这个问题当中,那就是我要的,我要下脚的那个地方。一方面你了解了这个整个,一方面你了解了进入的次第,然后你走进去的话是步步上升,了解吗?所以这个他这个层次的安排这么个严密。所以(p95) 他前面告诉我们,这里不但说明的时候是把一切的佛语都在里头;而且传承下来的两个主要的主流;不但如此,而且他这个次第是按照着我们调心的方法,所以他每一个部分就给我们安排得这么好。所以现在我们进一步怎么办?说不是我们要远离苦、得到乐吗?那晓得了,什么是苦的因,什么是乐的因,如此的因感如此的果,那么我们现在晓得了。所以由这个地方说:[04:52]

It is certainly the case that you will acquire a good body and mind through giving up the ten nonvirtuous actions. Nonetheless, if you were to bring about a body and mind that are fully qualified, this would accelerate your cultivation of the path as nothing else would. Therefore, seek such a life.



那么这个原因在哪里呢?换句话说,他虽然得到了,是不是圆满具足?这个还不是。 (p96) 要晓得,要想圆成无上佛道,这一个差一点都不行啊!所以说,要想能够有一个圆具各种德相,能修无上佛道,“种智”,这个种智就是所谓从道种智到一切智,也可以说拿一切智—佛的智慧,是必然要依靠什么?最好的“胜所依者”。否则的话呢,你得不到这个,虽然也得到的人身,但是做起来是非常、非常地慢,非常、非常地慢。不但是慢,那么还有因为慢的过程,所以这个时候外面有各式各样的障碍什么等等,一个不小心,又走出错了![07:18]

所以在这个地方告诉我们,我们真正要修学佛法的人,应该努力的怎么样把修学佛法所使用的工具,具足最美妙完整的。就像我们现在举个比喻,说我们现在要到远地去。譬如说要去印度朝圣,然后呢要去到哪里去?说到美国去,那个时候你不但要认识怎么去法,而且要最好的交通工具。你坐船是不是可以?当然可以,一坐坐上几个月,坐飞机一天就到。然后呢你坐船坐几个月的话,跑到那海里面,什么时候碰见台风你也不知道?那东西非常麻烦。尤其现在那个时候世界是战乱,你不晓得这几个月当中发生了什么事情,有种种的不如意地方,所以一定要找说这个最好,不但找了飞机,这个飞机你还要看看这家航空公司,它非常安全,这家航空公司老出毛病,对不对?我们做任何一件事情都是这样,何况现在是修学佛法。那么在这种情况之下,我们 (p97) 要想得到这样的这个圆满具足一切修持德相的人身应该是什么?这个是我们特别应该了解的,所以这几个地方就告诉我们这个,它又分成三:[09:09]

① The attributes of the fruitions. ② The effects of the fruitions ③ The causes of the fruitions。

【① 异熟功德、② 异熟果报、③ 异熟因缘。】


现在我常常听见人家讲,尤其是现在这个时候,这个世界、世间上面好多乱的现象。常常有的人,哎呀,这个地方神神怪怪,那个地方神神怪怪,不要说是外道,就是佛法当中也有很多神神怪怪的事情。我们往往自己把握不住原则,听见了这个,噢哟,就被它心动了。佛法里边讲不讲神通?讲,绝对讲!但是神通是什么?你如理如法修持的必然结果,这是果啊!我们真正要求的是应该求什么?喏,这个因在哪里,了解了,然后我们在因地当中起心动念当中,每一念相应,由于这个心念,然后身口相应,自然你会感得这个。如果你不了解这一点去做的话,那对不起,没有用、没有用!不要说眼前那些小小的 (p98) 一点鬼通、一点感应,一点用场都没有。佛在世的时候,非常清楚、非常明白,佛在这地方,很多去亲近佛的人他没有得到好处耶!不要说提婆达多等等,《四十二章经》当中两个公案,你们牢牢地记住!这个地方再说一遍,这个公案的内涵。[11:46]








a. The attributes of the fruitions. There are eight fruitions: consummate life span, consummate color, consummate lineage, consummate power, trustworthy words, renown as a great power, being a male and having strength. Consummate life span is

【◎ 初中分八。一寿量圆满者,】


when a virtuous projecting karma from a previous lifetime projects a long life span and you live for the long time that was projected.


第一个,需要长寿,需要长寿,因为他宿生造的这个业是一个长寿的业。为什么要长寿啊?那我们现在修习佛法,小的时候不行,你到了十几岁开始可以学。学它个十年、十五年到了三十岁。对不起!你的寿命只有二十岁,嘿,一点用场都没有。就算你三十岁,刚学会要开始修了,不行;就算你三十五岁,修了又有一点样子,完了!他寿量一定要圆满,这个是第一个重要。不过单单那个寿量够不够?不够,寿虽然长,但是你偏偏一 (p102) 天到晚造恶业,结果你那个寿越长,是恶业越大,是越倒霉。所以还要其他的条件,下面一样一样说。第二:[19:08]

p. 140

Consummate color is having an excellent body by way of its good color and shape; being pleasant to look at because you do not have incomplete sensory faculties; and being beautiful due to being well-proportioned.



Consummate lineage is having been born with the good lineage that is esteemed and famed in the world.


第三个,就是他的家世出身圆满,现在我们讲起来,“噢哟,这个人可是某某人家的 (p103) 子弟喔!”以前说起来,噢,这个是王家子弟,现在这个人说他家世是如何地好法,不但是百万的富豪、千万的富豪,而且这是都是有学问、有什么的,就这样。那自然而然这种家庭出身,受人景仰、尊重。第四:[21:12]

Consummate power is great resources, an abundance of close associates such as relatives, and many helpers.



Trustworthy words are words that living beings will accept because you are suitable to be trusted not to delude others physically or vocally, and are an authoritative witness in all disputes.



Renown as a great power is to be honored by a great multitude of beings because of your fame and wide acclaim due to your confident generosity and possession of good qualities such as perseverance.

(p104) 【六大势名称者,有大名称,有大美誉,谓于惠施,具足勇健精进等德,由此因缘,为诸大众所供养处。】


Being a male is to have a male organ. Having strength is, by the power of previous karma, naturally experiencing little injury, no illness, and great enthusiasm arising from this life's circumstances.



我看见过好几个人,那是我小的时候,我家乡有一个,我们称他为叫“崇明圣人”, (p105) 他很有意思,这个人的确了不起哦!他是前清末年的是一个老秀才,他最后那个时候考,他考上的。他真正的好不在他考上那个功名,而这个人的行持的严峻,啊,那人人佩服他,那个道德的操守,所以我们家乡都称他为圣人。这个人很怪,他人虽然很好,但是他多病,他一生多病,结果偏偏他的母亲一生没有病。那个时候我遇见他的时候,那位老人家已经快八十岁了。他有一次跟我父亲讲,那是我父亲的一位老师,唉!他说:“我一生最苦的啊,那个时候母亲……。”因为他是—以前的人都非常孝顺,他对母亲是绝对地孝顺,当然做母亲的人也绝对疼爱这个儿子,何况这个儿子这么好。可是妙咧!这个母亲的人从来没生过病,也不晓得病人之苦,偏偏那个儿子,他一身都是病,这样。[25:39]

所以当时我听了这个东西的确不大懂,以后慢慢地、慢慢地了解了,我遇见很多人,他就是不晓得什么是病。然后那个时候我们在学校里面有一个同学,我还记得他,他好有意思喔!他这个身体我们叫他小牛,为什么叫他小牛啊?他跑到什么地方,就在那个地方又奔、跑、吃、弄这个,这样。饿,饿、饿、饿,饿一餐、饿两餐也不在乎;吃的时候一口气,噢哟,大家吃胀了,他多吃一点也不在乎。刚刚吃完冰的,马上喝热的也没关系;喝完了热的,他冰的吃进去,冰淇淋几个吃进去,也就这个样。有很多人、其他人都受不了。那我们三年级不晓得四年级,那个时候第一次,不晓得第二次,那种特别的流行性感 (p106) 冒,那个时候刚开始,第一次大量地侵袭台湾,一下大量的人生病。那个时候我们在学校里念书的时候,学校里为这个病,病倒的人占五分之三。你可以想像单单那么个小区域,老师、同学结果为了这个病居然没办法,放假几天。我们天天跑医院,噢哟!他一天到晚忙,他从来没有病过,你说这种人怎么讲啊?[26:54]


Moreover, the first, consummate life span, is living in a happy realm.



The second, consummate color, is the body.



The third, consummate lineage, is birth.

(p107) 【生为第三,】


The fourth, consummate power, is resources and helpers. The fifth, trustworthy words, is being an authority in the world.



The sixth, renown as a great power, is fame about such power.



The seventh, being a male, is having the capacity for all good qualities.



The eighth, strength, is having power in your activities.


(p108) 你要做的必须要这个条件。[28:51]

b. There are eight effects of the fruitions: 1) The effect of consummate life span is that you accumulate much virtuous karma for a long time in terms of working for the welfare of both yourself and others.

【◎ 异熟果报分八。初者依自利他,】




2) The effect of consummate color is that merely through seeing you, disciples are pleased and gather around you. They then listen to your words and want to carry out your instructions.



59b Commentary

ENGLISH LR V.1 P.242 (COMMENTARY V.8 P.93) [00:03]

Please open up to The Great Treatise, page 139 (English text, page 242). For the section on karma, in regards to the general principles and the relationship between karma and its effects, we now have a basic understanding. With respect to what are non-virtuous (dark) karmas and their effects, what are virtuous (light or white) karma and their effects, what are the more relevant weighty karmas within this section, what actions are light versus weighty, what are the projecting and completing karmas, and what are the karmas that you will definitely or only possibly experience, these are all concepts that you should understand. Only if you can understand the earlier section will you be able to follow along in the later sections. If you do not understand the earlier sections, the further we go, the more you are confused. That is why I particularly wish to tell you that for those who have not heard the beginning parts, they must make it up by listening. Yes, you might feel that you cannot seem to understand what you are hearing now. So you feel, "Ah, I cannot understand this. But if I go and read the earlier sections, it seems even more confounding!" It may seem that way to you. But in reality, it is just the opposite. If you can slowly understand the fundamentals described earlier, then you will naturally understand the later sections. This is because there is a sequence of order here! There is a sequence of order. You must certainly understand this concept. With the same reasoning then, after you are done hearing every section, you must have a good grasp of each one. Only then will you be able to go deeper later. To go deeper means to be able to use the earlier fundamental parts. When you use them, that is when you learn how to apply them. Only when you properly apply them, will you be able to practice and obtain achievement. So then the next section is called:[02:10]

2' Reflecting on karma and its effects in detail

Now we know the entire tenets on how karma produces effects. What was the reason for learning this? We know now as we think back on this. It is because we understand the suffering of the mundane world. The ultimate state of the mundane world comes down to one thing - suffering. The only salvation is the Three Jewels, the Buddha. Therefore, we have gone to the Buddha for refuge. After we have gone to the Buddha for refuge, the only reason he is able to save us is spoken right here. It is actually right in this section. You have finally found it and have come to understand clearly all the different principles behind it. Once you understand it clearly, you will then go a step further and ask, "Yes! I now understand the circumstances. What should I do now to help me improve life after life until finally reaching the perfect Buddhahood? What is the critical characteristic of it?" This is why this section tells us, "Reflecting on karma and its effects in detail." There, this is exactly what you need. This is exactly what you need! In the entire teachings of Buddhism, in its heart essence, what is one part that we particularly need? It is right here. This is the meaning of reflecting on the details.[03:35]

Therefore, in other words, once you have navigated through the entire situation clearly, given the situation that you are in now, this is what you need. This is where you begin your first step. On one hand, you have come to understand the entire principles [of karma] and on the other hand you will learn the particular juncture in this sequence of order that you shall enter. In this fashion, when you begin your journey, you will advance step by step. Do you understand? Therefore, the arrangement of this sequence of the teachings is so tidy. That is why he tells us in the beginning that not only does this teaching give us all the teachings of the Buddha, that it includes the two main lineages, these were not the only things included. The stages are arranged for disciplining the mind. Therefore, every section is arranged perfectly for us. Thus now, what is our next step? Should not we alleviate our sufferings and obtain happiness? So we now know what the causes of the sufferings are and what the causes of happiness are. For any cause, a corresponding effect will be issued. Now that we know this, it continues to say,[04:52]

It is certainly the case that you will acquire a good body and mind through giving up the ten non-virtuous actions. Nonetheless, if you were to bring about a body and mind that are fully qualified, this would accelerate your cultivation of the path as nothing else would. [189] Therefore, seek such a life.

Ah, this says this for us. If you can stay away from the ten non-virtues and train in the ten virtues, it is true! You definitely can obtain this, "will acquire a good body and mind." This is the so called a human body of leisure and opportunity. However, among the bodies of leisure and opportunity, there are still differences. If we look at what is present, even among those who have obtained this human form, actually, to have leisure and opportunity, it means you are in Buddhism. However, there are many who are really intelligent and also have wisdom. There are many others who have intelligence, eh, but they have only a worldly intelligence and would out argue everyone else. Their intelligence harmed them. Though they may have had talent, they eventually walked down the wrong path. We do notneed to talk about those without good intelligence. There are many who have good intelligence, but bad health. There are many who not only have good intelligence, but also good health. So with everything, there is something different![06.12]

What is the reason here? In other words, though one obtained it, but is it consummate and perfect? It is not. You should know that in order to complete the perfect Buddha path, you cannot be off even a little bit! Therefore, in order to have the full qualifications of having all good qualities, to complete this unsurpassed path, to have Bodhisattva-knowledge of all things in their proper discrimination until finally having Buddha-knowledge, or perfect knowledge of all things in their every aspect and relationship past, present, and future, you will certainly depend on what? [Translator note: This sentence that talks about bodhisattva-knowledge is in the Chinese text, but not the English text.] The best way is to rely on "a body and mind that are fully qualified." Otherwise, if you cannot obtain this, by just having a regularly human body, when you train, you are still very, very slow, very, very slow. Not only are you slow, due to this slowness, sometimes there could be all sorts of obstacles and so on. So with one mishap, something could go very wrong for you![07:18]

Therefore this place tells us, for us who are truly training in the teachings. We should strive to possess the most perfect and wonderful tool for learning Buddhism. We can use an example here. Say we want to travel afar, travel afar. For instance, we may wish to go to India for pilgrimage or say you wish to go to the United States. You would not only need to know how to go, but that you would want the best transportation. Could you go by a ship? Of course. You would have to sit in it for a few months. Ah, but if you take the plane, it would only take you a day. And then, if you have sit in a ship for a few months, when you are in the ocean, you do notknow when a hurricane will strike. Ah! That is very troublesome. For the era now in particular, you are in a world with wars. You have no idea what would happen in a few months. There could be all sorts of things not going your way. Therefore, you must find the best way. Not only would you go by plane, but you would try to see if this airline is pretty safe or if this airline has had a series of problems. Right? It is true for anything that we do, so needless to say for learning Buddhism. Therefore, under this circumstance, what is the way to obtain a human body that has the perfect qualification for training in the teaching? This becomes something that we must especially understand. Therefore, this section tells us exactly this.[09:09]

This is further divided into three parts: the attributes of the fruitions, the effects of the fruitions, and the causes of the fruitions. This says if you wish to obtain this type of a fruitional body, which is like our present medium, a human life of leisure and opportunity, what substance should it have? Another word for substance would be the attributes (good qualities). What type of, or what are the advantageous qualifications? This part describes the advantageous qualifications. Number two would be what are the effects of them? What functions would they produce? Number three would be if you wish to produce this consummate fruitional body, what are the causes and conditions? After understanding this, in a quest for such a body of leisure and opportunity, we will strive in this way in the causal period. Of course then you will certainly obtain the effect. This is the concept that we must first establish [in our minds].[10:06]

Now I would often hear others say, particularly for a time like this in this world, there are lots of confusions in the mundane world. There often are people who are, ah, they talk of spirits and superstitions here and there. No need to mention the non-Buddhists, there are these talks of spirits and superstitions amongst the Buddhists as well. [That is because] we often do not have a good grasp of the principles. As soon as we hear something like this, ahyo, we are tempted. Does Buddhism speak of supernatural powers? We talk about it. Of course we talk about it! But where does the supernatural power come from? It is the inevitable result from you having practiced the teachings accordingly. It is an effect! What should we be truly seeking instead? There, you look for what the causes are. When you understand it, then in our every arising thought in the causal period, we act in accordance in every thought. By having thoughts as such, the body and speech will act accordingly and you will naturally procure this effect. If you do not understand this point in your practice, then I'm sorry, what you do will all be futile, futile! There is no need to mention the minor clairvoyance of communicating with ghosts or a little six-sense, there is absolutely no use for them. This was made very plain and clear in the time when the Buddha appeared in this world. When the Buddha appeared, many who had come close to the Buddha did not derive any benefits! No need to mention Devadetta. Firmly remember the two stories described in the Sutra of Forty-two Section! I will say it again here, one of the stories.

(Translator note: The 'Sutra of Forty-two Sections' generally attributed to Kāśyapa Mātaṇga, v. 迦, and Gobharaṇa, v. 竺, the first Indian monks to arrive officially in China. It was, however, probably first produced in China in the 晉 Chin dynasty. There are various editions and commentaries.)[11:46]

There were two people who lived far away from the Buddha. After hearing about the Buddha, they wished to meet Him. After traveling for some time, they encountered drought and could not find a source of water. We can go a day without eating but it is very difficult to go without water for a day. We may not die of hunger in two to three days, but without water, we would die of thirst. In their journey, they saw an "ox-made pool." In other words, a hollow was created by the foot of an Ox and had collected a small amount of water. The two people saw it. Ah, it did notmatter whether the water was dirty or not, as long as there was water they would drink it. However, there were so many little bugs inside and they could not separate the bugs out.[12:32]

One of them saw it and said, "No, no! If we are going to see the Buddha, Buddha has told us how we should act." Buddha told us, if you want to seek to learn the teachings...for instance, we have gone to the Buddha for refuge. After going to the Buddha for refuge, we must then follow the Buddha's principles to practice. In the past, we do not understand and might make mistakes. But now that we understand. Why do you go to the Buddha for refuge? To be released from suffering and obtain happiness! After you go to the Buddha for refuge, how will you be released from suffering, be alleviated from your suffering and obtain happiness? Eh, you follow the method he instructed and you practice accordingly! In this way. Therefore, from the former, we began to make distinctions among all things in this world and the six realms. We concluded that only the Buddha is our refuge. After you have gone for refuge to the Buddha, that is when you come to know that when you go to the Buddha for refuge, the true refuge is the teaching. So you will follow the teachings to practice. That is what is right.[13:25]

You have to understand this correctly. This person understood it and therefore said, "Ah, Buddha, our purpose is to go see the Buddha. Since Buddha taught us the method to practice, then I am sorry! Even if I die from thirst today, I must follow his teachings." Another person said, "You are so silly. What use would there be if you cannot see the Buddha? We should drink the water first and then we will be able to see the Buddha. Would not our problems be solved then?" As a result, one person insisted on not drinking the water. The other person drank it. The one who did not drink the water died immediately from thirst. If we think from a mundane world person's perspective, we would think this person is so silly! Hey! As a result of this, because he upheld the Buddha's ethical discipline, he was immediately reborn in the heaven. When he was reborn as a deity...the deities have a few special characteristics. He knew this, "Oh, what were the causes that made me come here." He knew for certain the reason for him to be a deity in this lifetime. This is one of the characteristics of being a deity who undergoes a spontaneous birth. Since it was from such a cause, ah! He immediately went to see the Buddha. He met the Buddha.[14:21]

What about the other person? He drank the water and arduously travelled a great distance before he finally met the Buddha. Buddha of course knew what happened! So He asked this person, "Ah, you have travelled from far away with great toil. Where did you come from?" This person was feeling quite miserable and told the Buddha what had happened, that they started as two people.... What did the Buddha say? "You are such a fool! You think you have now seen me! Yet you are a thousand miles away from the Buddha. Take a look at this person next to me." He looked over and sure enough a person stood nearby. He felt that this person looked very familiar. But this person had very delicate features, looked very graceful and had smooth skin. He was incredibly young looking. It would be hard to find someone like that in this world. You would not see someone like that. While he was pondering, the Buddha told him, "There! This is the friend who travelled with you and died of hunger. He died of hunger because he upheld the Buddha's ethical disciplines. As a result, he obtained this. What use is there for you to be seeing me?"[15:19]

Therefore now, we absolutely should not say, "Ah, this person has some supernatural power and that person does something else." So you go and follow him. Can this supernatural power be compared with the Buddha? When you see the Buddha, the Buddha would even tell you that you are a fool! What good is there for you to be doing this! Therefore, if we truly wish to learn Buddhism, we must certainly understand this! Do you understand? Therefore, this is something that you cannot be hasty with. Everyone must absolutely not be hasty, absolutely not be hasty. You must be able to grasp this. Yesterday afternoon, a fellow practitioner came to ask me, "Ah, my karmic obstacles are very weighty now, I must repent, ah, I must recite the Buddha's name..." So I told him that he should thoroughly make up the lessons taught earlier on this commentary. Every principle is taught to us in here because it is the most complete teaching of the Buddha! This is a point that we should fundamentally understand.[16:05]

Therefore, now that we know, if you wish to obtain this type of effect, what should you do in the causal period. Yesterday the most important matter has been explained. Here I will bring the topic up again. Why do I want to bring it up again? Yesterday, I spoke about the vital key to all your practice is the causally concordant consciousness. So then someone asked me, "Ah, those reciting the Buddha's names do not talk about that. Those practicing Zen do not talk about that either." Yes! There are many people who would say, "Ah! You should not make wrongful discernments. But they do not talk about this." What does this mean? You can think through this carefully now. I had put down on the black board the most commonly used practices. We will lay this concept out here for now. You think through this on your own first. You need not think about it now. Just take a look first. And then, for the few minutes that you have between sessions, you can think about it. I will explain it to you either today or tomorrow. If you can think through this yourself, that would be the best! But as I round up your thoughts later [when I explain it to you], you will know how to bring all the different sects of Buddhism together and understand how the method is used for each sect. Otherwise...I will tell you the vital point then.[17:13]

In brief it boils down to this one sentence, "nothing can be separated from the principle of a cause producing a corresponding effect." If you create such a karmic cause, you will be issued such a karmic effect. If you can only understand the cause and effect with respect to the terms of the mundane world, then you can elevate yourself within the six realms. If you can go a step further and understand the ultimate truth, then you can escape cyclic existence. It still depends on this. Now let us go on to take a look. The first one is on the attributes of the fruitions. The fruition here means a type of fruitional body and what its auspicious and beneficial qualifications are.[17:53]

a" The attributes of the fruitions

There are eight fruitions: consummate life span, consummate color, consummate lineage, consummate power, trustworthy words, renown as a great power, being a male, and having strength. Consummate life span

The first point states, this type of person has a consummate life span.[18:03]

is when a virtuous projecting karma from a previous lifetime projects a long life span and you live for the long time that was projected.

The first thing that you need is a long life span, need a long life span. This would happen if the karma done in the previous life was a type of karma that causes a long life span. Why do you need a long life span? When we are cultivating in the teaching, we cannot do that when we are young. You could by the time when you are in your teens. You can learn for 10 to 15 years and reach 30 years of age. But sorry! If your life span is only 20 years, hey, you can do nothing with it. Even if you live up to 30 years old,and you are about to begin your practice. This [short life] would not do [anything for you]. Even if you live up to 35 years old, by this time you have trained and your practice is starting to take some shape, and your life ends! Therefore, the life span must be consummate. This is the first important thing. But is it enough to just have a long life span? It is not enough. Even though the life span may be long, but you could be creating non-virtuous karma all the time. Thus, [if this is so, then] the longer your life span, the more non-virtuous karma you create, and therefore the worse off is your plight.[19:08]

Consummate color is having an excellent body by way of its good color and shape; being pleasant to look at because you do not have incomplete sensory faculties;423 and being beautiful due to being well-proportioned.

This is to have an excellent body, an excellent body. For "shape" and "color", shape means the form is good. The color means it is pleasant to look at. There are many people who have a very dark complexion and when others look at you, ah! It is like charcoal. When we normally look at this person...we are not speaking of the black people! You can just see. There are also people whose skin is just like that. In brief there are many others, if you....not only do they have good form, but their skin is very plush and smooth, like that. The "sensory faculties" must of course be complete. If you are missing an eye or the nose is flattened, or the ears are this way, then it would not work. Why? Because you need others to feel happy when they see you, feel happy when they see you. The most important function for the sensory faculties is for your own training. Other than this purpose, you will also need it to help others. When you try to get along with others, when people see you, they feel happy upon seeing you. Whether you are seeking teachings from others or you are helping others, this will generate a positive effect. Number three:[20:34]

Consummate lineage is having been born with the good lineage that is esteemed and famed in the world.

The third one is the consummate family background. When we talk about this now, [we would say,] "Ah, this person is the descendant of so and so family!" In the older days, [we would say], oh, he is the son of the royal family. Now we would say what reputable family he comes from, not only are there millionaires or billionaires, but the families are well learned, and they have something else...just like that. So then naturally with this kind of family background, people will admire and respect that. Number four,[21:12]

Consummate power is great resources, an abundance of close associates such as relatives, and many helpers.

This is if you are to do anything, you need two things: the first one is the person and the second one is the phenomenon (the resources). The person means people in your household or you friends outside, you need them to help you. Externally, you need resources. And then as such, when you have wealth and resources, you can do what you need to do whether it is for benefiting the self or the others.

Trustworthy words are words that living beings will accept because you are suitable to be trusted not to delude others physically or vocally, and are an authoritative witness in all disputes.

Number five is whether your words make others feel happy as they listen to you. Like that. So for what you speak, you do not oppress others and do not deceive others, and everyone will have faith in you. Not only do they have faith in you, but the way you understand things, the standards by which you make judgments are fair, just, strict and impartial. Everyone is convinced, docile and obedient [to your judgments]. Otherwise, ah, whenever you discuss things, everyone will fight to no avail. Number six.[22:33]

Renown as a great power is to be honored by a great multitude of beings because of your fame and wide acclaim due to your confident generosity and possession of good qualities such as perseverance.

One is renowned as a great power, as a great power. Everyone feels that this person is great. Why? He has this, he has confident generosity. Not only is he generous in wealth but the teaching. When he gives, he has "perseverance". Therefore, people will have faith in him and wish to offer to him.[23:04]

Being a male is to have a male organ. Having strength is, by the power of previous karma, naturally experiencing little injury, no illness, and great enthusiasm arising from this life's circumstances.

Number eight, this is to have great strength. This primarily describes the leverage you obtain from previous karma. Many people talk about medicine now. Medicine is absolutely useful. But we should know that our sickness comes from four types of causes and conditions, four types of causes and conditions. The first one is the imbalance of the four elements. (Translator note: the four elements are earth, water, fire and wind.) The doctor can treat the imbalance of the four elements and you would need the doctor to treat it. The second one is an effect issued by previous karma. The doctors cannot do anything for this. The third one is the disturbances caused by ghosts and deities. The doctors cannot do anything for this either. The fourth one is your own fault, such as you doing something you should not have done. For instance, with our food, we should eat an appropriate amount. But one may not eat appropriately and eat something that he should not have eaten. And then for the weather, he is not aware of it being hot or cold. Therefore, they are things of this sort. There are mainly these four types. One of them has to do with the four elements in which case is treated by the doctor. But actually, the strength that is described here comes primarily by the power of previous karma, by the power of previous karma.[24:28]

I have seen some people when I was little. In my hometown, there was one whom we would call "the saint of Chóngmíng." He was very interesting. He was really magnificent! He had passed the imperial examination at the county level in the late Qing dynasty years. He was truly excellent not just for his scholarly honor but for his rigorous conduct. Ah, everyone admired his moral fortitude. That was why everyone in my hometown called him a saint. There was something peculiar about this person. Though he was a nice person, but he was sick often throughout his life. Yet his mother never had any illnesses. When I met him, he was already almost eighty years old. He was once talking to my father since he was one of my father's teachers. He said, "Ah! The most miserable thing about my life, it is that my mother...." Since he was...people back then were all very filial. He was absolutely filial. Of course as a mom, she was absolutely fond of her son, and he was a very good son. But it was interesting! The mother was never sick and did not know the miseries of a sick person. Yet the son, he had sicknesses all over his body. It was like that.[25:39]

So when I heard this at the time, I really did not understand it. But later, I gradually, gradually understood. I have met many people who seem sick but do not know what they are stricken with. Yet there was another fellow student in school at the time and I still remember him. He was quite remarkable! His body...we would call him a little ox. Why do we call him a little ox? Wherever he went, he would be galloping, running, eating, doing something...like that. If he got hungry, it would not matter if he went hungry for one meal, or even two meals. When he ate, in one sitting, oh, everyone would be feeling stuffed, but he could still eat more and it would not matter. After he finished eating something cold, he could just drink something hot right away. It would not matter either. After he finished drinking something hot, he would eat something frozen, such as a few scoops of ice cream. And he would be fine. There are many other people who would not be able to take this. When we were in the third grade, or perhaps fourth grade, that was the first time, or maybe the second time, we had an epidemic flu. In the beginning, it was the first time that this type of illness became rampant in Taiwan. All of a sudden, a large number of people were sick. During that time in our school, 3/5 of the people were sick. You can imagine that in such a small location, because of the [large number of] teachers and students involved, the school had to take a few days off. We all went to the hospital daily. Oh! He was busy all day long but was never sick. What can you say about this kind of person?[26:54]

So as many people talk about medicine now, I am not trying to negate it, it absolutely has its definitive worth. But we must, especially for those who understand the teaching, we must understand this particular characteristic, understand this particular characteristic. Therefore, this place specifically points out that the great strength described here comes from what? It specifically refers to "the power of previous karma." Therefore, one may have little injury or have no illness. Not only does one have no illnesses, but that he is strong. Because he is strong, he is more enthusiastic in his mind. There are many people who do wish to strive, but as they do, ah! The lower back is sore and there is a headache, wow! One cannot do anything about it. So there are these eight things, these eight things. He then explains it some more.[27:41]

Moreover, the first, consummate life span, is living in a happy realm.

Among these eight things, you must be living in a happy realm. This particularly points to the human realm.[27:49]

The second, consummate color, is the body.

This is the body. Then number three.[27:53]

The third, consummate lineage, is birth.

This is his family background.[27:57]

The fourth, consummate power, is resources and helpers. The fifth, trustworthy words, is being an authority in the world.

What is number five? It is his words. Everyone trusts him. If you wish to do anything in this world, the standard of measurement is this, the standard of measurement. He just needs to say one thing, and everyone else would feel that it is right, it is right. Then things are settled on both sides! For what you need to do, this is important.[28:22]

The sixth, renown as a great power, is fame about such power.

Just like this. For those who come in contact with you of course it is as such. Even for those who have no direct contact with you, they would hear it and ah! Such person is this and this way. This is very important to us. Number seven,[28:35]

The seventh, being a male, is having the capacity for all good qualities.

If we wish to complete all good qualities, it is very important to be a male.[28:43]

The eighth, strength, is having power in your activities.

For the activities you do, you need this qualification.

b" The effects of the fruitions There are eight effects of the fruitions:

1) The effect of consummate life span is that you accumulate much virtuous karma for a long time in terms of working for the welfare of both yourself and others. [190]


So then the next part, this is "the effects of the fruitions." I will particularly explain this. Much like the fruitional body that is described earlier, what are the karmic effects, what are the functions? "There are eight." It is divided into eight categories just as above. "1" is lifespan. It is needed whether you wish to work for the welfare of yourself or others.[29:18]

If you wish to cultivate and accumulate virtuous karma, having the time is very important. Therefore, you need a consummate life span. The second one,[29:31]

2)The effect of consummate color is that merely through seeing you, disciples are pleased and gather around you. They then listen to your words and want to carry out your instructions.

As soon as you see this person you feel happy. You feel happy seeing him. People would often say, "Ah, a good beginning means you are half way to success." When others feel happy as soon as they see you, things become very easy. Like that. Therefore, this point would provide this type of benefit.